What the hell? Help my game went freaking nuts!
What the hell? Help my game went freaking nuts!
I am in developement on Destruction of Jonny Folsom. I have gotten the same graphic quality with BSP geometry. And I have been going through hell to do it.
I have been placing each prerendered graphic into and onto each face in the editor one by one and scaling them to fit each face. (Lots of work)
Now today I open the level to start and it is completly flipping out.
I compile and test and faces are going see through. The frame rate hits rock bottom. I can see through the floor and if I walk forward a bit then all of a sudden it goes back to being a floor only to vanish again after 2 more steps.
Collision is still basicly there but I get stuck in the friggin walls.
What the hell happened?
The last time I worked on it I made changes and compiled but I did not save the changes cuz I didn't like them. Is this the problem.
Man how do I fix this we are talking weeks of lining up those freakin textures. I am close to puttin my fist through the wall and such.
What is it? Why the hell is it doing this? Damnit! this sucks!
I have been placing each prerendered graphic into and onto each face in the editor one by one and scaling them to fit each face. (Lots of work)
Now today I open the level to start and it is completly flipping out.
I compile and test and faces are going see through. The frame rate hits rock bottom. I can see through the floor and if I walk forward a bit then all of a sudden it goes back to being a floor only to vanish again after 2 more steps.
Collision is still basicly there but I get stuck in the friggin walls.
What the hell happened?
The last time I worked on it I made changes and compiled but I did not save the changes cuz I didn't like them. Is this the problem.
Man how do I fix this we are talking weeks of lining up those freakin textures. I am close to puttin my fist through the wall and such.
What is it? Why the hell is it doing this? Damnit! this sucks!
Man ok I calmed down a bit and went back to it.
I even rebuilt a bunch of it.
Took out al the actors.
Tried removing everything non essential in the levels directory.
recompiled. Nope still messed up.
I killed the lst few walls and still no it wornt work.
To be clear it will run.
It just all of a sudden runs like crap and wole sections disapear.
Cielings floors walls. I have no leaks.
What am I missing here?
I even rebuilt a bunch of it.
Took out al the actors.
Tried removing everything non essential in the levels directory.
recompiled. Nope still messed up.
I killed the lst few walls and still no it wornt work.
To be clear it will run.
It just all of a sudden runs like crap and wole sections disapear.
Cielings floors walls. I have no leaks.
What am I missing here?
Oh boy. This happened to me once, several versions of RF ago, when I was working on a level. I just cranked up and everything was all wrong. Textures were all screwed up, and the ground kept disappearing as I walked a round. Trouble is, I can't remember what made it right again. have you exited and re-opened the editor? Man, I just can't remember. As soon as I do, I'll post it. mean time, keep us posted on what you try.
I rebooted to get this problem but that doesn't make sense. I could try again with the rebooting.
I was all set for a full 20 hrs of development and its getting wasted on me trying to save what I have.
I just tried moving all the edges of every solid 1 texel away from each other but nope didn't work.
I have shut down and reopened the editor countless times.
If I lose this I am so not ever bothering with crap bsp geometry again. I thught it was faster to not fast enough to make this worth wile.
Man I hope it something dumb.
BTW on the up side I have a great effect now in the game where lights give a volume like effect shining through dust. I use it on a stained glass window.
fat lot of good it does now. ARG!
Sorry for the emotion but man this blows. I have a deadline now do to me making deals and using this unfieshed game as an example. Stupid.
I was all set for a full 20 hrs of development and its getting wasted on me trying to save what I have.
I just tried moving all the edges of every solid 1 texel away from each other but nope didn't work.
I have shut down and reopened the editor countless times.
If I lose this I am so not ever bothering with crap bsp geometry again. I thught it was faster to not fast enough to make this worth wile.
Man I hope it something dumb.
BTW on the up side I have a great effect now in the game where lights give a volume like effect shining through dust. I use it on a stained glass window.
fat lot of good it does now. ARG!
Sorry for the emotion but man this blows. I have a deadline now do to me making deals and using this unfieshed game as an example. Stupid.
I do not blame you for the emotion one bit, Tab. I have seen your work here on the forum, and you have done things like no one else. Anyone losing all that work would be upsetting, but what you have achieved would cut deeper than most!! I'm very glad your work was recovered, and I can think of no answer as to why it worked. . .but AH-OHH!!. . .that's the mysteries of RF!!!
Keep up the quality work, my friend. All of us take notice.

Keep up the quality work, my friend. All of us take notice.
Hike, if RF bites and everyone has moved on...why are you still here???
I think thats a bit disrespectful for the programmers working on RF.
I believe Nout is still working on RF as are a few others, even if we don't hear from them or get reports on how things are going.
RF still has its uses, even if its only for prototyping game designs.
Its quick to whip something up, and the scripting make it very powerful.
Just lookat Tabs screens for great visuals.
I think thats a bit disrespectful for the programmers working on RF.
I believe Nout is still working on RF as are a few others, even if we don't hear from them or get reports on how things are going.
RF still has its uses, even if its only for prototyping game designs.
Its quick to whip something up, and the scripting make it very powerful.
Just lookat Tabs screens for great visuals.
Hike pops in and out from time to time to post links to tutorials, FAQ's and his Asylum demo - and to take swipes at RF as being worthless. Pay him no mind. People will make up their own minds as to what engine they wish to use, based on their needs and what the package provides. I think RF is terrific, and Nout, QOD, and others are still working on it. I am going to start working back in RF to complete a new project. It may not be as technically beautiful as Tab's work, because he 'has the touch', but RF will afford me the opportunity to do what no other package can right now.
[/quote]and to take swipes at RF as being worthless
I didn't say it was worthless, I said it bites.
The scripting/animating system is good, but the graphics will never have hardware texture and lighting, and the tools blow.
The only demos in 2 years are mine and Tab's,
and Tab needed 200 MB, how many have run it?
Game engine with a future:
Get the June 2 version!
Now, let's not go splittin' hairs doc!I didn't say it was worthless, I said it bites

And for the record, my Castle of the Pharaoh demo was completed in 2004. So that places it within the last 2 years. It was not a technological marvel, but I was proud of my achievement. Your demo finally passed it in downloads. I held the crown for awhile.

Tabs demo is not on the demo's page, that I saw, or I would have d/l'd it. I'll look through his posts for a link. Even when I had dial-up, I would spend a week of nights on a download if I wanted it.
And as to the tools for RF 'blowing', that is a matter of opinion. I happen to like the tools with RF. I have used Worldcraft, Max 6, QRadiant, and I still prefer RFEditPro.
I have mixed feelings here.
So far I have been able to get RF to do what I want but there are MAJOR problems on a content bases. No hardware t&l is a biggie but I think the most diffecult things are,
1. Lack of compression for anything, textures especialy.
2. General speed.
3. Support for a good fast light mapped entities. (With a decent amount of hardware meshes any unreal map goes into the relms of wow.)
4. buggy editor, buggy executables. Well just bugs.
Last but not least all that would be a pain but not quite as much with really good documentation. When I first started I couldn't figure out anything and there should be a bug list somewhere. After the first installment of Destruction of Jonny Folsom I am putting together a support for RF do and donts and a bug list up on FrogFaith. And all the tuts I have been working on. Becuase even now I am still finding bugs and having to go through a ton of dev time getting around them for stability.
Dont get me wrong its great to have something to get startd with but I think I'll eith be hireing someone to work on the engine full time and fix the bugs and add some fuctions or I'll have to switch to something els after the second realese or so. Stability is needed to have the professional feel that we are going for. If I hire out though for work on this engine I'll talk to Quest and see if he is cool with me changing the features. I just havn't diceded. I need to see all this thing can do first.
So far I have been able to get RF to do what I want but there are MAJOR problems on a content bases. No hardware t&l is a biggie but I think the most diffecult things are,
1. Lack of compression for anything, textures especialy.
2. General speed.
3. Support for a good fast light mapped entities. (With a decent amount of hardware meshes any unreal map goes into the relms of wow.)
4. buggy editor, buggy executables. Well just bugs.
Last but not least all that would be a pain but not quite as much with really good documentation. When I first started I couldn't figure out anything and there should be a bug list somewhere. After the first installment of Destruction of Jonny Folsom I am putting together a support for RF do and donts and a bug list up on FrogFaith. And all the tuts I have been working on. Becuase even now I am still finding bugs and having to go through a ton of dev time getting around them for stability.
Dont get me wrong its great to have something to get startd with but I think I'll eith be hireing someone to work on the engine full time and fix the bugs and add some fuctions or I'll have to switch to something els after the second realese or so. Stability is needed to have the professional feel that we are going for. If I hire out though for work on this engine I'll talk to Quest and see if he is cool with me changing the features. I just havn't diceded. I need to see all this thing can do first.
stop your complaining, you all use this engine because its free, if you want to moan then go pay for an engine and say this isnt any good, full of bugs, i want my money back.
i havnt used RF that muchexept world geometry and a few entities + importing meshes but its powerful, i spent a couple of years on and of searching google for a powerful and good programme like this, and found it.
be greatful for what you have or else just go buy a programme!
i havnt used RF that muchexept world geometry and a few entities + importing meshes but its powerful, i spent a couple of years on and of searching google for a powerful and good programme like this, and found it.
be greatful for what you have or else just go buy a programme!
ITs not about complaining. Its about helping with insight.
Reality factory is made from the hard work of those that started it and still work on it and is a great tool. I never said it wasn't.
Everything I have posted including screen shots and the tech demo are there to support and gain support for this engine and all its tools.
My comments above are simply pointing out known and Unknown problems.
If no one ever addressed them they would never be fixed or made clear.
If someone would have been that kind I would have saved weeks of work.
A bug list is not trash talking. Its important to actualy making a project work. How can any one be expected to push the limits of the tool without knowing what the bugs are? I have had to stumble over them one after another becuase no one seems to even know what they all are.
This program is quite awsome and its capabilities are WAY beyond what I see being made here. and the reason people dont use it to its fullest is they dont know how becuase if you start to work seriously on a project with this software the same problems occure as with ANY software. Bugs glitches etc. They can be worke around if you now about them.
There are only a few what look to be small things that are holding the program back from being a reall conteder as a game engine. And mentioning that is also not trash talking. I was under the impression that iproving not only the engine itself but also the level of ability of anyone using it was part of the mission here.
I mean it not like the website advertises "YES YOU TOO CAN MAKE A GAME THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT! YAY!" And I dont think ayone no matter how much work they have done on this free and really cool project wants to say that the engine is never going to improve.
The work I am doing to improve graphic quality mainly involves getting around bugs and forcing the tools to make comercial quality grahics. And then telling others how. Now I dont have to use this tool but I do and I think it can do what I want in making a comercail quality game. The biggest belly acers I see in these forums are the ones that say things like... "Look I know RF cant do THAT so I am going to iether drop my project or move on to another one dumbed down to RF standards."
What I am saying is RF CAN do almost anything if
A. you know what problems you are dealing with.
B. you have support from the team workng on it.
C. You work hard enough.
Now two out of three will get you there. But none and your screwed. Thats why I said what I said and it was and is in the interests of making the engine AS IT IS work better by uding it more efficiently AND in the hopes that the RF community as a whole will help to address these issuse.
I know that was a long post but I hate defensive unhelpfull posts about how people suck and should thank god for whatever they get. Statements like that lack perspective in a big big way.
Sure Bob is amazed with this program he is a full time car salsemen and has no time to do much exept monky about.
But I have worked on graphics for 20+ years. I work on this engine 16hrs a day 4 days a week trying to make a game for my bussiness and livly hood and I have worked with over 15 other engine for other peoplse projects. This is by far the buggyest I have ever used but is not by any means the least capable. RF even buggy as it is has Awsome potential if your willing to trudge through the development and specail effects proccess.
The documentation for RF is by no means impossible to improve, and any one with experiance can do their bit. I know every one says Hey the forum really covers everything if you look. Well sure if you know what your looking for and have it in the right context. But for the most part its the blind leading the blind. I have been fighting tooth and nail to get this project working and I have finally gt it to a place that makes that demo I did look like garbage and it runs smooth with all effects on. But it took sick time and work.
I am givine massive credit to RF for my project and its due. I hope to have my game show what this engine can really do. But that doesn't mean it should be left to die of soft despotism. Criticism is a good thing.
Reality factory is made from the hard work of those that started it and still work on it and is a great tool. I never said it wasn't.
Everything I have posted including screen shots and the tech demo are there to support and gain support for this engine and all its tools.
My comments above are simply pointing out known and Unknown problems.
If no one ever addressed them they would never be fixed or made clear.
If someone would have been that kind I would have saved weeks of work.
A bug list is not trash talking. Its important to actualy making a project work. How can any one be expected to push the limits of the tool without knowing what the bugs are? I have had to stumble over them one after another becuase no one seems to even know what they all are.
This program is quite awsome and its capabilities are WAY beyond what I see being made here. and the reason people dont use it to its fullest is they dont know how becuase if you start to work seriously on a project with this software the same problems occure as with ANY software. Bugs glitches etc. They can be worke around if you now about them.
There are only a few what look to be small things that are holding the program back from being a reall conteder as a game engine. And mentioning that is also not trash talking. I was under the impression that iproving not only the engine itself but also the level of ability of anyone using it was part of the mission here.
I mean it not like the website advertises "YES YOU TOO CAN MAKE A GAME THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT! YAY!" And I dont think ayone no matter how much work they have done on this free and really cool project wants to say that the engine is never going to improve.
The work I am doing to improve graphic quality mainly involves getting around bugs and forcing the tools to make comercial quality grahics. And then telling others how. Now I dont have to use this tool but I do and I think it can do what I want in making a comercail quality game. The biggest belly acers I see in these forums are the ones that say things like... "Look I know RF cant do THAT so I am going to iether drop my project or move on to another one dumbed down to RF standards."
What I am saying is RF CAN do almost anything if
A. you know what problems you are dealing with.
B. you have support from the team workng on it.
C. You work hard enough.
Now two out of three will get you there. But none and your screwed. Thats why I said what I said and it was and is in the interests of making the engine AS IT IS work better by uding it more efficiently AND in the hopes that the RF community as a whole will help to address these issuse.
I know that was a long post but I hate defensive unhelpfull posts about how people suck and should thank god for whatever they get. Statements like that lack perspective in a big big way.
Sure Bob is amazed with this program he is a full time car salsemen and has no time to do much exept monky about.
But I have worked on graphics for 20+ years. I work on this engine 16hrs a day 4 days a week trying to make a game for my bussiness and livly hood and I have worked with over 15 other engine for other peoplse projects. This is by far the buggyest I have ever used but is not by any means the least capable. RF even buggy as it is has Awsome potential if your willing to trudge through the development and specail effects proccess.
The documentation for RF is by no means impossible to improve, and any one with experiance can do their bit. I know every one says Hey the forum really covers everything if you look. Well sure if you know what your looking for and have it in the right context. But for the most part its the blind leading the blind. I have been fighting tooth and nail to get this project working and I have finally gt it to a place that makes that demo I did look like garbage and it runs smooth with all effects on. But it took sick time and work.
I am givine massive credit to RF for my project and its due. I hope to have my game show what this engine can really do. But that doesn't mean it should be left to die of soft despotism. Criticism is a good thing.