so now all that needs to do is send collision of bullets and atribute change.
this is already done in other parts of code such as player i belive as there has to be colision detection for player and enemy bullets, thus i belive copying paart of code and changing part of code will successfuly intergrate multiplayer
for this reason i think people from the community would be able to do this and i would love to help in any way i can.
im no programmer but im taking an educational guess that this may be the code handeling amount of players.
Code: Select all
// ServerClientCycle
// This is the Server and Client processing
// this function is called every 0.05 second from the Windows Timer
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void NetPlayerMgr::ServerClientCycle()
// Server for receiving and redistributing information
if(isServer && !serverstop)
// if not full then check for new connection
change this to a higher number more players?
i think if we put our minds to it a group effort could actualy complete multiplayer as i dont think that too much hard work has to be done, it may seem hard work for us non-programmers but lets give it ago!

im sure many of people including yourselfs would be greatful for it and i dont think its fair relying on other people to do work for us so do it ourselfs i say.