RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
I have Reality Factory working in Ubuntu 18.04. Everything works good. Milkshape and Equity 8x also. You need to run them through Wine and also using wine tricks need to install MFC42.DLL & Msvcirt.DLL 

Re: RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
Good work Bernie as usual.
Equity_8RF0.1 ( Dedicated )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Re: RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
Thanks Terry.
Started motoring now. Running in 64 bit. Also got Equity 10 running perfectly.
Started motoring now. Running in 64 bit. Also got Equity 10 running perfectly.
Re: RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
That is way cool, bernie. It has been years since I dual booted Ubuntu. I always liked it.
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
Re: RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
RF v76 has problems with conversation in Ubuntu, it doesn't respond to key presses. This odd because the keys work fine in the main game ( w s a d e spacebar etc) all work but not in conversation.
Just tried RF v0.78, the engine and demos run but RFEditpro doesn't run, it just refuses to start altogether, probably another DLL missing in wine.
Just tried RF v0.78, the engine and demos run but RFEditpro doesn't run, it just refuses to start altogether, probably another DLL missing in wine.
Re: RealityFactory Runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
I've never used conversation. Isn't it scripted? Perhaps wine can't translate the script? Wine is very touchy.
Probably right about the missing dll.
Probably right about the missing dll.
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!