boss health bar

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boss health bar

Post by Veleran »

What commands should i look for to display a boss health bar like the first castlevania titles,somewhere high on screen whileyou are near the boss and he is still alive?
I wonder how i will set up the hud bar for him.Sounds like a big deal.
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Re: boss health bar

Post by steven8 »

I sure wish I could help you, but I totally stink at scripting. I tried to find a way to do it through the ini files, but I do not see h[w.


Maybe I see a way?

From robot.s:

HEALTHATTRIBUTE [enemy_health] // name of pawns health attribute
HEALTH [100] // initial pawn health
DAMAGEATTRIBUTE [health] // attribute damaged by attack

From HUD.ini

type = horizontal
frame = hud\pumpkin.bmp
framealpha = hud\a_pumpkin.bmp
;indicator = hud\hud_health_oxygeni.bmp
;indicatoralpha = hud\a_hud_healthi.bmp
framex = 10
framey = 10
;indicatoroffsetx = 75
;indicatoroffsety = 0
;indicatorwidth = 160

type = numeric
framex = 57
framey = 98
indicatoroffsetx = 0
indicatoroffsety = 0
font = 7
width = 3

What if you just changed the HUD element to:

type = horizontal
frame = hud\pumpkin.bmp
framealpha = hud\a_pumpkin.bmp
;indicator = hud\hud_health_oxygeni.bmp
;indicatoralpha = hud\a_hud_healthi.bmp
framex = 10
framey = 10
;indicatoroffsetx = 75
;indicatoroffsety = 0
;indicatorwidth = 160

type = numeric
framex = 57
framey = 98
indicatoroffsetx = 0
indicatoroffsety = 0
font = 7
width = 3

Of course, you would have to position it on the screen different from your player health, but might it work?

P.S. - Realize the BMPs being used are from my Pumpkin Jones game, hence the odd titles. :)
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
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