Useful templates,tools -Virgil Max 3 biped scene ,instant actor kit download

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Useful templates,tools -Virgil Max 3 biped scene ,instant actor kit download

Post by Veleran »

I need the Max 3 Virgil mesh and biped template scene. they can find and put it somewhere for download please.
I also need a download links for the actor studio instant actor kit application project,it has the animations list and you can add your own custom ones.
My old computer hard drive crashed before i manage to copy project files and scenes and in case i can not recover the files,i would like them to be put to the downloads please.
I once uploaded them somewhere so they can be saved to the main downloads of the site,and i wonder while they are so necessary, why they were never added to the downloads.
While i still had them,i guess forgot about it for many years and did not upload them somewhere safe for future downloads.
I managed to find again on the internet one of the once important files i lost,the .map exporter script for max 3-4 - Gmax. ... el-builder
It is much easier to use Blender than to find the discontinued Gmax to export quake .map. ... workaround
I hope someone from all users here will still have the templates and post a download link.
Posts: 898
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:22 am
Location: Greece

Re: Useful templates,tools -Virgil Max 3 biped scene ,instant actor kit download

Post by Veleran »

The player mesh with biped skeleton max 3 scene download link was still here in the forum and i downloaded it.
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3993&p=31579&hilit= ... ped#p31579
I uploaded it to my google drive just in case it goes missing again.

Now,i am missing the instant actor kit ,i will use Equity to open the player when i can get back to any projects,even from scratch,in case my old hard drive RF files can not be recovered.
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