Act decompile export Mesh and rotation style

Topics regarding the actor editor Equity
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Act decompile export Mesh and rotation style

Post by Veleran »

Is there a way to avoid manually rotating actors for export before decompiling or later in the modeler import?
Do you have any plans to add in Equity the option to export the mesh as Obj, and to view and export Actors Equity style standing up, instead of the RF view lying down?
I decompiled an older player act from Dark Crypt in Equity to export it as Obj, but the body .bdy mesh imported in Milkshape is laying down on the ground facing down, even if the actor was built and exported standing upright in the modeler.

The pic view is from the Equity_8X Equity style view, which is not available anymore in Equity10, or I missed it somewhere, and the rotation you see did not work in the decompile default rotation.


This is how it imports in MilkShape.
It would help if we can avoid having to go through MilkShape 3D to open actors just for the Obj or even 3ds mesh import export to work with the model in a modeler.
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Re: Act decompile export Mesh and rotation style

Post by Veleran »

Luckily it was easy to rotate it back up in the modeler. I was afraid the pivot would switch to the biped root location high at the pelvis, but the model kept its pivot place at 0 0 0 on the ground and I could rotate it correctly.
Sorry for posting before testing enough.

However, the RF Actor decompile Tool still exports the decompiled mesh as ANSYS .msh mesh,which is not recognized by the modeler yet.
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