Information about book?

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Information about book?

Post by mustafaatall »

can I write abook about RealityFactory075 in another language??

if yes :

what are your conditions for that book?

can I publish acopy of rf075 with this book?

I hope I can do that

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Post by QuestOfDreams »

can I write abook about RealityFactory075 in another language??
What are your conditions for that book?
Yes you may write a book about Reality Factory in any language you want as long as you don't intentionally propagate genocide against a certain group, race, nation or religion existing in today's real world.
(And of course don't use any copyrighted material without the permisson of the author...)
can I publish a copy of rf075 with this book?
Yes, as long as you respect and include the Reality Factory software license.
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