When the pawn is shooted the ragdoll is teleported and forced to assume the rotation/position of the pawn bones, then the ragdoll is made visible while the pawn rendering is turned off.
Now all the ragdoll code works via script, the next step is to rewrite the ragdoll entity and create some script command to unify all the script.
Ehi Nout! Where are you? (Credits are due to Nout).
Awsome vid, I love it ! Will you be putting these scripts on RF for others to use in their own games? If not I understand if you wish to use this technology in your own games only!
all the models are hl2 models from the HL2 demo or fpsbanana.com exported using milkshape. I'm actually using this as standard because we can have tons of models from three or four diferent games: HL2 CS:Source DOD:Source plus all the mods! I have to stop working on this for some week so I'll put somewhere the workfolder for a download.
it's a "composed ragdoll". next the process must be automated by RF code (now is done by script), next step is "skinned ragdoll" but it's more difficult I could think. I'm posting the link of a demo.
Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. - John Carmack