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Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:29 pm
by Grok
aicd99 wrote: ↑Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:33 pm
Can u change player model to have more pologons and have it detailed.
This is as good at modeling as I am.
aicd99 wrote: ↑Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:33 pm
Please support fullscreen
Full screen is supported but it is not the default setting. Full screen is not the way I want the game to be played, but if you want to do it you can change the settings with VideoSetup and/or RealityFactory.ini
Veleran wrote:
...have you posted the link to other forums for more testers,not game developer forums but general game forums of the genre?
I'm not on that many forums. I have a thread about the game on Adventuregamers. I also am on Gamejolt and on, but not very active and not getting much attention.
I do have sent the game to two other persons. Both, like seppgirty, have not been able to open the game. Think I need to have that sorted out before going on trying to get more test players.
seppygirty wrote:
Tried everything i could to fix it, but could not get it to run. Anyone else get it working?
I have downloaded the zip and unziped it and started it on my computer so the file as such should be OK.
Have you installed the codex from the VP6 folder? The different use of codex for the videos is the only thing I think is principle different from what was used in DEMO2.
Have you checked in the RealityFactory.log-file to see where the startup process stops?
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:14 pm
by seppgirty
Have you installed the codex from the VP6 folder?
Yes, i did. Also set to "RUN AS ADMIN" Tried different compatibility modes. Will keep trying.
I think the poly count on the models are fine. Remember that this is and old game engine and can't handle a world of 37k models.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:42 pm
by seppgirty
This is from the RF log file.
Parsed RealityFactory.ini file
Genesis3D Initialized
[INFO] No VFS - Reading from Real File System...
Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Initializing Menu
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
That's it.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:34 pm
by Allanon
I tried the demo and it doesn't work, I think it has to do with the video format. I did install the VP6 decoder that was included with the demo but it still didn't work. I tried opening rfsplash.avi with my default media player but it produced an error, I was able to play it with VCL and Microsoft Media Player. I replaced rfsplash.avi with the original that comes with RF and the demo booted to the main menu. There were other videos that wouldn't play in my default media player so I didn't go any further because I knew it would crash. VLC reports the video codec as Cinepak Video (cvid), I tried installing a few different Cinepak video codecs but none seemed compatible with Windows 10.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:52 am
by Grok
It would seem like it might be a problem with the codex and that the installer I downloaded and included doesn't do the job.
Later today (in about 8 hours or so) I will make an attempt to install the game on a different computer and see if I can learn anything from that.
Remaking the movies with Cinepak is plan B.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:58 pm
by Grok
OK. Good news and bad news
I have installed the game on a different computer. It ran the Genesis3D logo and then broke. Same log as seppgirty got.
I installed the vp6 codex. Didn't make any difference.
I tried a different vp6 codex. Now it also ran the RF logo movie and got on to the menu. That's the good news.
The bad news is that the game crashes when I try to start a new game and also if I try to quit the game.
I do however think this is a different problem and have something to do with that computer being somewhat old an running win98.
When I try to start a new game the log stops at the line
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
When trying to quit, it stops at
Shutting Down Graphics Subsystem...
Writing this I suddenly thought of something, went back to the old machine and changed the video driver setting in the videosetup and now the game started up after the menu as it should. So of right now it is good news - good news.
The video codex I used last you can find here
When I installed it, the installer program said that it already had a newer version of one file, would I like to overwrite that one? To which I replied Yes.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:50 pm
by Allanon
I installed the codec and the demo worked! I am at work so I can't play it but I was able to get past the RF splash screen and watch the demo's opening scene.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:41 pm
by Grok
Allanon wrote: ↑Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:50 pm
I installed the codec and the demo worked! I am at work so I can't play it but I was able to get past the RF splash screen and watch the demo's opening scene.
Great. So glad to hear that. Now just don't go risking your job by playing games at work

Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:19 am
by seppgirty
new codex worked great. got the game running. Game did crash after talking to the chef robot near the bulls..... Game looks great.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:54 am
by Grok
seppgirty wrote: ↑Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:19 am
new codex worked great. got the game running. Game did crash after talking to the chef robot near the bulls..... Game looks great.
Thanks for the feedback. Good that the game now is running for more people

Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:57 pm
by Grok
A couple of notes on the DEMO
Bugs noted, working on and hopefully in time fixed
I will continue to add information in this post as things progress.
The uploaded demo has not been changed. Every thing noted as fixed below is so only on my computer this far.
1. Wrong size.
The demo should have been in a window 640x480. It is in a window 800x600.
This means that 2D images that should have covered the whole screen, such as dialogs with the robots, does not.
This probable happened when I was testing changing size and play fullscreen or windowed, and missed the final change back to my chosen size before turning the folder into a zip.
The settings can be changed manually in the RealityFactory.ini-file
; Fullscreen tells the engine to go full-screen or not
; Width is the width of the game display
; Height is the height of the game display
Setting Fullscreen to true will give you fullscreen mode
2. Background music
I've changed the method for playing the main background music in the space station level.
Originally I played it from the PlayerStart menu in the editor.
Now I am using an AudioSource3D entity that is attached to the player entity. The advantage is that I can turn of the sound at times. I'm now turning of this audio during the intromovie and the 'Rocky-box' movie. I will probably use this method in some other parts of the game.
Now also used for the shooting scene.
3. Wrong 2D background if the player gives in to ambassador Znaurk's demands for the player to quit the mission before it is even started.
4. A reported bug when the player eats a snack from the replicator. Have not yet looked into that.
5. After 'Rocky-box' there is a discussion with the chef. There can be a delay between those events where the player could walk away.
I understand why that can happen. Working on an solution to prevent it from happening.
Sort of fixed. Can still be a delay before the dialog starts but the background is up and the player can not walk away.
6. Titles om the sub-pages of the menu are out of order. Would be because I have excluded some alternatives from the original settings, but have not understood where the titles for the sub-pages are controlled.
7. Add door sound to more doors.
8. possibly laser beams to shoot out scene.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:53 am
by seppgirty
Keep stepping on those pesky bugs.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 1:31 pm
by Grok
I have now added Laser Beams in the shoot out scene
The beam from the players weapon is made with sprites. The pawns beam is a bolt effect.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:41 pm
by seppgirty
Laser beams = sweet!
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:28 pm
by Grok
DEMO4, fixed points in earlier post in this thread. Also added a function that moves the cleaning robot to different parts of the station depending on the players position giving the impression that there are a lot of cleaning robots running around.
I have for some time had an increasing problem with my old computer.
So I have invested in a new one, that I'm now getting up and running.
A strange thing happens when I play the game on the new computer. A wall in the office of the commander turns transparent.
A ship passing outside the window can in the new computer be seen through the wall.
Any idea on what this could depend on?
The two machines have fairly similar Nvidia graphic cards (GeForce 9800 GTX++ / GTX 1050)