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Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:09 am
by scott
no luck!!!

i have done everything you lot have sed and thanx for trying, the only thing i can think of is uploading the files to the net for u guys to have a try but i dont know how to upload files so that they can be then downloaded

i have the actor (.act)
the export body (.bdy) (from milkshape)
and the texture (.bmp)
in a zip folder, if someone could tell me how to upload them ready for downlaod and any other files needed i would be greatfull.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:26 pm
by animatrix
Scott, I just emailed you, i will take a look at your file,

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:23 pm
by scott
thnx, i sent u a reply :D good luck, really hope u can sort it out as im getting desperate. (i need textured actors imported successfully within 2 and a half weeks max for a college assignment) or i will have to try and do my best with ms3d as just videos.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:45 pm
by animatrix
I sent you an act file and email, the texture was not the correct size, I changed it to 512 by 512 and exported act file, tested ok in viewer.
The cube act exported from milkshape and from the actor build program.
you should not have any problem..

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:55 pm
by scott
i am so so... so sorry about that, i am kicking my self now, it was an old texture, and in the same folder there was a jpeg version, so i just thought i had correctly coverted them, but i didnt i had just converted them to bmp and forgot to do the size, omg!!!! i am so stupid.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:39 pm
by animatrix
:wink: it happens..

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:39 pm
by scott
wel now im getting them into Rf i have noticed that it only takes the texture, it doesnt take the ambient, specular, diffuse and emmisive coulours through, i am just wondering how you would do this.
and also doesnt take the sphere mapping either, just takes it as a normal texture.

im sure i saw the option for the ambient for the model within the entitiy options.

and im guessing that the specular comes from lights positiond in the room.

im not sure on the diffuse and emmesive, and how would u do the sphere mapping as i rmember it being mentiond beffore but cant rmember where.

if these questions are answerd i should be able to easly import actor files into rf then. :D

thanx for all your help so far, the forum is great!!!

P.S. how do you create alpha maps? i have paintshop pro, but not sure how to get the alpha map on a tga