You have that cool light shinning effect figured out?!!! I asked about that awhile ago!!! HOW IS IT DONE??!!!!Tabulanis wrote:
BTW on the up side I have a great effect now in the game where lights give a volume like effect shining through dust. I use it on a stained glass window.
Now my little rant section:
RF is a good basic game making program. Sure its got bugs, and a limit on capibilites and requires some scripting knowledge to do most of wat you want it to do, but its the ONLY, and I mean the ONLY COMPLETELY FREE GAME MAKING SOFTWARE OUT THERE WORTH WHILE. I am using RF because 2 years ago when I decided to go 3D with game making, this is the only software that I could trust and seemed possible to learn and use. RF's main point is its free. Everything in this game making world is expensive! TrueSpace 7.7(latest version) is $799, 3DS max costs around the same amount. Game Studio 6 costs $199, and thats the only software I could find compareable to RF. Sure its more advanced, but $199 for a simple hobby project?! I'll take the free software with the bugs and nice forums. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you need to take RF for what its worth. If you are really so tired of working with it, good luck finding an equivelent. I searched for game making software just like RF before I found it for 3-4 hours a day for five days in a row, so good luck if you have RF issues that you can't resolve. Be patient. RF is advancing, and a promising RF2 is under development. I say, if you are fed up with this RF, search the net for some people to help Andy code the next generation of this miracle software. *seriously, he needs help so just do that anyway *