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Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:11 am
by steven8
Thank you. In the meantime, learn all you can about Rf as it stands, and it will be great to have your input on users questions.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:56 am
by scott
oops sorry no, i didnt mean that, andy is almost on his own, if i could help him i would but unfortunatly i have no programming skills, but i read these forums as often as possible and im just repeating what people have already talked about. for more informations read as much as the forums as possible, if its about RF2 heres a suggestion i made




as you can see you dont exactly need a game engine to start creating games.

also most of what you ask is in Reality Factory itself, so give it a try you will find that even thogh its an old engine its still a good one. better than some out their and its free wich is good, with no licensing, this is the ONLY game engine i know of that lets you publish a complete game for free.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:57 pm
by AndyCR
Yes, I believe you misunderstood him. What he meant I said was that right from the start of RF2 I have said this:

'If I cannot finish this, do not be disapointed. There is a very slight chance of that, and do not want to be burned at the stake if I cannot.'

I am still working on it, as is David. We are about to make another release as soon as we get threading in, which is a major step for RF2. It's very much still alive.

Everything Scott said is true, it is just that the part about me PERHAPS not being able to finish RF2 could be easily misread, as apparently you did.

I loved the video. Excellent examples, and you put alot of work into showing me what you wanted to see in RF2. Everything I saw is as far as I can see possible with RF2 and a little Python scripting.

I would like to thank you for the work you put into it, and feel free to do more in the future if you have more features you would like to see.

When the editor is ready, I will contact you for testing, if you would like. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:31 pm
by MakerOfGames
Irrlect now has a level editor/creator.
Found here at this site:

It was released on the 20th of July and I havent heard anyone mention this bit of information on the forums yet so I am not sure if its known to exist or not by this community.

And again, the Irrlicht web site:

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:13 pm
by msx

I'm glad you took the time to watch the video and got an idea of what I would like to see possible. I am excited about the possibilties of RF2 and the python scripting. Yes when you all get the level editor in alpha or beta stage and need a tester I would be happy to give you all feed back. =D

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:20 pm
by msx

Nice editor, though I didn't see where terrian cold be made with it, maybe one those deals where the terrain has to be made with another program (maya, 3dsm, milkshape) and then imported(?).

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:23 am
by MakerOfGames
Just downloaded and installed it and it has add terain like adding a basic shape in RFEDIT. However, I could not load a terrain file because it could not read a file it needs to referance? I got this error:
Could not load terrain, because file could not be opened.:

I dont know, sounds like it will have the nice terrain to edit with this function.

And becase the file size isnt listed on the site, irredit is 1.9megs.

Its a really neat editor. Says it loads bsp files too but I cant see them when loaded. Everything is black. It is a very new tool. I am sure in a few months it will be working much better. So, as of now terrain and bsp files arnt working from what I tried. Give it time. It seems like it is the answer to our problems. Its just too early in development, its only version 0.2.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:46 am
by AndyCR
Yes, I have had my eye on IrrEdit. It is promising, but would need alot of work to get up to the standards the RF2 editor will need to have. However, it is, as you mentioned, very new. It may be up to that standard by the time RF2 needs an editor.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:52 am
by MakerOfGames
If all else fails, you can customize scripts for it. Found here:

Scripts are written in another programming language called Squirrel. So I guess you could customize it that way? I dont know, I am no programmer, nor have I read up on that subject on irredit. I just hope that in a while irredit will have or surpass what RF2 needs. That way it will save the RF2 dev team time from making another world editor.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:30 pm
by paradoxnj
IrrEd is a scene editor. It does not create geometry, it loads it. While this is good to use, Andy is probably better off writing a Genesis .map importer or 3DT parser to get world geometry into RF2. This should provide mappers a familiar environment to work with for now and act as a base to a converter for a new level format.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:48 pm
by GD1
I agree with paradoxnj. This is the situation my team has right now. Importing geometry into a scene editor can be a pain since you have to do all that extra math for size and coordinate conversions. While you can usually achieve a more graphically rich look this way, it can really be a pain and i dont see any casual developers sticking with that.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:41 pm
by psYco
My RF2 wish list only has 1 thing on it! Not because I dont want more from RF2 but because the rest I think has already been mentiond and is kninda already thought of!

my wish list:

1. We need a better ''fighing system'' creating melee weapons in RF has always been tricky and hard to get working and when it does work its usually quite ineffective, so one thing I would like to see in RF2 is a better way of giving damage to the enemy characters and a bit of focus on melee and even mabey the 3rd person weapons system should be re-looked at since that too is very mportant in games and I just dont think it realy does the rest of the game justice. :)

Wow for just one wish i managed to say alot!

Thanks and BTW I am very happy with RF as is but I jsut think these are areas for possible improvement! (unless you were planning on revamping these systems anyway)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:39 am
by Juutis
Yeah! The current melee system kinda sucks. But since it's possible to customize every aspect of RF2 with Python (...right?), I don't think it will be a problem.

But a working melee system can be done with RF1 too.
I've managed to create a system where the characters take damage when the blade of a sword hits them. I'm using it in my RPG.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:52 pm
by GD1
the problem with a melee system is that every one is unique. it would be almost impossible to make a system that would work for every game. the best solution is probably a customizable player system based off of modular scripts. which is probably how he will do it.