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the reasons...
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:05 am
by gekido
This is pretty much a good example of how to NOT get your game optimized for RF.
All of my textures in the game are waaay too big. I should be using like 128x128 textures for the terrain, i think they are like 512x512 or something ridiculous. This goes across to character textures, weapon textures you name it.
If I had the time to go through and resize & rebuild all of the actors in the game it would probably run reasonably, but it's just something I don't have time to do.
This is why I posted the SDk as well - if someone wants to go through and optimize the textures as an experiment, this would run ok.
With that said, I ran CWC on my new laptop and it actually ran ok - of course it has a 3 gig 64 bit processor in it with a gig of ram, but still...I was actually surprised that it did run good ;}
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:22 am
by wiseman2
actually i got the setup downloaded, and am getting the sdk... I'll get them up and put them into more manageable downloads too....
let you know when it's done.
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:22 am
by gekido
sounds good
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:01 am
by wiseman2
Got the demo up on my server now... it's broken down into an 11 part self extracting archive with most of the files at 6.2 mb....
here ... php?cid=18
still putting the sdk up but should be done tomorrow or the next day....
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:29 pm
by Guest
Is this demo a very early version of this game?
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:45 am
by GD1
(imitating Meatwad's voice) Aw, HECK NO!
trust me, no has made anything that pretty in RF. And judging by the fact Gek hasn't mentioned this, and that the other game is copyrighted to Mindware Studios, not GDGi or Veggie Games, i'd say there's no association at all.
honestly though, everything in that picture is possible in RF (except for the post-processing effects like depth-of-field and anti-aliasing). Someone just needs to put some real devotion into a solid concept. No one gets anywhere by doing three projects at once, which is what almost all of us here who do have experience in game dev are doing. We need to get it together.
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:04 am
by AndyCR
(sorry to go offtopic and correct you, GD1, but at least using ati drivers, if you set antialiasing in driver options it seems to work in rf perfectly, though i could just be imagining aa is on)
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:11 am
by GD1
doh... yeah, your right, i forgot about that. AA will work if you set FSAntiAliasing = 1 in the d3d24.ini
sorry about that. but for the most part, eveything in those screens in completely possible in RF, my point was it just takes a team with skill and commitment, as well as good communication.
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:24 am
by ZenBudha
Yeah I've gotten some decent results with RF while maintaining a solid 50-60fps.
However to get one level looking that good and optomized takes probably a week or more depending on how many times I have to redo it to suit my wants.
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:57 pm
by GD1
yep, it takes a LOT of work.
But things like this are good to look at, because they show us what we should be doing. like the way they cut chunks out of the concrete walls. RF can do that, and RF can make it look just as good, but i never would have thought of it.
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:41 pm
by SithMaster
Thats the game alone. Been wondering if you cancelled it or not. do you still need an escape pod for it?
Right now im trying to make a game by myself and it does take time especially when you dont do anything but i may be getting a friend to help.
has anyone seen ghost in a shell the first movie? well at the end theres a scene with a tank and it tears up concrete pillars and i wanted to do that in my game kinda like geo mod levels ala red faction. so youd be behind the pillar and bit by bit it crumbles from a chain gun. might still use that idea if only for a dramatic fight but not for normal gameplay.