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Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:59 pm
by Sudi
U r probably right feddon but right now i have to get the stuff to work before i can do anything...hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:54 pm
by GD1
Please watch you language, many young children visit this site. ;)

I wasn't suggesting that he shouldn't make the game how he wants to make it. If he wants to go ahead with the porn idea then thats fine by me, but I also know that will limit his audience. Many people do smoke weed in school, and many principles/teachers look at porn, even in the classroom. But that doesn't make it less objectionable.

And don't think I'm just trying to stop him from doing something because it's against my beliefs, I watch stuff on TV that includes similar content all the time (ATHF, Robot Chicken, Chappelle's Show), the reason I said what I did is because RF has a bad reputation, and when someone makes another game with adult-only content it only serves to slap RF in the face. And remember, RF is a free tool, the developers ask nothing back from us, so how can we do that to them. But anyone still has the right to do that, that is the dissadvantage of the open-source license, and why many shy away from it. But if he wants to make a game like that, no one is going to stop him, heck, we will probably even help him, because it's his right to do so.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:58 pm
by Sudi
Did u ever watch dragoball? remeber the turtel guy?ok and now think how funny that was and how many young children are watching that stuff too....
an where is the bad reputation???ok whtever lets stop this about the one thing in the game i can change that or not when i come to that point of the please stay on topic....btw my scanner is still having issues and i cant scan my scetches.....have to find another way.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:56 pm
by Sudi
I made some improvements on the gameplay and on my effect stuff...ok the level still is just a plane with a skybox....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:14 pm
by animatrix
Anyone can crap, try laying a golden egg instead....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:14 am
by Lupus
Ah... The pleasure, and the pain, of freedom of expression...

Personally... I wouldn't use weed as a recovery element (I know better... And those who don't won't find it funny...)

As for the principal's porn collection... That reminds me of "Donnie Darko."
And I believe it could be used in a similar fashion, such as using it as evidence to provoke the authorities to throw the book at him(However, this would most definitely require a mature rating... As common porn is legal, it would have to be porn of an "illegal" nature. Children don't need to hear about things like that...)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:09 pm
by Microman171
BTW I'm only 12. Don't worry guys I am old enough to understand but (this is my opinion) I think that drugs and porn is stupid (No Offnce Sudi) and BTW what is Illegal porn??

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:17 pm
by Kamazy
Hey the idea is OK but why is he collecting porn.
If i were you i would make it something like this.
How about the prinsipil is turning everyone in to sex zombies with some kind of mind controling porn and he has to collect it to stop them.
The drugs idea is fine but insted of giving him health how about it gives him speed super human fighting invinsability but costs health thats more realistic and it wont promote drugs.
For health soda,beer,vorka etc... would be fine.
also weapons like a baseball bat, chain saw, some thing he might really find in real life you can put some shotguns or machine guns but make him find them around the game.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:28 pm
by Sudi
Kamazy wrote: How about the prinsipil is turning everyone in to sex zombies with some kind of mind controling porn and he has to collect it to stop them.
Sry dude but that idea just sounds....hmmm.....just wrong!!!!!
But ok if everyone thinks it is bad to use it i change it.......but i think i already said that....reading rest of the thread would be usefull before
anyways i was thinking about the speed and and power up thing instead of health, too. and i probably will do that....btw the way this project just changed engines so it would be offtopic to post here any i'm using irrlicht for the grafic other words bye!
maybe i will come back sometime when i can figure out how to use the config and script system of the engine.....until then i'm coding everthing myself in the irrlicht engine.
Here a pic from that version with i'm farther than i got with

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 11:51 am
by Kamazy
OK bye. But you'll be back then the next version of RF is out.
Just gat a look at irrlicht look OK maybe better than the current version of RF but the next will be better that it.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:07 pm
by Kamazy
WOW :shock: . Irrlicht kick ass. Sorre RF :cry: but the reality is that it is better.I might change but not right now.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:20 pm
by animatrix
do you have to program Irrlicht ? I was wondering about it, looked like you have to code to make a basic game, is this true? is it all in one and you work with an editor and then just hit compile exe? I would like to know from anyone that has used it, thanks :)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:20 pm
by QuestOfDreams
WOW . Irrlicht kick ass. Sorre RF but the reality is that it is better.
well... the author is from austria... so what did you expect? :D
just joking ;-)
do you have to program Irrlicht ?

for more information on irrlicht you may look at

Since this thread is going off topic now, I'll lock it. Fell free to discuss the irrlicht engine in a new topic.