- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
I realy shouldnt waste your time asking stupid questions but I'm such a newbie at this program... I jope you dont mind. I dont know what 'script' you want me to open... Is it the Pawn.ini one or the flashlight.s. I thought that it was the flashlight.s but when i open it it says open with program. I tried opening it with the script editor but it anly has a bracket there... What do I do? I apprieciate your help soooooo much!
No, I don't mind a bit. You're not wasting my time. I'm glad to be able to help. 
The files in the 'scripts' folder with '.s' extension are scripts. The ones in the 'install' folder aren't.
You can open the script files with any text editor. I personally prefer notepad. But if you decide to use the script editor, it's OK too. There should be a '+' near the bracket, click it and the brackets should "open". Then you can see the actual script.

The files in the 'scripts' folder with '.s' extension are scripts. The ones in the 'install' folder aren't.
You can open the script files with any text editor. I personally prefer notepad. But if you decide to use the script editor, it's OK too. There should be a '+' near the bracket, click it and the brackets should "open". Then you can see the actual script.
Pain is only psychological.
WOW I just saw those new screenshots and your game looks REALLY good. Nice work man! 

My Deviant Art -
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
Thank you! I have another query. I want a door to open from one side only and not from the other. I was wondering if i could make like a trigger on one side of the door that opens it when you touch the trigger. Can I do this? If I can please explain how. Thank you Psyco for you comment I have put alot of work into this game and I hope it turns out great. Thanks
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
I finnished the story and most of the Manual for PROJECT: Xenon... Here it is. i would apprieciate it if you did read it as I have put alot of work into it and hearing some feedback would be great.
_______ _______ ______ _________ _______ _____ _________
| ___ \ | ___ \ / ___ \ (__ _____) / ______) / ___) (____ ___)
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| _____/ | ____/ | | | | | | | ______) | | | | O
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| | | |\ \__ | \__-/ | | \__| | | |_____ \ \___ | | O
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I. = Story
II. = Characters
III. = Controls
I. Story
In the year: 2042
The Institute of science and research (ISR) of Beijing was an innocent research facility to the public eye. But deep below the buildings floor was a more advanced and lethal research facility. Working for the military the scientists and staff working in this underground building were building and creating weapons to assist the Chinese Army. Not all of the weapons were guns and gadgets but also drugs and chemicals that aid the troops in severe situations. A new project was running in the building that was based on the regeneration of brain cells and other vital organ cells. This project was called PROJECT: Xenon. It was an anti-virus that reversed the effects of meningitis and other viruses that causes depletion of brain and other vital cells. The only downside to the anti-virus was that its effects were very limited and did not regenerate all parts of the body such as skin cells and muscle tissue. Effectively bringing back the dead but still keeping the injuries they sustained which could be treated later. For years the scientists in the ISR had been perfecting the anti-virus until finally they felt that it was at the best it could be and decided to test it on an actual dead body. The body they were testing the anti-virus on belonged to Yokohiri Xenon, an ex-sergeant of the Chinese Army. Things were looking good for the team of scientist working on project Xenon as there seemed like nothing could go wrong. One thing that bothered them though was the fact that once Xenon was missing part of his skull and torso. Once revived he would sustain extreme pain. To solve this problem the scientists injected along with the anti-virus a large amount of adrenaline and strength enhancing drugs to help Xenon deal with the pain until they recovered his injuries.
The anti-virus was injected and the scientists around Xenon’s body waited anxiously to see the result. Years of planning and perfecting had gone into this project and this was the one moment to see if it was all worth it. After waiting for over an hour the equipment connected to Xenon’s body showed no signs of life and a feeling of disappointment fell upon the crew. Just as the Scientists were about to rap things up and spread the bad news a faint cough came from the mouth of Xenon. Both scared and excited the team of scientist watched the body closely standing still in their tracks. Another cough expelled but this time followed by a beep indicating a heart beat. Another and another followed slowly getting faster. Soon the beat was steady. Beep, beep, beep, beep. Then to the excitement of the scientists Xenon’s hand twitched. Looking at each other then back at the body the crew was extremely thrilled and gob-smacked. The hand twitched again then shortly after, slowly clenched into a fist followed by the other hand. With what seemed like a small struggle, the body sat up with its head tilting forward at the ground. To the scientists pleasure and anxiety Xenon’s head tilted up and then slowly looked at all of the other living people in the room. A look of curiosity and innocence was plastered on the face of Xenon. This expression soon changed as the face grimaced at the scientists who now were worried as the heart-rate of Xenon increased rapidly. Beep, beep, beep, beep. He now began breathing rapidly and seemed to be filled with extreme anger. His heart-rate continued rising violently and the bandages covering Xenon’s wounds slowly filled with blood due to this heart overload. One of the scientists knew something was wrong and approached Xenon with a needle filled with a drug to calm him down. The needle just contacted Xenon’s arm when he swung it at the Scientist with immense strength and speed. He was thrown back and hit a large glass cabinet containing test tubes and ampoules. Another scientist approached Xenon in an effort to calm him down. The monster grabbed him and threw him through a nearby window, shattering it. Xenon then leapt off the bench charging towards another scientist. He tackled the man down and ripped open his neck with his teeth. While the monster was feasting on the man’s body the other scientist ran from the operating theater in attempt to save his life. His name was Professor Ben Cole. The now zombie Xenon moved from body to body ripping them apart and feeding on the victims flesh. Once Xenon had finished feasting on the bodies he broke off a ventilation cover and crawled through the buildings air-con system looking for new victims.
24 hours later…
You are training in the headquarters of the Australian Special Operations Association when General Jordan Eden, your commanding general approaches you hurriedly.
“Agent Smith!” He says, “Come with me to my office at once!” You follow him into his office and sit down at a desk with a few papers on it and a tape recorder.
“Agent Smith. We received a distress call from the Institute of Science and Research of Beijing.”
“Well… I’ll let you make up your own mind” General Eden swivels the tape recorder around and presses play. For a little while there is silence until a few tapping noises then a voice.
“Help! Help! Project Xenon has gone mayday! Repeat. Project Xenon has gone mayday! We need help… Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them! It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill! We need to exterminate them! Send a bomb squad or something just please…” then it cuts out and all you hear is static. You think for a while.
“What is he talking about?” You ask.
“We don’t know.” Your General replies.
“Well what’s Project Xenon then?”
“We don’t even know that… All the information in that building is strictly confidential. All we know is that something went wrong there and we need to find out what.”
“So you’re sending me?”
“Yes! We don’t know what to expect to find there so I’m sending the best!”
“What do I have to do?”
“I’m sending you into the building with a C-4 Implosive charge. I want you to go to the bottom floor of the building and see what has happened. If something has gone wrong and it is as bad as the emergency call said then I want you to set the charge at the base of the building and then get out so I can detonate it.”
“Won’t the charge affect the people and buildings around the Institute… I mean… A C-4 packs quite a punch.”
“The charge wont affect any civilians or buildings around the Institute as the base of the building is 25 meters below sea level. The charge will implode sinking the building below the surface. We will then tell the people of Beijing that it was only an architectural problem.”
“An underground Facility?”
“See! Your not just a pretty face agent!”
“What if things get bad? I mean… I’m going in alone aren’t I?”
“Yes you are.” Suddenly the door behind you opens and two soldiers walk in.
“Agent Smith. This is Agent Harrison and Agent Hilton, both specially trained agents like yourself. I’m sending you in alone to start with but if things get crazy I’ll send these two in as backup. That is all men. We leave at 1800 hours.”
You, Agent Hilton and Agent Harrison enter the hangar of the Australian Special Operations base and shortly after, fly to Beijing in a helicopter flown by General Eden. Upon arrival you enter the building and slowly make your decent. Armed with only an MP5 sub-machine gun and the implosive charge, you start to hope that It was just a false alarm. The further you go down into the building the darker it gets. Soon you can only see the few meters in front of you, lit up by your torch. You make it all the way to the bottom of the building with no worries at all. Placing the charge in a lab on the bottom floor you begin to make your accent. Already craving to see the daylight again…
II. Characters
Agent Mark Smith.
A Tall, Fit Agent who has proved his skill and honour on many occasions. Often considered the best Agent in the Association Mark is by far the most fearless soldier in Australia.
Agent Scott Hilton.
A Vital member in any special operations crew, Scott is cunning and smart and always seems to find a way out of sticky situations. Widely known for his laid-back attitude Scott Often refers to firing weapons and killing with perfect accuracy as ‘Just doing his job.’
Agent Nick Harrison.
Strong and muscular this agent is commonly thought to have given the term ‘killer instinct’ a whole new meaning. Showing no fear or pain, Nick is a true warrior. Handy with a fire-arm Nick is almost unstoppable as not only can he hit a rat from 50 meters away but his brute strength often comes in handy.
Commanding General Jordan Eden.
Although a veteran in military, Eden is no where near his used-by date. Commonly misunderstood as the bad-ass General, Eden is strict but fair. Many of his soldiers have been pushed past there limits by Eden but soon earn the respect and friendship of their excellent Commanding General.
Professor Ben Cole.
Growing up in Australia Ben was always a whiz when it came to science. Offered a job in the military Ben could not refuse. Working hard for many years Ben wondered if it was a waste of time. When soon all his work paid off as he was sent to the highest ranked military research Institute in Beijing.
General Xenon.
The Highest ranked General in the Chinese army, Xenon is skilled in all forms of combat and killing. Dying from a grenade accident in a war with France, Xenon was missed by the majority of China. Being such an important and respected soldier, Xenon seemed to be the perfect person to test the anti-virus.
III. Controls.
W: Walk Forward
S: Walk Backward
A: Strafe Left
D: Strafe Right
1-9: Select Weapon
R: Reload
C: Crouch
Space Bar: Jump
Esc: Enter Game Menu
Move: Look
Left Mouse Button: Fire Selected Weapon.
_______ _______ ______ _________ _______ _____ _________
| ___ \ | ___ \ / ___ \ (__ _____) / ______) / ___) (____ ___)
| |___| | | |___| | | / \ | | | | |_____ / / | |
| _____/ | ____/ | | | | | | | ______) | | | | O
| | | | \ | | | | | | __ | | | | | |
| | | |\ \__ | \__-/ | | \__| | | |_____ \ \___ | | O
|_-| |__| \___) \-_____-/ \_____ / \_______) \_____) |__|
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I. = Story
II. = Characters
III. = Controls
I. Story
In the year: 2042
The Institute of science and research (ISR) of Beijing was an innocent research facility to the public eye. But deep below the buildings floor was a more advanced and lethal research facility. Working for the military the scientists and staff working in this underground building were building and creating weapons to assist the Chinese Army. Not all of the weapons were guns and gadgets but also drugs and chemicals that aid the troops in severe situations. A new project was running in the building that was based on the regeneration of brain cells and other vital organ cells. This project was called PROJECT: Xenon. It was an anti-virus that reversed the effects of meningitis and other viruses that causes depletion of brain and other vital cells. The only downside to the anti-virus was that its effects were very limited and did not regenerate all parts of the body such as skin cells and muscle tissue. Effectively bringing back the dead but still keeping the injuries they sustained which could be treated later. For years the scientists in the ISR had been perfecting the anti-virus until finally they felt that it was at the best it could be and decided to test it on an actual dead body. The body they were testing the anti-virus on belonged to Yokohiri Xenon, an ex-sergeant of the Chinese Army. Things were looking good for the team of scientist working on project Xenon as there seemed like nothing could go wrong. One thing that bothered them though was the fact that once Xenon was missing part of his skull and torso. Once revived he would sustain extreme pain. To solve this problem the scientists injected along with the anti-virus a large amount of adrenaline and strength enhancing drugs to help Xenon deal with the pain until they recovered his injuries.
The anti-virus was injected and the scientists around Xenon’s body waited anxiously to see the result. Years of planning and perfecting had gone into this project and this was the one moment to see if it was all worth it. After waiting for over an hour the equipment connected to Xenon’s body showed no signs of life and a feeling of disappointment fell upon the crew. Just as the Scientists were about to rap things up and spread the bad news a faint cough came from the mouth of Xenon. Both scared and excited the team of scientist watched the body closely standing still in their tracks. Another cough expelled but this time followed by a beep indicating a heart beat. Another and another followed slowly getting faster. Soon the beat was steady. Beep, beep, beep, beep. Then to the excitement of the scientists Xenon’s hand twitched. Looking at each other then back at the body the crew was extremely thrilled and gob-smacked. The hand twitched again then shortly after, slowly clenched into a fist followed by the other hand. With what seemed like a small struggle, the body sat up with its head tilting forward at the ground. To the scientists pleasure and anxiety Xenon’s head tilted up and then slowly looked at all of the other living people in the room. A look of curiosity and innocence was plastered on the face of Xenon. This expression soon changed as the face grimaced at the scientists who now were worried as the heart-rate of Xenon increased rapidly. Beep, beep, beep, beep. He now began breathing rapidly and seemed to be filled with extreme anger. His heart-rate continued rising violently and the bandages covering Xenon’s wounds slowly filled with blood due to this heart overload. One of the scientists knew something was wrong and approached Xenon with a needle filled with a drug to calm him down. The needle just contacted Xenon’s arm when he swung it at the Scientist with immense strength and speed. He was thrown back and hit a large glass cabinet containing test tubes and ampoules. Another scientist approached Xenon in an effort to calm him down. The monster grabbed him and threw him through a nearby window, shattering it. Xenon then leapt off the bench charging towards another scientist. He tackled the man down and ripped open his neck with his teeth. While the monster was feasting on the man’s body the other scientist ran from the operating theater in attempt to save his life. His name was Professor Ben Cole. The now zombie Xenon moved from body to body ripping them apart and feeding on the victims flesh. Once Xenon had finished feasting on the bodies he broke off a ventilation cover and crawled through the buildings air-con system looking for new victims.
24 hours later…
You are training in the headquarters of the Australian Special Operations Association when General Jordan Eden, your commanding general approaches you hurriedly.
“Agent Smith!” He says, “Come with me to my office at once!” You follow him into his office and sit down at a desk with a few papers on it and a tape recorder.
“Agent Smith. We received a distress call from the Institute of Science and Research of Beijing.”
“Well… I’ll let you make up your own mind” General Eden swivels the tape recorder around and presses play. For a little while there is silence until a few tapping noises then a voice.
“Help! Help! Project Xenon has gone mayday! Repeat. Project Xenon has gone mayday! We need help… Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them! It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill! We need to exterminate them! Send a bomb squad or something just please…” then it cuts out and all you hear is static. You think for a while.
“What is he talking about?” You ask.
“We don’t know.” Your General replies.
“Well what’s Project Xenon then?”
“We don’t even know that… All the information in that building is strictly confidential. All we know is that something went wrong there and we need to find out what.”
“So you’re sending me?”
“Yes! We don’t know what to expect to find there so I’m sending the best!”
“What do I have to do?”
“I’m sending you into the building with a C-4 Implosive charge. I want you to go to the bottom floor of the building and see what has happened. If something has gone wrong and it is as bad as the emergency call said then I want you to set the charge at the base of the building and then get out so I can detonate it.”
“Won’t the charge affect the people and buildings around the Institute… I mean… A C-4 packs quite a punch.”
“The charge wont affect any civilians or buildings around the Institute as the base of the building is 25 meters below sea level. The charge will implode sinking the building below the surface. We will then tell the people of Beijing that it was only an architectural problem.”
“An underground Facility?”
“See! Your not just a pretty face agent!”
“What if things get bad? I mean… I’m going in alone aren’t I?”
“Yes you are.” Suddenly the door behind you opens and two soldiers walk in.
“Agent Smith. This is Agent Harrison and Agent Hilton, both specially trained agents like yourself. I’m sending you in alone to start with but if things get crazy I’ll send these two in as backup. That is all men. We leave at 1800 hours.”
You, Agent Hilton and Agent Harrison enter the hangar of the Australian Special Operations base and shortly after, fly to Beijing in a helicopter flown by General Eden. Upon arrival you enter the building and slowly make your decent. Armed with only an MP5 sub-machine gun and the implosive charge, you start to hope that It was just a false alarm. The further you go down into the building the darker it gets. Soon you can only see the few meters in front of you, lit up by your torch. You make it all the way to the bottom of the building with no worries at all. Placing the charge in a lab on the bottom floor you begin to make your accent. Already craving to see the daylight again…
II. Characters
Agent Mark Smith.
A Tall, Fit Agent who has proved his skill and honour on many occasions. Often considered the best Agent in the Association Mark is by far the most fearless soldier in Australia.
Agent Scott Hilton.
A Vital member in any special operations crew, Scott is cunning and smart and always seems to find a way out of sticky situations. Widely known for his laid-back attitude Scott Often refers to firing weapons and killing with perfect accuracy as ‘Just doing his job.’
Agent Nick Harrison.
Strong and muscular this agent is commonly thought to have given the term ‘killer instinct’ a whole new meaning. Showing no fear or pain, Nick is a true warrior. Handy with a fire-arm Nick is almost unstoppable as not only can he hit a rat from 50 meters away but his brute strength often comes in handy.
Commanding General Jordan Eden.
Although a veteran in military, Eden is no where near his used-by date. Commonly misunderstood as the bad-ass General, Eden is strict but fair. Many of his soldiers have been pushed past there limits by Eden but soon earn the respect and friendship of their excellent Commanding General.
Professor Ben Cole.
Growing up in Australia Ben was always a whiz when it came to science. Offered a job in the military Ben could not refuse. Working hard for many years Ben wondered if it was a waste of time. When soon all his work paid off as he was sent to the highest ranked military research Institute in Beijing.
General Xenon.
The Highest ranked General in the Chinese army, Xenon is skilled in all forms of combat and killing. Dying from a grenade accident in a war with France, Xenon was missed by the majority of China. Being such an important and respected soldier, Xenon seemed to be the perfect person to test the anti-virus.
III. Controls.
W: Walk Forward
S: Walk Backward
A: Strafe Left
D: Strafe Right
1-9: Select Weapon
R: Reload
C: Crouch
Space Bar: Jump
Esc: Enter Game Menu
Move: Look
Left Mouse Button: Fire Selected Weapon.
- darksmaster923
- Posts: 1857
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:32 pm
- Location: Huntington Beach, California, USA
its good but
in this
other than that its good
says hes a general.General Xenon.
The Highest ranked General in the Chinese army, Xenon is skilled in all forms of combat and killing. Dying from a grenade accident in a war with France, Xenon was missed by the majority of China. Being such an important and respected soldier, Xenon seemed to be the perfect person to test the anti-virus.
in this
says hes a ex-sergeantYokohiri Xenon, an ex-sergeant of the Chinese Army
other than that its good
Herp derp.
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
Well i really like it... It starts of a bit like a cliche' but I think it could be quite interesting, and the game looks really good so far so it should be aWsome... Yeah welldone, having a good story is a great way to keep your game flowing and like ideas and stuff. 

My Deviant Art -
- darksmaster923
- Posts: 1857
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:32 pm
- Location: Huntington Beach, California, USA
yeah. inceseman2003 pmed me a tut on making a door. i hope he doesnt mind me posting itMark in 2-D wrote:Thank you! I have another query. I want a door to open from one side only and not from the other. I was wondering if i could make like a trigger on one side of the door that opens it when you touch the trigger. Can I do this? If I can please explain how. Thank you Psyco for you comment I have put alot of work into this game and I hope it turns out great. Thanks
but if you do, tell me.
Herp derp.
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
Eek! I don't think I'm gonna be able to play that game! I'm scared already!! 
Those menu pics look awesome! I'll probably wet my pants when the loading screen pops up.
The story is great, too. Are you going to have an intro video? I mean, the resurrection of Xenon would make a perfect cinematic.
One thing bugs me, though. How do the scientists 'inject' this anti-virus into Xenon? After all, he is dead and has no circulation so it can't spread around the body just like that. Or are they using an artificial heart? Or maybe they inject the drug to many different places or something? Yeah, I know, it's only a detail but usually details matter a lot.

Those menu pics look awesome! I'll probably wet my pants when the loading screen pops up.

The story is great, too. Are you going to have an intro video? I mean, the resurrection of Xenon would make a perfect cinematic.

One thing bugs me, though. How do the scientists 'inject' this anti-virus into Xenon? After all, he is dead and has no circulation so it can't spread around the body just like that. Or are they using an artificial heart? Or maybe they inject the drug to many different places or something? Yeah, I know, it's only a detail but usually details matter a lot.

Pain is only psychological.
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:53 am
You know Juutis... I never thought of that. Now that you mention it, it would probably make the most sence if he was injected with it in heaps of places including the heart and then the anti-virus began building the body back up again. Anyway though it is a game and I don't think all games are perfectly realistic. I've also got theme music for the game. The song is called Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield. I cant use the music though cause its a wma file. Does anyone know of a free program that can convert the wma into a wav or midi? If you could it would be much apprieciated. Also I'm stuck with this whole ALPHA thing. I made the credits for the game but then realised I needed an alpha version of it aswell. I looked at the default bitmaps that came with RF and it looked like it was just a black and white version of the bitmap. I know I'm wrong because I've tried endless times to make an alpha bitmap of my credits. Can someone explain to me what it is and what I need to do? Thank You soooo much!