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Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:11 am
by Ryan
I was wondering if I could get some imput from you all on the setting for this level. This level is going to be the demo level. The full game will include 3 levels. But for this level, what do you think would be the best setting to go with. Night time, and rainy, just night time, day time and cloudy, etc. which do you think would appeal to you the most if you were playing the game.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:42 am
by AndyCR
I would make it nighttime and rainy. Nighttime you can get away with rendering less detail into the distance, and thus have more detail closer to you; it also gives enemies more hiding places. Rain gives a nice, moody atmosphere if done right.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:10 am
by Ryan
Thats what I was thinking, but is it possible to create rain in RF? perhaps some fog as well? How would I make the eviroment nighttime. Would I have to find a sky box to use, or simply use dark lights?I think this level will be really easy to render because all the textures I am using is a ground texture for the ground, and maybe a few textures for lightpools under house lights and thats it. all the other textures are the textures that go with the models I am using. I think I can achive a very neat affect for the enviroment by using thunder, footsteps, rain drops sound affects properly. Proboly the hardest part will be building the house that contains the communcation phone, since the player has to be able to go inside, walk around, etc. I think I may build the house structure itself using the RF cube template, then add models of furniture, stairs, etc to make the house look more realistic.
hehe, thanks everyone for leting me talk outloud and sound these ideas off of you guys. Keep the feedback coming
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:41 am
by scott
well then, for night time, its never acutaly pitch black, so when you go to compile the level, it gives you the option for default lighting, this is the level of light throughout your level, turn the numbers right down, i would create a basic room to mess around with the numbers for quick compile times.
in the entity list there is a rain entity i belive, in my opinion i would change the actual rain texture that is uses, can be found in the media file in RF under bitmaps i belive.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:07 am
by Ryan
ok, I naver noticed the lighting options in the level compile screen, i will mess around with that, and post the setting I think are nice to use, might be usfull for somone. Also, do you have a perticular rain texture you like to use, or have used.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:49 am
by scott
unfortunatly not, the only one i have ever used was the original one with RF, in my opinion i think its too wide and i would bring down the transparency to make it just slightely transparent.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:54 am
by Ryan
I noticed that to. It looks like ice falling

I made a quick level messed around with the rain entity and the lighting entity. I also added a light, and it made a really cool affect in the dark. I think im finaly ready to start peicing the level together.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 4:23 am
by Ryan
Helo again all,
I am finally back from vacation and am ready to get back to work. as I said before I left, I have selected most of my models, and textures. today, I made most of my models into act. for use as pawns, and started building the level. I cant seem to get the models to have textures after they are turned into an act. anybody have any ideas on why this is happening. I hope to post some screenys soon. it looks super cool as it is without textures on the models, so I can only imagine how cool it will look with textures. now that im back, you can expect more regular updates and progress.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:22 am
by zany_001
the image on the bottom of your sig is broken
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:32 am
by Spyrewolf
well then, for night time, its never acutaly pitch black, so when you go to compile the level, it gives you the option for default lighting, this is the level of light throughout your level, turn the numbers right down
noo! Yuck! the default light cast's crap lighting and reck's atmosphere, use the SunLight entity and colour it blue-ish and give it a low number plus the shadows it cast's are much nicer,
(i know what you thinking) shadows at night? well there are some. with the lighting subtly lighting you level it will looks better that the default lighting.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 4:35 pm
by Ryan
hmmmm, your right spyrewolf
It would look one heap of alot better then using the defult color options.
Thanks for the suggestion
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:44 pm
by zany_001
can u use external p[rogrms to model lights,and then put them in rf?
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:01 am
by Ryan
hello folks,
unfourtuantly, this project is going to have to be on hold for who knows how long. Somthing happend to my computer and I lost about 150 hours woth of work of of models, texture maps, including some RF stuff as well/ So this project, needless to say, is not going anywhere soon. Hopfully, as soon as I get the computer back up and runnin, I can see what I can salvage. I know for sure all my models from when I first started model building, up till now, are gone.
so i will post when i am back up and runnin again. I will still be on the forums though.
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:24 am
by Spyrewolf
oh dear....
this sucks when this happens i lost seven month worth, back in the crash of '04
now I religeously burn a CD-RW once a week, so this horrible thing never happens again.
damn dude i feel you pain
however not all bad I find that if im forced to re-do it usually comes out better and quicker especially when you know where your headed, ah the creative process.