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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:25 pm
by Jay
only badly written programs crash (it's sad but true that many programs are released with errors in them, that could have been avoided if the programmers wrote the code properly and if the testing phase was long and intense enough) But i think we can handle it. Andy is doing good work to build upon, i think :wink:

One app for all sounds good but the problem would be it would be just overhelming to see like 15 tabs (and imagine the endless searching and switching of tabs...) I would prefer an editor without tabs, but with little icons that start up several dialogs or tools, that can be independent from the main editor, but are also used with a fluid workflow from the editor to the tool. Like you have a pawn selected and then click onto the icon for the ScriptEditor, it will automaticly load the script file of that pawn and open the ScriptEditor. Or you can click onto an icon that fires up a terrain edtior (you have a heightmap right and an wireframe left) and then in that terrain editor you have a fluid workflow back to the main editor - like you click onto a button 'add terrain to level' and it is then added to the level.

That would be my favourite.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:52 am
by bernie
I would prefer an editor without tabs, but with little icons that start up several dialogs or tools, that can be independent from the main editor, but are also used with a fluid workflow from the editor to the tool. Like you have a pawn selected and then click onto the icon for the ScriptEditor, it will automaticly load the script file of that pawn and open the ScriptEditor. Or you can click onto an icon that fires up a terrain edtior (you have a heightmap right and an wireframe left) and then in that terrain editor you have a fluid workflow back to the main editor - like you click onto a button 'add terrain to level' and it is then added to the level.
Same goes for me too if thats at all possible Andy. It wold make life much easier from the users point of view, but I'm not so sure about the programing side of things.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:10 am
by zany_001
you wouldnt need 15 tabs,cos certain tabs could be combined,and therres not that many tools anyway(i think)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:22 am
by AndyCR
only badly written programs crash (it's sad but true that many programs are released with errors in them, that could have been avoided if the programmers wrote the code properly and if the testing phase was long and intense enough)
Not neccesarily. There is always a bad chip or two per bag, but that doesn't mean the brand is bad. Some things just slip through both development and testing.

However, it is true that a program which has many many more bugs than comparable programs is often badly done. One prominent example was Windows ME.
One app for all sounds good but the problem would be it would be just overhelming to see like 15 tabs (and imagine the endless searching and switching of tabs...) I would prefer an editor without tabs, but with little icons that start up several dialogs or tools, that can be independent from the main editor,
Yes, if done badly it would be very difficult to use. We would have to design it carefully.
but are also used with a fluid workflow from the editor to the tool. Like you have a pawn selected and then click onto the icon for the ScriptEditor, it will automaticly load the script file of that pawn and open the ScriptEditor. Or you can click onto an icon that fires up a terrain edtior (you have a heightmap right and an wireframe left) and then in that terrain editor you have a fluid workflow back to the main editor - like you click onto a button 'add terrain to level' and it is then added to the level.
Excellent idea! That's definitly easily doable, even with separate programs, without resorting to ugly hacks - I was experimenting with programs talking to each other a few weeks ago (for RF2-ScriptEditor interaction, like marking errors that occured during runtime in RF2 in the ScriptEditor window, etc.)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:05 am
by zany_001
but are also used with a fluid workflow from the editor to the tool. Like you have a pawn selected and then click onto the icon for the ScriptEditor, it will automaticly load the script file of that pawn and open the ScriptEditor. Or you can click onto an icon that fires up a terrain edtior (you have a heightmap right and an wireframe left) and then in that terrain editor you have a fluid workflow back to the main editor - like you click onto a button 'add terrain to level' and it is then added to the level.
thats the basic idea i had,like you could add an actor to the project,view it in one tab,script it in another,and add it to the map on the map editor tab.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:33 pm
by AndyCR
The script editor is now to the stage that it can be used to edit scripts. It's not much better than notepad in that respect, but it can create a new script, open a script, save scripts, save all open scripts, has save as, etc. It's certainly a start.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:07 pm
by AndyCR
Just tested, and the script editor works and looks fine on XP:


I'm putting in the details of, for instance, asking whether the open documents should be saved when exiting, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:28 am
by AndyCR
Syntax highlighting is done!


to Andy

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:53 am
by gamerX
Really cool.
You are really pro, man.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:27 am
by zany_001
yeah,thats pretty you think you could have different colours for different types of code?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:58 pm
by AndyCR

For different types of code? You mean different languages? Yes.

I reformatted and installed XP again (Vista was just too slow...), and I'm waiting to get the development setup redone so I can continue work on it, but for now I have been making quite a bit of progress - I plan to release a beta of the script editor in about 2 weeks, and release the code into SVN in about 6 weeks.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:38 am
by scott
sounds exelent :D cant wait

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:30 am
by paradoxnj
IMHO, I think this shoud be mixed up into an all in one "Game Editor" type appication like NeverWinter Night's Aurora Toolset or UnrealEd.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:55 am
by AndyCR
paradoxnj wrote:IMHO, I think this shoud be mixed up into an all in one "Game Editor" type appication like NeverWinter Night's Aurora Toolset or UnrealEd.
That seems to be the opinion of a lot of people. I will probably do so when I begin work on Dawn. Thanks to the way wxWidgets handles things, it'll only be about 5 lines of code changed to embed it into a place in the level editor, and about 2 hours work max to make the code feel like it was part of Dawn the whole time.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:06 pm
by AndyCR
Ok, demo will not be out by the 17th like I thought; it will be delayed another two weeks. The reason is that while it's pretty much ready to be used right now, and decent beta quality, I would like to add some polish and integration with RF2 before that time. Right now it can start RF2 from the script editor as well.

I do, however, have a new screenshot, showing a working project browser (no context menus yet though, but you can open files from it) and the groundwork for the symbol browser:


You -might- have a video of it before the beta is out.