SithMaster wrote:and killzone was a good game. it should be on my list as well since i love the art and weapon designs. I didnt care for the health system or the helghast sniper rifle but the enemies audio cues and use of moving through cover was excellant.
I hated the health system! (for those of you who don't know, It was a small bar that went down with every hit and then slowly regenerated. You could take a hit from a rocket launcher, then hide in a trench and be back to full health and run in and shoot everything, get hit, go back in the trench and then go back into battle, as long as you can find cover, you're invinceable. I hate games where if you die, you fall over, lose some points, or coins or whatever and then immediately respawn in the same spot. That's like playing god since if you die you really don't die. I love games that have puzzles or something that makes a challenge aside from the fighting. I like some games where, you'll go to an area, it'll be beautiful and new, and then return halfway through the game only to see it battlescarred and destroyed. If I'm flying a jet, My favorite control scheme is like in "Star Fox Command" the scheme is where you aim your ship with the mouse or touchpad and then use buttons to roll, loop, and fire. I like games to show inside the cockpit, however I like the idea of being able to move the camera so you can see next to you, and above you. I don't like seeing behind you since, first I don't use it all that much, and second, Real fighters don't have rear-view mirrors.
I like games like the Metroid Prime series, where you can do a lock-on, however I don't like being able to always lock. I like MP3 because enemies can shake your lock and some enemies cannot be locked on to at all. Networked and online functions are good, however a really good game doesn't need it. I like to think of networking in an FPS a way to make up for an un-fixable lacking in the single player or just a means to practice for shooting or killing smarter enemies.
I agree about the grenades. They should be a seperate button. (let's use a PS2 controller for this evample) I would rather have square be shoot and triangle be grenade rather than Press circle to swithc weapons until i Have a grenade and then throw it and then switch back to a gun. Having too many weapons is bad. Having five very different weapons is better than having twenty very simmilar weapons.
There shouldn't be any all powerful vehicles like tanks that you can drive alone. Also, I like the idea of being able to choose a style of vehicle weapons. Like you decide what your style is and then choose the same vehicle, but mountable with multiple different weapons, like a hellicopter that can have bombs, rockets, or machine guns. That way it suits the player. Someone who doesn't have great accuracy can use the machine guns because they don't need to wait to be reloaded. However someone who would rather cause massive damage. and aims well might take a rocket Launcher. And someone who would rather do a massive explosive flyby can take the bombs. A scope I think is pointless in most situations since the Enemies are usually close enough to see them and shoot them. You wouldn't use a scope on a guy ten feet away unless you wanted to see the life leave his eyes. Scopes are only for the few instances that you would snipe someone. That reminds me of the Killzone sniper rifle, where it's hard to aim and it returns to the middle of the screen if you remove your finger from the joystick. Well, that's it then.