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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:08 pm
by scott
lol, that would be perfect paradoxnj, if you had to keep it out of the reach of children then it would be a pointles product, lol :P

saying all of this, i do belive they should include instruction manuals with mouse mats for pc's, no one would ever think it but they are dangorous, back at college we used to throw them at each other, lol, those were the days, one even went out the window and we were on the top floor, lol, how inocent the mouse mat looks, just like this inocent door stop : :twisted:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:15 pm
by Agentarrow
yeah, people think to go after axe murderers, but not mouse pad murderers, or doorstop murderers. Oh, and even more dangerous than a mousepad, A wiimote. If you swing too hard without the wristrap on and tightened, it could fly off your hand and blow up your TV or knock someone out. And the mousepad that went out the window, that could have hit your professor.

But coca-cola can be dangerous. We took a 2 liter of it and dropped a whole roll of mentos in it and tightened the lid as much as possible then ran. The coke exploded, and we could have been hurt by the flying plastic. Or once we left a can of coke in the car, and that night we hit record colds of -25F The next morning, we found that the bottle had exploded, shredding the seats, destroying the windshield, and shards of aluminum and frozen coke had actually gone right through the roof of the car. Needless to say, the car was pretty well destroyed. That's just one example of how dangerous coke is. Or the battery on this notebook. There are security videos of people dropping a notebook, and the notebook spontaniously combusted a week later in a buisness meeting. And the batttery says: LITHIUM ION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Heh, what do they expect to happen, its a battery, you can buy them everywhere. Actually, you are not allowed to have Laptops on some planes in the US because there is a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance that you can get it to catch fire. I think its insane.