Google Chrome

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Re: Google Chrome

Post by bernie »

It is, when you have only 512 megs, like me.
I have only 128mb on one of my pc's. And I only upgraded this one a few months ago from 512mb to 1gb. I suspect there are a lot of pcs out there with 512mb and less. So 300mb is very wasteful. With thought you can use much less memory when writing programs. In the 1980s you could get a whole spreadsheet or a word processor in 32k of memory.
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by Matte »

bernie wrote:
It is, when you have only 512 megs, like me.
I have only 128mb on one of my pc's. And I only upgraded this one a few months ago from 512mb to 1gb. I suspect there are a lot of pcs out there with 512mb and less. So 300mb is very wasteful. With thought you can use much less memory when writing programs. In the 1980s you could get a whole spreadsheet or a word processor in 32k of memory.
The problem is that nowadays, there are alot more functions in these programs, and everything has to be shiny and beautiful etc., that's why I run XP in the "ugliest" look: it doesn't take much memory at all, while in the normal look it took alot.
I guess people can create programs that don't require much, but why, if the majority of the market has about 1GB of RAM make it requiring only 512? It's all about selling, I guess.
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by dylanwinn »

Firefox is very smart about its memory. If you PC has 512 MB to spare, Firefox will limit itself to 300. For example on my old laptop, which had only 256 MB of RAM total, Firefox never used more that 50 MB, even when watching videos. Any excessive memory usage you may see is not a leak, but an attempt to minimize disk usage. At least in Firefox 3...
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by zany_001 »

Chrome is pwnage, quite simply...
It is lightning quick, although it doesnt work with hotmail, and I've never had any problems with it crashing, although I suppose that compared to some people I dont browse the web much, or use extra features. Youtube has always worked fine with me.
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by Matte »

Hmm. Little mistake by Google?

I have watched a video of Apple's Safari, and noticed that pretty much all features we have in Chrome are also in Safari.
When I downloaded some file from InstantAction, it even said, "Restart Safari and get playing!".

You tell me.
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by Trougedoor122 »

strange, that's basically saying that google just took safari, and edited the skin and added a few tweaks.
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Re: Google Chrome

Post by sankha93 »

Both use the same engine. It is based on the webkit( engine. So the features will be almost same.
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