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Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:13 am
by steven8
as it is the best for all involved
Amen, Mike. Take Care.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:57 am
by Master
It hurts me to hear you call your efforts with RF a waste of time. Since I was a child I always wanted to develop games, but I never thought it was possible to do so to the extent that you have made possible. I don't know what i would be doing right now if you didn't make RF possible. I will argue with you if you truley believe that you have wasted your time when so many people appreciate what you've done. Helping others is never a waste of time. No matter where you are or what your doing you will always be the father of our community. Even if you wish to forget all your ties to RF, your community, and your friends, you will never be forgotten.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:33 am
by gekido
thanx, but it's not like i'm dying or anything.

everything that i have been trying to do with reality factory is being put 110% into beyond virtual's development and i feel confident that the community will agree with me when we release the toolset.

i'll be lurking here and there still ;}

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:45 am
by Spyrewolf
everything that i have been trying to do with reality factory is being put 110% into beyond virtual's development
that's a good thing, i tend to find having split focus is less productive. if you consentrate fully on your new project i think you will be better off, in the long run.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:19 pm
by Master
i'll be lurking here and there still ;}

I understand what your doing and support your move fully. You should do whats most beneficial for you. But I would just hate for you to think we don't appreciate what you've done. Best of luck.

btw the signature is a joke.

good luck and thanks for all the fish...

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:11 am
by marty
(to quote Douglas Adams) Man its been fun though! I say onward and upward is the only way to go Mike, you've always been the biggest help and inspiration. Held the whole baby together for a site!

Don't think it was a waste at all! THANKS (from Marty Bee, the guy that did Bad Medicine, Rev7, XIBALBA and all that stuff)...

I'll download BV on a good broadband once you get things rolling and give it a whirl...


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:45 am
by Pete
like mike doesn't know who you are! pfttt! only MARTY BEE!!!! oh no one of consequence ;)

and a big lol to "i'm not dead" and "in loving memory"... just hysterical! glad it lightened up!

mike, hard feelings aside... i have to say that even though dan can be dan-on-a-rampage, he's helped everyone a lot too (understatement). wish you two could figure out the prob. where all that came from - even exactly as he stated... all i can say is huh?? so?? but hey as fede said, it's between you two. anyway just wish you guys can patch it up... hope you're reading too dan...