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Re: go to nearest scriptpont in case can not reach the playe

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:53 am
by paradoxnj
If you're in the US, you'll get Algebra in 9th, Geometry in 10th, Trigonometry in 11th and Pre-Calculus in 12th. You got some time. Try the ebook instead of the manual. The manual is more of a "what does this do", the ebook is more of a "how do I do this". It's in the documentation section. It holds your hand through the making of a full game using RF. Is that badguy1.act the same one from Jean Louis' site?

Re: go to nearest scriptpont in case can not reach the playe

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:31 am
by megatop
i recently learned a little of Algebra

Re: go to nearest scriptpont in case can not reach the playe

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:31 am
by Veleran
Will i need to add UpdateEnemyVis(); before the move to script points so the pawn knows where player is,or not...

Re: go to nearest scriptpont in case can not reach the playe

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:31 pm
by Veleran
I thought making a non rendered pawn attached to the player that checks which point is near him but i do not know how i can tell the pawns which is that point.
Then all alert pawns would try to go to that script point i guess,like there is an alarm set on.

I thought to use bool NearestPoint for checking which point to go to.

One of the scripts has this in the walk_movetogoal[ (dist) :
if(IsFalling = true)
return 0; // don't move while falling
if(dist < 0)
return 0;
if(back_up = false)
ai_face(); // turn to face enemy
if(walkmove(self.current_yaw, dist) = true)
return 0; // can move in current direction
if(random(1,10)<3) // backup and move sideways
back_up = true;
back_time = time + 0.5;
back_flag = false;
return 0;
ForceUp(FORCEUP*SCALE); // jump up, forward and to side
if(back_flag = false) // go backward 1/2 sec
if(back_time > time)
walkmove((self.current_yaw-(180*0.0174532925199433)), dist);
return 0;
back_time = time + 0.5;
back_flag = true;
if(back_time > time) // go sideways 1/2 sec
walkmove((self.current_yaw-(90*0.0174532925199433)), dist);
return 0;
back_up = false;
NearestPoint(float MinDistance, float MaxDistance);
} ]

And,i do not know how many "}" tp add at the end of this section i thought to add in this order order.

Re: go to nearest scriptpont in case can not reach the playe

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:27 pm
by Allanon
First off when posting scripts please place them between the code tags to keep the script formatted and easier to read.

The script you posted it wrong, the following code won't work:

Code: Select all

    NearestPoint(float MinDistance, float MaxDistance); 
I think if you look at the robot.s script that comes with RF you will see the walk_movetogoal() code uses the NearestPoint() command and probably does what you want:

Code: Select all

	// use walkmove to naviagte to enemy

		if(self.IsFalling = true)
			return 0;			// don't move while falling
		if(back_up = false)
			ai_face();			// turn to face enemy
				yaw  = self.current_yaw;
				if(NearestPoint(10, 500))
					yaw = GetYawToPoint();
					self.ideal_yaw = yaw;
				if(walkmove(yaw, dist) = true)
					return 0;		// can move in current direction
					if(random(1,10)<3)	// backup and move sideways
						back_up = true;
						back_time = self.time + 0.5;
						back_flag = false;
						return 0;
						ForceUp(20);	// jump up, forward and to side
			if(back_flag = false) 		// go backward 1/2 sec
				if(back_time > self.time)
					walkmove((self.current_yaw-(3.14159)), dist);
					return 0;
					back_time = self.time + 0.5;
					back_flag = true;
			if(back_time > self.time) 		// go sideways 1/2 sec
				walkmove((self.current_yaw-(1.570796)), dist);
				return 0;
			back_up = false;
	} ]