Re: I am having trouble compiling RFeditpro using Visual Stu
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:18 am
and if you help me I could add some cool new features
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Are you a C/C++ programmer? If so then you should be able to look at the errors from the compiler and figure out why it's not compiling. If you are not then you won't be able to make changes and you should just use the binary files that came with RF.aicd99 wrote:and if you help me I could add some cool new features
Just help me I want it to compile please do itAllanon wrote:Are you a C/C++ programmer? If so then you should be able to look at the errors from the compiler and figure out why it's not compiling. If you are not then you won't be able to make changes and you should just use the binary files that came with RF.aicd99 wrote:and if you help me I could add some cool new features
If you are getting errors about mfc100.dll or msvcr100.dll when running RFEditPro then download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).
It's up for download in this sitelekeoi wrote:If you upload the source code I will see to compiling it myself.
I am now using Visual Studio 2015Allanon wrote:Are you a C/C++ programmer? If so then you should be able to look at the errors from the compiler and figure out why it's not compiling. If you are not then you won't be able to make changes and you should just use the binary files that came with RF.aicd99 wrote:and if you help me I could add some cool new features
If you are getting errors about mfc100.dll or msvcr100.dll when running RFEditPro then download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).