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Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:42 am
by seppgirty
I think that's a great idea terry. The more people expand RF the better. Grok seems like a guy that can get things done. I think he's the guy that will actually make a game.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:50 am
by Grok
hgt_terry wrote:Hi Guys
I have been looking at your post would it be helpful if you could import a misfit model and motions directly into Equity.
It will take a couple of weeks but if you interested let me know.
For me it would be a great help.
From a general perspective however I suspect that there are not that many Misfit users around, so from that point of view it might be doubtful if a great general benefit would be achieved. If it is just for me it might not be worth the effort.
But if you are willing to do the job I would be grateful for that, and I would of course be happy to help by testing the program and such, within my limited capabilities.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:55 pm
by Grok
seppgirty wrote:---Grok seems like a guy that can get things done. I think he's the guy that will actually make a game.
Now You are making me blush.

But I will do my best.
Anyway I did a quick movie on using Equity 8RF
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:02 am
by seppgirty
For me it would be a great help.
From a general perspective however I suspect that there are not that many Misfit users around, so from that point of view it might be doubtful if a great general benefit would be achieved. If it is just for me it might not be worth the effort.
I think that people that want to work totally free would pick up Misfit and use it with RF.
@ terry
I think equity is one of the best tools made for RF.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:00 pm
by hgt_terry
Hi Grok
I was wondering do you have the model you used in the video I could do with some misfit animated models for testing purposes.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:03 pm
by Grok
hgt_terry wrote:Hi Grok
I was wondering do you have the model you used in the video I could do with some misfit animated models for testing purposes.
Hi Terry
I'll be happy to provide you with a couple of models. You want the native mm3d-format or a m3sd-format (or both)? What is the best way to send them to you? You could PM me or send a mail ( and we can work out the practical details.
Update on the game project
I have use RF to make small scenes that I've recorded an cut together to a cut scene.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:19 pm
by Grok
Grok wrote:
Update on the game project
I have use RF to make small scenes that I've recorded an cut together to a cut scene.
hgt_Terry very kindly helped me fix a model I couldn't get to work in RF
Using the fixed model I've made a revised version of the previous movie (just replacing the part where the child is lifted up)
I also made a small video of how I used RF (and a screen recorder) to make the new scenes for the cut scene
Maybe not what RF is intended for but it has been a good exercise in scripting (catching key input (and making a key click effect rather then a pressed effect), writing to the screen and removing writing, moving and rotating camera and other pawns).
And cut-scenes can be important parts of making a game with a bit of storytelling to it.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:49 pm
by seppgirty
@ grok
This is some cool and creative stuff you are doing with RF. Keep it up. Once i see your art style, i can help with some modeling if you would like.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:19 pm
by Grok
seppgirty wrote:@ grok
This is some cool and creative stuff you are doing with RF. Keep it up. Once i see your art style, i can help with some modeling if you would like.
I might well take you up on that offer.
I don't know if I have an art style.
You could take a look at my deviantart page;
A couple of years worth of drawings and stuff.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:13 pm
by Grok

I have now made animations for the Agent Kat (a.k.a the Huntress) model to be a Player Actor (to a large part using Equity)
The animations are shown in this video

Also made an additional video on using Misfit for making a game character
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:51 pm
by aicd99
Grok keep up the good work. It is people like you that will get QOD a high incentive to release a new RF.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:31 pm
by seppgirty
I don't know if I have an art style.
I see that you use very bright, bold colors. Thick black shading. water color like finish in your 2d drawings. A very simple and classic comic book feel. I think that it will translate nicely to a 3d world. I like that you are not going for the "photo realistic" look. This style will work in an older lowpoly engine. Please keep it up.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:39 pm
by Grok
seppgirty wrote: I see that you use very bright, bold colors. Thick black shading. water color like finish in your 2d drawings. A very simple and classic comic book feel. ....
I guess I am a classic comic book style guy.

Actually the comics media is my first love and that certainly will have influenced the way I draw.
aicd99 wrote:Grok keep up the good work. ......
seppgirty wrote: ........ Please keep it up.
Thanks guys. I'll do my best.
I do now have Kat as the Player Actor in the game.
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:04 pm
by Grok
Intro movie to the game
Re: Space Rangers Ep. 8 - the Rouge Robot (game project)
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:16 am
by aicd99
Getting hyped here can you post a demo ?