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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:24 pm
by Spyrewolf
You can also make maps with the modelling tools, thats cool =)
well you can but it's a longer way of doing things and your essentially building your level twice as to put your levels in they need to staticmeshes, so one layer would be collision and the other layer would be the actuall model

i usually stick to the map making program the RF ships with then for real complicated bits use a static mesh. BSP's(default map format) all have to be concave, so no inside dome type of shapes, this is where static meshes come into play.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:46 pm
by AndyCR
Spyrewolf wrote:
You can also make maps with the modelling tools, thats cool =)
well you can but it's a longer way of doing things and your essentially building your level twice as to put your levels in they need to staticmeshes, so one layer would be collision and the other layer would be the actuall model
now, you dont have to, thanks to staticmesh having per-poly collision, but as Spyre said, static mesh for levels is really a poor way to do it; the worst part for me is the terrible lighting that occurs when you use them for that. i never have gotten static mesh lighting to look natural.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:16 pm
by Veleran
I was thinking for years about the terrain and i know that only the bsp has nice shadows and is faster.
It would be faster if you could use a single sheet mesh as Bsp brush,instead of the triangle boxes it now uses.

This propably can be done if wxb1 finds his improved editor modification which allows any shape bsp brushes.
Bsp needs smoothing to make terrain.

The gourad lightning.

I know the gourad lightning of the level editor is different than the actor shading,but i know gourad lightning is for displaying smoothed polygons.

Now the level editor gourad makes the brush appear faced.

I added a sphere bsp brush with all faces flagged as Gourad,and it was nt smooth.

If the Gourad code can be updated,maybe each Bsp brush could be flagged as Gourad and have one smoothing group,so the bsp terrain sheet would be smooth and fast.

Does anyone know to implement the gourad smoothing code to the bsp?
Im not a programmer,but i know that it is just triangle vertices touching together-it cant be that hard to code.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:39 am
by MakerOfGames
Ok, not meaning to take away from helping this new user out. But truegene converts .cob files to .act and now can convert them into levels. Do these map files it generates contain what is necicarry for proper lighting and collision?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:14 pm
by Veleran
Well,the level editor of wxb1 is nt available yet,
and it should be appropriate for levels that can be faced shaded like dungeons and buildings.

For Bsp terrain,the bsp gourad smoothing is needed,and no one has yet worked on it.

Of course,till now you could not open in the editor a level .map of any kind of shape as bsp that would look good smooth.
the shapes the editor accepts now is mostly boxes anyway-not a terrain sheet brush.