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Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:10 pm
by incenseman2003
My textures are always bitmaps of the proper type, size and so on...

I had to reformat my PC and cannot find some of the CDs that I need to get some progs back onto my PC. Milkshape is one of them. I would just download it from their site and use my code to activate it but the code is with the CD. Untill I find that CD I am stuck trying to do it with 3DS Max or Gmax.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:12 pm
by QuestOfDreams
@bernie: you might try running bdyfix (or something like that, forgot the exact name, it comes with rf), i assume you use milkshape?
geBodyFix just solves the transparency issue for 8bit bmps in bdy files created with mikshape3d
To replace bmps in an actor with tgas use the tga2gebmp utility.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:27 pm
by bernie
Yes I do use milkshape. Tried the getBdyFix to no avail. I get round it by changing the format in paintshop pro 9 to .bmp files and all is well.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:20 am
by incenseman2003
I just dug in the right box and found my Milkshape CD. Got it installed. Is there a tutorial that shows from begining to end how to build a weapon that works properly in milkshape?

When I fire the weapon that I made using the "WeaponBullet" it kills the player actor when it explodes in my face and not the enemy that I am shooting at. If I use a bullet that doesnt explode then it doesnt damage anything.

Here is the act file of the weapon that I am trying to get working.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:46 am
by AndyCR
whats the bullets lifetime set to?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:07 pm
by incenseman2003
Here is the projectile that I am using right now.

type = projectile
actor = Weapons/Projectile.act
rotation = 0 0 0
scale = 0.1
gravity = false
bounce = false
speed = 3000
lifetime = 2
boundingbox = 1
explosion = GeneralExplosion
actorexplosion = GeneralExplosion
showboth = false
attachactor = false
bonelevel = true
damage = 50
altdamage = 50
explosionradius = 128
explosiondamage = 20
decal = 0
movesound = footsteps/footstep.wav
impactsound = Weapons/Impact.wav

I use this exact same projectile for the generic weapon and it works fine.


Edit 2:39 PM 4/21/2006:

I am trying to set up enemies to shoot at each other. As it is I have them not shooting at me but they are not shooting at each other either.

I found the following in the RFFAQ:
"Q, How can I place more than one player in the game to assist me in the
attack on the enemy?

A. Write a nice pawn script for a pawn that's:
- hostile towards the enemies, but not the player (HostileGroup
[Groupname] or so)
- Follows the player in a certain distance (there's a script named
follow.s in the script folder)

GROUP [Friend] // name of monster group
HOSTILEPLAYER [false] // hostile to player
HOSTILEDIFFERENT [true] // hostile to different Pawn group
HOSTILESAME [false] // hostile to same Pawn group

This will create a pawn that will not attack the player but instead
attack pawns of another group."

There is no script named follow.s

I have searched the manual and found stuff for setting up pawns but nothing mentioned what I am trying to do.

I have 2 groups set up on the "Groups" tab.
(E) Pawn4

(E) Pawn3

Is a pawngroup diferent than a regular group.

I have one enemy that uses a script called perfectai2.s and the other uses a script called perfectai3.s and the settings are as follows for the group assignment and who to be hostile to.

Ememy 1:
GROUP [ai1] // name of monster group

HOSTILEPLAYER [false] // hostile to player
HOSTILEDIFFERENT [true] // hostile to different Pawn group
HOSTILESAME [false] // hostile to same Pawn group

HostilePlayer(HOSTILEPLAYER); // set who monster is hostile to

SetGroup(ai1); // assign a group to belong to


GROUP [ai2] // name of monster group

HOSTILEPLAYER [false] // hostile to player
HOSTILEDIFFERENT [true] // hostile to different Pawn group
HOSTILESAME [false] // hostile to same Pawn group

HostilePlayer(HOSTILEPLAYER); // set who monster is hostile to

SetGroup(ai2); // assign a group to belong to

Here is the pawn settings in that editor:

Is there now a script that I would be able to use that would do what I need?

Edit 4:55 AM 4/28/2006:
The lack of response is a little confusing. It has been a week since I posted the above issue. Thought I might get e response by this time.

Let the good times roll!!!