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Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:25 am
by MakerOfGames
psYco wrote: And with the ''Smart guns that know when they are loaded I didnt mean how much ammo was in, that you need to do when you script the weapons, Just when you said ''check if the weapons are loaded'' I thought you were talking details like if the gun was cocked and how much was left in the clip? is there a round in the chamber etc.
Basically the gun system will be like every other game out in the market. The weapon knows how many bullets it has. Now I will not go as far as to make it that you can drop a weapon without having a buller loaded into the chamber.
psYco wrote:Oh and sorry to go on in YOUR thread :oops: but if some one could explain to me how cell shading is done, or point me in the direction of a tute on it. I know what it is and I love it! (have you seen the new team fortress 2 trailer frm valve, the cell shading there WOW :shock: ) And Ive always had this dream of making a realy dark, satire, black, white, grey and :twisted: red :twisted: cell shaded adventure game! (not adventure like point and click, adventure like 3D hard as nails action :twisted: with hard as hell :?: :?: puzzles :?: :?: :idea: !
Basically cell shading is done two ways:
One way is the game engine looks at the highly detailed texture maps and "dumbs them down"(that is the way I view it). Basically it takes the detailed texture and blends all the colors together to get the smooth color. Also, some cell shading has the engine calculate where edges are. Its called "edge awarness" I beleive. Anyway, when a game engine is told to do it, it will be able to draw the black lines around characters etc.

The second way to cell shade is much easier. You make all the textures smooth and less detailed yourself. Then with all the textures in the game like that it gives the illusion of the game engine cell shading. To get proper illusion you need to have shadowcasting on pretty much every object. Now RF has the ability of stencil shadows, however, I am not sure if objects that have per polygon collision detection are able to have shadow casting. If you have any more questions about cell shading please start a thread about it. I am sure you will find many others who will help you.

*Now I am sorry to end the discussion here but I wish nothing more to be posted in this thread about cell shading.*

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:52 pm
by psYco
Yo MOG hows your game coming? finished the first model yet? :D

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:59 pm
by MakerOfGames
I havent worked on my game since my last post so I havent finished that character yet. I will be getting around to it shortly. I was busy the past few days.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:59 pm
by CowboyUp
Any progress with modeling? I'm interested to see how well TrueSpace and GameSpace work with making RF models. It would make it easier for us cheapskates who refuse to buy milkshape :P (Gmax is a huge pain. It's harder and it's animating system is very wierd compaired to stuff like milkshape esque modelers.)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:28 pm
by Jay
CowboyUp wrote:Gmax is a huge pain. It's harder and it's animating system is very wierd compaired to stuff like milkshape esque modelers.
So true. I once tried to learn gmax but i failed miserably. The only two modelling programs i am good with are milkshape and truespace.
For example Milkshape is really extremely easy and fast to use and with all that plugins you have, you can do almost everything. Only problem is that milkshape has a poly limit of 32K or 64K(don't really know), and while truespace itself does not have a limit i think, so does truegene which has a 16K poly limit, but that's no big problem for an RF game i think :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:18 pm
by MakerOfGames
CowboyUp wrote:Any progress with modeling? I'm interested to see how well TrueSpace and GameSpace work with making RF models. It would make it easier for us cheapskates who refuse to buy milkshape :P (Gmax is a huge pain. It's harder and it's animating system is very wierd compaired to stuff like milkshape esque modelers.)
Here is my character in progress. That render is made completely with trueSpace 3.2. Each section is seperate from the other, so the torso is 3 seperate pieces, the arms are 2 objects, legs with feet are 3 objects and the head is even sperate from the neck. Now with all the objects overlapping that would increase polygon count signifigantly right? Well, beleive it or not, it is a low polygon model with only 768 triangles! It jumps to 1024 triangles with "seperated" hands, however I will make the hands in gameSpace and animate them there so that way the triangle count might raise to 850-950.

I will be transfering it to gameSpace Light to animate it, and then to lithunwrap to texture it. I would say trueSpace has everything you could want except for UV mapping options. To UV map trueSpace objects you have to save the files as .x and then open in lithunwrap and save the .x file after getting a good UV map. Then reopen the .x in trueSpace and save the model as a .cob. Only then will it be UV mapped right. It may be a pain, but I like my free stuff!

trueSpace 3.2 is fully functional with no limitations. It is from 1997 however. The modeler does not have bones. It might not have special things found in up to date modelers but I have found that modeling is very simple even with its dated features. Also, no matter what free plugins you find, you cant fix its terrible UV mapping system.
Download trueSpace 3.2 here

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:31 pm
by psYco
Cool model

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:24 am
by MakerOfGames
Thanks psYco, sorry I didnt respond back in my thread sooner :oops: .

Here is a little game update:

I uploaded a new avatar. It is part of another sketch for my game. Anyway, I havnet gotten much accomplished over the past week for my game. I have been busy with life. School will soon be starting up and development with slow. Other than that, there isnt much news. I have been digging through old game files and found a lot of pseudo code for the dual guns and scripted player. I hope this finding will help speed things up a bit.

Thats all for now.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:20 am
by steven8
I love the new avatar!!

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:41 am
by MakerOfGames
Thank you! :D

Tonights Project:
I am currently typing up and outlining my entire game. I will see how much I can get typed up before I decide its time to turn in for the night. This script will contain all information about every level, mission objective, and every other detail. Its a good thing I already have the story outlined. That was the hardest part. Defining what is in each level is pretty easy. I say that because I have been thinking of cool level ideas for the past year or more while designing this game. I know exactly where I want to go with each senerio. Its now just a matter of tailoring the original level ideas to fit the story.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:52 pm
by jonas
That's the step that I never can get completed. :lol: I sit down and start to write then my mind starts playing with new ideas, that have nothing to do with the game....... :?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:01 pm
by MakerOfGames
jonas wrote:That's the step that I never can get completed. :lol: I sit down and start to write then my mind starts playing with new ideas, that have nothing to do with the game....... :?
Yeah, it is tough. However, I have trouble keeping my level ideas nice a inventive. I keep finiding myself choosing boring objectives or poorly designing a level in my head.

Anyway, school is here again and development will now slow.

@ Juutis
I am sorry that I did not get around to that scripting section I said I was going to do a month ago.

Despite that news, I am now learning Java and the RF scripting system that looked so daunting now looks a little better. I am now more comfortable with all those brackets and spaces :P . I hope learning Java will enable me to script easily in RF.

Other than that, I have no new news about my game.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:35 am
by jonas
MakerOfGames wrote:
Yeah, it is tough. However, I have trouble keeping my level ideas nice a inventive. I keep finiding myself choosing boring objectives or poorly designing a level in my head.

Anyway, school is here again and development will now slow.
During that phase I play 3 or 4 different games, to get ideas.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:20 am
by psYco
Its good to hear your starting to work out the levels etc! Thats where the game is made or broken in my opinion! If youve got great level desighn but the game does not flow it doesnt feel rite and if your game runs through like clock work but the levels are boring then its dull! Thats why it always good to spend lots of time on this and also be prepared to come back later and change things! :D

Thats the mistake I made with my last game me and my co-dev sat down one day after finishing all the models and maps! (the whole game is played in and under our school which we accurately modelled!) And we were like ok the release date is next week lets get it done for F*** sakes! And sooooo 3 hours l8r we had 25 levels all planed :roll: adn they were compiled by the next day! Afterwards we look back and realy wish we had taken our time thats why with my next project for the next school year Im just working out levels and how they will slot into the story! :D

Any way your game still sounds very interesting PLEASE finish it! Dont get half way and get board! We need sumink to play!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:36 am
by Juutis
Level design... that's the part I love and hate. It's so cool to build the game world and make it look just like you want it. But for some really odd reason it's the part where I get bored, get a new idea for a game and start working on the new one.
MoG wrote:@ Juutis
I am sorry that I did not get around to that scripting section I said I was going to do a month ago.
No problem, the school has started for me too and I'm not gonna have much free time, but I'll still try to help you as good as I can. Mainly on weekends, then I have the time and energy.