Back again, i have today finished work on the trainers and shops, and the 'class system':
As we know, many rpgs have a class system where you can select a class at the beginning or even make one yourself(like in morrowind). Problem is, the class is hard coded into your gameplay, you are not able to change it, and if you find out in the middle of the game that you don't like the class you must either live with it, or start a new game. Also, a warrior could never heal, and a priest may never be able to do good damage at the foes.
Because of this i won't implement such a class system into the game, BUT there is something similar:
Characters don't have classes, but they can receive 'trainings'. Right now there are 17 trainings:
(DEX=Dexterity, STR=Strenght, WIS=Wisdom)
Squire Training: +2DEX, +2 STR when fighting against undead
Knight Training: +4DEX, +4 STR when fighting against undead
Paladin Training: +8WIS when fighting against undead, +10 light resistance, +10 shadow resistance
Priest Training: +15% mana reserve, +5 light resistance
Templar Training: +4DEX, +4STR when fighting against undead or demons, +3 resistance to all
Brute Training: +3 resistance on fire,ice,electricy,earth, energy
Barbarian Training: +4 resistance on fire, ice, electricy, earth, energy, +3 resistance on weapons
Thief Training: +30% Defense with Dodging
Arctic Training: +10 ice resistance
Seaman Training: +10 water resistance
Demonhunter Training: +10 shadow resistance
Scholar Training: +25% mana reserve
Mage Training: more damage done by spells according to your magic ability
Wizard Training: more mana reserve according to your magic ability
Shadowmage Training: transforms your magic into shadow magic, may also result in totally different bonusses from the other trainings
Soldier Training: +20% Attack
Trophy Hunter Training: +60% damage on bosses
Guard Training: +20% Defense when using a shield
Some of the trainings are dependant on each other. If you want to become Paladin, you have to be Knight and before that you have to be Squire. Some others, like the Templar, can be accomplished in two different ways:
But a Priest-Templar is totally different from a Knight-Templar, because even if you 'change' your class, the bonusses of the classes you had before are still in effect. In this case it would be like this:
Knight-Templar: +10STR, +10DEX when fighting against undead, +4STR,+4DEX when fighting against demons, +3 resitance to all
Priest-Templar: +40% mana reserve, +4STR,+4DEX when fighting against demons or undead, +8 light resistance, +3 resitance against eveything else.
A Priest-Templar is more balanced than a Knight-Templar and will be more enduring in most cases. But if there are undead to be fought, the Knight-Templar is way stronger because he makes much more damage and can hit the undead more often.
The number of trainings you can receive is restricted to 4, and you can only receive the trainings at very special places and by doing special quests, and most certainly not at the beginning. If you want you can unlearn them, but the exp you invested are lost.
Ok, now to the other stuff i have been working on:
Shop screens:

The shop screen is similar to the inventory screen.
It is already possible to buy...
and sell thinghs.
The trainer screen looks similar too. Right now you cannot learn anything because i just wanted to see if it works so far:
On the left are the character's abilities, and on the right will be the thinghs you can learn.
So that was it for today. What do you think?
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.