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Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:06 pm
by darksmaster923
it seems like you moved and roatated in the anim. that messes up the anim. you have to set the origin with the set origin button to a side of the door then just rotate

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:26 pm
by RHzk
I not understand, sorry. Can you say me what I need to do in the steps (1.-, 2.-, 3...)? Please its very need to me! :cry:

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:46 pm
by darksmaster923
1. Delete all the anims for the model
2. Press Set origin and place the origin where you want the hinge to be
3. Animate it by ONLY rotating. If you add move And Rotate itll mess up

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:48 pm
by LtForce
Have you downloaded the E-Book? It's all written there. Anyway, I've been asking these kind questions so I'll anwer too:
1)Make a door model
2)Select that door of yours
3)Press "models" button in the top left corner
4)Press add and name it whatever you want it to be named (I highly suggest naming it "LtForce's door" :D )
5)Press "Set Origin" and move it to the bottom right corner of your door
6)Now you got to animate it: Press "Animate" and animate the door. Look at my screenshot and you'll see how to add default door
7)Last thing you got to do is to add Door entity and choose the model

P.S. Sorry dude. And don't know why but I can't add the screen from the manual and I really want to go to sleep so I can't write it to ya. Here waht the error says "Attachment cannot be added, since the max. number of 0 Attachments in this post was achieved" I'm really sorry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:01 pm
by RHzk
I got it! :wink: darksmaster923, LtForce-thank you very much, you realy help me! :D My project continue!!! :P

P.S. LtForce, never mind its ok. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:10 pm
by RHzk
RHzk wrote:One more question: I can close door myself? Becous I dont need automatic closing of the doors. And how then I can use the key for open (in keyboard)? :shock:
So, anyone knows how I can do this? :?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:38 pm
by RHzk
I can not close door myself!:x What should I do? Please help me... :cry:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:17 am
by RHzk
Hey guys, where are you?! I have a bad news. :( My RFEditPro working bad-lags and the load my level (1 mb) 10 min. Only RFEdit (not pro) working "ok", but still load 10 min to... Whats hepend? Before all be OK and now all bad. This is becouse my level - 1 Mb? I crying... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:05 pm
by RHzk
How I can make .BSP file not "blue head"? :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:58 pm
by LtForce
You have to compile your map and .bsp creates it self. Search the levels' folder, Luke.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:15 pm
by RHzk
I again not understand how. :oops: :cry: And how about lags, LtForce? :(

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:25 am
by RHzk
Whatever... :x Then I cannot put my model into RFEdit. :cry: What I need? I have model .act format (the table) and its located in - media/actors. How I can put my table in my level (i have to see my table in my room)? :( Please help me, I so long trying do this but I still cant, If you help me and I understand, I realy be love Reality Factory and you guys offcourse! :oops:

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:19 am
by LtForce
About the map:
When your map is finished you should press "Build" button on the top of RFedit/RFeditpro. I think that you'll understand what to do then. After an succesful compile youlevelname.bsp will appear in levels folder.
About your table:
Make a StaticEntityProxy in your map and write tha name of your act file in szActorFile(with .act in the end)
About the lag:
You should put screenshots of your level in here, because I can't tell because I didn't see it. Here are most likely problems:
1)Your level is two big, RF can't handle big spaces
2)You have too many objects in your level
3)Both mentioned before(that's what happened with me)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:35 am
by RHzk
I ve got it!!! :shock: I cant belive it, I can do this!!! :D Werry thanks LtForce, I love you how realy good friend, thank you very much again! :wink: My level calld rfeditpro1.bsp-this is right? I can rename it?

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:53 am
by RHzk
LtForce, this is my level (not complite now, but Im working)-[img][img][/img][/img]