Today is the firs day I have logged on the forums in a long time and what a surprise someone found my game thread! I will admit I have been silently stalking the forums for a couple of weeks now, just not logged in

. I have been making an effort of late to get back into game development.
With this said I will take a moment and give a small update on my game project

I haven't gotten much accomplished on my project since this past April and it has been sitting ever since. However, judging from my last post here, I last gave an update last October. Since last October my game has undergone a massive overhaul and am currently on ver. 7.5 of the story. I have consolidated many of the weapons planned and have narrowed it to a shared weapon set with each of the major factions having around 4-5 special unique weapons that are greatly varied from all the other factions. I am taking a nod from Blizzard and Starcraft II with making the factions as distinct as possible but still balanced. Ever since the early days of my project balance has been a key that has not gone over looked.
If I remember correctly I am pretty satisfied with my current story revision and need to move on to designing locations and maps. I have completed an overworld map and now only need to take each section of the map and break it down into highly detailed areas. My game will be an open world FPS that has the player taking the role of a generic soldier. No one man hero, or centrally involved story, just action and a lot of it as the player wont get too involved with character depth and focuses more on the events happening in the war taking place and trying to win it. It may sound a little weak compared to most games these days, but my goal has been refined to making this game focus on not the player but gameplay. The story will play a huge role in the game and it contains it share of plot twists and key events without the need for a highly centralized story that follows a select few. Personally I'm tired of being the chosen one who is the only man who can beat the entire hoard of enemies. Also, I am tired of having any named characters as catalysts for the story. My game will be focusing on exploring story and gameplay through an openworld environment where the player gains much more control over where they will go next and how the war will evolve with minimal predetermined events by myself the developer. I think this freedom will be a breath of fresh air in the FPS world as well as get FPS games back to their roots of pure action and minimal character development.
Now this may be rather generic right now, but I will get a little more specific in the future. Right now I am trying to find time to get back into development and have a development plan designed to quickly implement key features and even create a fully functional sandbox before any of the main game content is created. I am focused on implementing key gameplay features currently and getting each to work properly before diving into scripting the campaign mode. All of this is being planned for RF2 as the current RF will not support nearly enough of the features I plan to implement along with the sheer volume of polygons I intend to flood the screen with. Which I believe in low polygon models, and with newer technology letting more polygons on screen, I see more objects that can be on screen instead of perfectly round barrels and ultra smooth weapons. Models will be of high quality but they will lack the current standard of up to 10,000 polygons per character. I plan to make the world seem full of stuff instead of having a relatively empty world with a few high detailed models.
Once I make more progress and possibly only when I get some screens of W.I.P's will I get more specific. The internet is a dangerous place for ideas and I am taking precautionary measures to ensure my ideas stay mine. I hope this is understandable. I promise that eventually all of this information will be made public

Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.