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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:41 pm
by MakerOfGames
I finally got my computer to work! The error was with RAM installation

?! I have 4 slots to place the RAM in, A1, A2 and B1, B2. I had previously only had my ram in the A slots. I moved the RAM chips to the B slots and Vista hasen't crashed yet like it has in the past.
I only crashed my pc once so far, trying to paint in MS paint and listen to music with only the Windows standard VGA device driver. I was doing that to try and work my computer to see if it would crash again like it had before without extra software on my pc that could have been causing the problem. I was doing that as a debug check to find the culprit by slowly adding devices and software(such as drivers and apps).
My motherboard is an ASUS P5NSLI. The thing that led me to the RAM installation as a possible error was I read a paper that had listed know compatible RAM for my motherboard. Mine wasn't listed, but some RAM can only be installed in A, some B, and some it doesn't matter. I guess my RAM is a B only. I think this is really strange. I have never heard of such a thing as RAM placement causing errors. The real strange thing is that in the A slots, my motherboard recognized all of the RAM. Weird.
I have reinstalled some of my apps and need to finish. I really like Vista, especially because now its working!
Anyhow, I am so glad to have my computer stable! Now all I have to do is find time to work on my game.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:07 am
by zany_001
ive had problems with ram placement on a really old computer,and i had to only have the ram in the first slots in order,so i couldnt go 134,i had to do 123,and i had to look in the manual to see wich slots were wich .
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:44 am
by scott
there could be a possibility of one of the ram chips being faulty? try running one chip at a time, it may show if their is a fault in one and not the other, when i had my problem it was when my laptop heated up, must of broke a curcuit and then crashed, but its good you got it going, means you can carry on working on your game

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:01 am
by MakerOfGames
I tested the possibility of my RAM chips being faulty. I first tried Vista with one in A1 and A2. Then only 1 in A1, then 1 in A2. Then 1 in B1 which got my pc to install Vista without errors! So then after Vista booted up and everything was set I added the second RAM chip in B2 and I have had no problems. I guess there is the possibility that one may be faulty, because it was number 1 in A1 then replaced with the other and then never reinstalled till it was placed in B2. So, I guess the one was never checked to run windows alone, but I haven't had problems yet. I might want to double check to make sure though.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:17 am
by darksmaster923
use a mem tester, to check the stabilty. or post it in a tech forum. so yeah.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:58 pm
by AndyCR
I would reccomend getting MemTest86 and running it for a few hours (when you go to bed tonight?). If the ram is faulty, it will tell you.
I used to have the strangest errors caused by one stick of ram being bad. Windows wouldn't install, Linux wouldn't install, Windows wouldn't boot, but Linux would boot and run. I spent about 3 months replacing the CPU, motherboard, you name it until I thought to try removing one of the two sticks, and what do you know, it worked perfectly.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:17 am
by MakerOfGames
Here is a blurb of an update. I was just playing in TrueSpace 3.2(10 year old program, made in 1997) and applied a plain texture I made with a bump map to a cube. Here is a link to the image.
*56k warning 753KB*
Brick Cubes
The left cube is standard high detail texture, the right cube is a blurred version of the high detail texture. I was experimenting on how each looks when rendered.
Texture Size:
512x512 with same size bump map applied. The bump map was made from the high detail texture.
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:43 am
by MakerOfGames
If you haven't noticed already, I have updated my avatar!
It's another character design for my game as the previous was. Proof that I am getting some work done on my game

. I know I haven't had anything to show for 3 years of being here but I have finally achieved clear focus of what I wish to achieve.
Just as a small very vague update, today I have made the feature list which will define all the elements I will put into my game and am going to start designing everything on paper for my 5th(or 6th?) revision of my game.
I am also sorry to report that I have decided to keep all of my games details under wraps until I have something to show, whenever that day comes. I will update avatars as work is accomplished. So when my avatar changes, much progress has been made.
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:34 am
by AndyCR
I like the texture and the avatar!
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:11 pm
by MakerOfGames
The avatar is one of the factions in my game. They are a heavily mechanized group that are heavily armored. (Don't worry, eventually you will get to see the whole design.)
I hope I am able to find time to get development up and at least walking(running just isn't possible with my life right now

, always busy most of the time anymore)
Anyhow, hopefully it won't be years before I can show just exactly why I have been so secretive about my games new revision. I just hope that with all the features I have planned that I can get a decent frame rate! I am going big with this idea. All of it will be designed specifically for use in RF2. The current version of RF just isn't nearly powerful enough.
Also, I would just like to explain why I am being so secretive. It has taken me a long time to gather my thoughts and ideas and form my final idea. And it will take just as long with the creation of content. And because the internet is not the safest place for fresh ideas with no substance or a fast working creator, I fear that someone might steal my designs and ideas. This is not saying I don't trust these forums and its members, but people passing through can easily take what isn't theirs. I hope you understand, and I'm sorry that circumstances require me to act as such.
Re: MakerOfGames Game Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:43 pm
by sankha93
Why don't you tell us more of your game? We know that nobody will have everything to show from the very beginning.
Re: MakerOfGames Game Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:07 pm
by MakerOfGames
Today is the firs day I have logged on the forums in a long time and what a surprise someone found my game thread! I will admit I have been silently stalking the forums for a couple of weeks now, just not logged in

. I have been making an effort of late to get back into game development.
With this said I will take a moment and give a small update on my game project

I haven't gotten much accomplished on my project since this past April and it has been sitting ever since. However, judging from my last post here, I last gave an update last October. Since last October my game has undergone a massive overhaul and am currently on ver. 7.5 of the story. I have consolidated many of the weapons planned and have narrowed it to a shared weapon set with each of the major factions having around 4-5 special unique weapons that are greatly varied from all the other factions. I am taking a nod from Blizzard and Starcraft II with making the factions as distinct as possible but still balanced. Ever since the early days of my project balance has been a key that has not gone over looked.
If I remember correctly I am pretty satisfied with my current story revision and need to move on to designing locations and maps. I have completed an overworld map and now only need to take each section of the map and break it down into highly detailed areas. My game will be an open world FPS that has the player taking the role of a generic soldier. No one man hero, or centrally involved story, just action and a lot of it as the player wont get too involved with character depth and focuses more on the events happening in the war taking place and trying to win it. It may sound a little weak compared to most games these days, but my goal has been refined to making this game focus on not the player but gameplay. The story will play a huge role in the game and it contains it share of plot twists and key events without the need for a highly centralized story that follows a select few. Personally I'm tired of being the chosen one who is the only man who can beat the entire hoard of enemies. Also, I am tired of having any named characters as catalysts for the story. My game will be focusing on exploring story and gameplay through an openworld environment where the player gains much more control over where they will go next and how the war will evolve with minimal predetermined events by myself the developer. I think this freedom will be a breath of fresh air in the FPS world as well as get FPS games back to their roots of pure action and minimal character development.
Now this may be rather generic right now, but I will get a little more specific in the future. Right now I am trying to find time to get back into development and have a development plan designed to quickly implement key features and even create a fully functional sandbox before any of the main game content is created. I am focused on implementing key gameplay features currently and getting each to work properly before diving into scripting the campaign mode. All of this is being planned for RF2 as the current RF will not support nearly enough of the features I plan to implement along with the sheer volume of polygons I intend to flood the screen with. Which I believe in low polygon models, and with newer technology letting more polygons on screen, I see more objects that can be on screen instead of perfectly round barrels and ultra smooth weapons. Models will be of high quality but they will lack the current standard of up to 10,000 polygons per character. I plan to make the world seem full of stuff instead of having a relatively empty world with a few high detailed models.
Once I make more progress and possibly only when I get some screens of W.I.P's will I get more specific. The internet is a dangerous place for ideas and I am taking precautionary measures to ensure my ideas stay mine. I hope this is understandable. I promise that eventually all of this information will be made public

Re: MakerOfGames Game Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:20 pm
by jonas
Wow he's alive!

Glad your back.

I like your plan of action for this. You've got it planned down to the smallest detail, or so it seems. I can't wait to see some screens of your stuff once you get started with the modelling

Keep up the good work.
Re: MakerOfGames Game Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:49 pm
by MakerOfGames
jonas wrote:I like your plan of action for this. You've got it planned down to the smallest detail, or so it seems.
You have it correct. I am trying to plan everything out before hand so that way there are no hang ups during production or wasting many hours on a 3D model only to decide that later I will not be using it at all. It will save some work eventually. Unfortunately though, I am well into my Sophomore year of college and time is something very elusive to any college student. I have recently started to get back into my game developing as my digital art course has helped inspire me. Also, I grow tired of wasting my time playing Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat Source which have taken too many hours away from my life

. So now I am trying to focus my free time to get back in the swing of things. At least I have found that I still like my ideas from back in April, which from articles I have read on game design means that it has withstood the test of time to check if it is really a good idea that is worth perusing. So I think I have finally stabilized weapon ideas, faction specifics, gameplay mechanics and the story mode. So now my next step is to draw it out on paper and then create it in 3D. I will be doing that in groups as I am itching to see my characters and their trademark weapons come to life. So I will draw some, model some, and repeat. I can't wait till I have something to show. I'll make sure it doesn't take another year for my next update

Re: MakerOfGames Game Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:40 am
by Juutis
Hey MoG! Man, it's great to have you back. I'm glad you haven't given up on your project. TBH, I never thought you were the quitter type. Seems I was right.
I like the whole concept of only giving the ground for the player to build his own action upon. It's definitely different than the traditional FPS. And different is usually good. I also
love the idea of a world full of low-poly stuff. I'd rather have ten 1,000 poly characters than one 10,000 poly character on the screen at once.