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Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:35 am
by ardentcrest
I don't post much here, just read a lot.

But AndyCR, hurry up.Give us downloads.....

I started off with Orge and Irr, but I'm no C++ programmer, that why I love RF.

But Genesis is slow, I could get more particales and speed out of my old spectrum. (Sorry Gen) but its true.

AndyCR I would have liked you to use OGRE so we could have done this with RF2 ... t=category

But you went with Irr, Which has a good base to work from.

But To all the other RF dev Guys. Whay is AndyCR Doing all the work.

There are 10 or so other tools last time I looked that comes with RF.
These tools need to be redone also to fit in with RF2.

what file formats are to be used for levels.

Irr at the moment noes not use read enties from its BSP file format.

We need a working world builder, Irr ones are full of bugs and are only 1/2 finisthed.

We need file converters for our levels for our act files.

One man can't do this on is own.

but I'm no C++ programmer, I.E.

if one man takes 10 week to dig a hole, how long will it take,

AndyCR, QuestOfDreams, jonas, Nout, MakerOfGames, federico, Voltare,gekido and all the others to dig the same hole.

Come on guys, Pick a tool and change it over to RF2_Irr or ( IrRf2 ) :lol:

Can we soon see an RF2 (IrRf2) forum on this site soon?

Lots of valintine love.

Why no posts.

Keep up the great work.

Me.......... :evil:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:08 am
by AndyCR
But AndyCR, hurry up.Give us downloads.....
will do, but itll understandly be awhile... unless you mean media, like movies or screenshots, which if i get some good art i will do.
AndyCR I would have liked you to use OGRE so we could have done this with RF2 ... t=category
i've seen that demo, and rf2's engine is capable of so much more. ogre may be capable of slightly better graphics, and may have a slightly more object oriented approach, but irrlicht will allow me to fo rf2 so much more quickly, and thats somewthing alot of us will want.
But To all the other RF dev Guys. Whay is AndyCR Doing all the work.
there are not many developers working on rf, and as such if one were to be diverted to rf2, rf's progress would be slowed. if more than one were to be diverted, rf's development would slow to a crawl. many would see rf as dying, and the community would begin to vanish. rf2 would be born into a dead community.

i, on the other hand, have not been active on rf's development due to not having a compiler which can compile rf. therefore, rf's development did not suffer by me beginning work on rf2.

as the wheels of pr begin to turn full time for rf2, (and when screenshot-stingy me begins releasing media), support for rf2 will begin to mount. when that occurs, i'm sure that one programmer from rf could come to rf2, should he desire, and the public would understand the rf sluggishness.

in another scenario, perhaps one of the previous rf programmers who has disapeared will resurface to work on rf2. rf2 is likely to bring many people out of the woodwork. were that to occur, they would be great for rf2's development, should they want to help, and they fit the same criteria i do.
There are 10 or so other tools last time I looked that comes with RF.
These tools need to be redone also to fit in with RF2.
yes they do, and it isn't something i'm particularly looking forward to. i have very little win32 experience; i am likely to ask someone else to do the majority of the tools. however, wxwidgets is being very seriously considered for the tools instead of win32, so i may be able to after all.
what file formats are to be used for levels.
.rfl. i have not planned the file format to explain enough of it yet, so ill stay silent about it for now.
Irr at the moment noes not use read enties from its BSP file format.
.bsp will not be used.
We need a working world builder, Irr ones are full of bugs and are only 1/2 finisthed.
rfeditpro will be rebuilt on irrlicht, resulting in a level looking the same in-editor and in-game, and retaining almost the identical workflow from rf.
We need file converters for our levels for our act files.
those should not be much of a problem,. converters are very easy to make compared to game creation suites. :wink:
One man can't do this on is own.
you are absolutely correct. i can't do this on my own. the speed at which development progressed at the start is extremely encouraging. if i can get a couple more programmers with a centralized goal and synchronized collaboration, itll fly.
Come on guys, Pick a tool and change it over to RF2_Irr or ( IrRf2 )
if you do, please check with me first for things such as file formats, libraries to be used, compiler support, and so on, but feel more than free, rather encouraged, to do so if you wish.
Can we soon see an RF2 (IrRf2) forum on this site soon?
that's up to QoD. right now it may be a bit premature, imo.
Why no posts.
from me, because alot of that i went "oh, rf2 will do that." and then realized it may be a bit rude to post what rf2 will do in rf feature requests. maybe im paranoid.
Keep up the great work.
thanks, will do, real life permitting.

the "official" name for rf2 is Reality Factory 080 Build Artisan, or simply RF080. the "real" rf080 will likely be released before rf2, however, so the name will likely have to be changed to one version number above the rf version at that time.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:31 am
by MakerOfGames
If I knew c++ I would glady help out. Sadly I only know visual basic. So I know computer code logic and how to set up scripts and everything, its just that I dont know the c++ language. I have tutorials to learn c++ from of the net but I couldnt make sense of them a year ago. I guess I'll give it another shot. I am more than willing to pick up this comp language in my free time. Anyone know of any good c++ books? I have always wanted to help the dev team. So, where can I start with my lack of knowledge? If I cant help with this coming release, I can at least help in the future if I learn c++.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:37 am
by AndyCR
one word.

he is an amazing teacher, and describes c++ and object orientation like nobody i have ever seen. grab the free ebook of thinking in c++.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:57 am
by MakerOfGames
:D Thanks ! Maybe now I will understand it. Oh yeah, what c++ writer/compiler should be used when working with RF/RF2/RF2Tools.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:01 am
by AndyCR
rf, visual c++ 6 pro. i dont think standard works.

rf2, vc++6, vc++7/2003, vc++2005, gcc, mingw(dev-c++), should work with borland c++ builder or command line borland, and almost any other compiler i can think of... i cant find one that i have it DOSENT work with...

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:09 am
by MakerOfGames
Good, I have dev c++. I am not concerned about the old RF. This new version you are heading by yourself will make the old RF obsolete, right? If so, then I wont have to worry about the old RF compiler compatability.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:57 pm
by ardentcrest
MakerOfGames, is it just VB or can you use .Net.


This example only runs in Windows and demonstrates that Irrlicht can run inside a win32 window. MFC and .NET Windows.Forms windows are possible too.

I know theres not much Docs about .Net on the site but it looks good.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:16 pm
by AndyCR
try this one out, too:

anyway, back on topic. i will need help particularly in the areas of shaders and multiplayer (should multi get in). after not working on rf much (hectic trip, terrible cold) i should be back working on the menu today.

yes, if all goes as planned, rf2 will make rf obsolete and rf will no longer be updated, since rf2 will be closer to the biggest update in rf's history than it will be to a new game creation suite.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:47 pm
by MakerOfGames
Unfortunantly I only know visual basic. But I am willing to learn any computer language given time, and I pick up on anything computer related really quick. So, I'll try to learn whatever is nessicary to help develop RF. And just to let it be known, I have not worked with programing 3D ever, not even modding a game engine. I am willing to learn though. Direct me to the info and I will teach myself. Dont get your hopes up about what I can do, I found and starting using RF because I didnt want to code, and didnt and still dont know anything about coding 3D.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:30 pm
by ardentcrest
But To all the other RF dev Guys. Whay is AndyCR Doing all the work.
there are not many developers working on rf, and as such if one were to be diverted to rf2, rf's progress would be slowed. if more than one were to be diverted, rf's development would slow to a crawl. many would see rf as dying, and the community would begin to vanish. rf2 would be born into a dead community.
yes, if all goes as planned, rf2 will make rf obsolete and rf will no longer be updated, since rf2 will be closer to the biggest update in rf's history than it will be to a new game creation suite.

All My IRR WORK is om my computer at WORK....

BUT for network and muitiplay you could try ie

or try anything witch ueses ICE.

I'll try to get more , when I go Back to work..

(what file type are you going to use for world creation)

ie levels

need file type to start working on new demos

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:08 am
by AndyCR
ardentcrest wrote:
But To all the other RF dev Guys. Whay is AndyCR Doing all the work.
there are not many developers working on rf, and as such if one were to be diverted to rf2, rf's progress would be slowed. if more than one were to be diverted, rf's development would slow to a crawl. many would see rf as dying, and the community would begin to vanish. rf2 would be born into a dead community.
yes, if all goes as planned, rf2 will make rf obsolete and rf will no longer be updated, since rf2 will be closer to the biggest update in rf's history than it will be to a new game creation suite.
it may seem like an odd way to do it, but rf1 and rf2 are being made at the same time by different people - if rf failed to update, it would be a big problem, but rf2 still needs to be made, so the plan is when rf2 is finished, rf1 will be "thrown away" and rf2 will supplant it. it is a wierd way to do it, but i'm darned if i do it, and darned if i dont. it will result in two rf developers working on the same thing on different versions of rf at the same time, thus expending twice the effort for the same thing in the end, but i don't see any other way to do it. if you do, please let me know.
ardentcrest wrote:All My IRR WORK is om my computer at WORK....

BUT for network and muitiplay you could try ie

or try anything witch ueses ICE.

I'll try to get more , when I go Back to work..
thanks for the links, hawknl would be what ill likely use for rf2, should multiplayer make it into the initial release. i would have preferred to use raknet for ease of use, but it does not seem to support macs.[/quote]
ardentcrest wrote:(what file type are you going to use for world creation)

ie levels

need file type to start working on new demos
what new demos?

for testing pourposes, i'll replace levels with models at first. when the entity control modules get in place, i will switch to levels. the file type will likely be similar to an ini file in some ways. i have yet to do much solid work on the format, since it has not been an issue as of yet.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:16 am
by MakerOfGames
How is RF2 being written? Are you writing everything from scratch? Or are you converting the old RF source? Or is it both?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:19 am
by AndyCR
its being rewritten from scratch, using the rf source for reference in some cases. ill often look at the rf source and go "hey, i should do that that way in rf2, too!" and do it, and also often go "now, thats how rf does it, but in rf2 i think it would be better to..." and do something entirely different. some aspects of rf2 are nearly identical to rf, some are so different they are barely recognizeable. in the end, though, the user dosen't see much of a difference, except of course for the enhancements, increased speed, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:30 am
by MakerOfGames
I have a question for you AndyCR. How did you learn how to do all this coding? Did you teach yourself, take classes, or read books? Basicly, I want to know how I can go about learning to do this kind of thing. Would tutorials online be sufficent?