scripted armor and other equiptment.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:52 pm
In the game i am making i want to use a combination of armors that are already supported by the engine and scripted armors. basicly i have a selection of characters that can get different items.
First off I have different sets of helmets, kevlar body vests, scuba gear, and gasmask prefab sets for army, navy, police, swat, and black ops characters.
what I need to know is how to get the item to display on the character when active in the inventory and dissapear when used up. I don't know how to do this.
Seccondly I have special armors that when picked up automaticly snap to the character. the player throughout the last sections of the regular game collects the parts of a special "power suit" that gives added protection and functions, these parts need to be scripted because I don't want you to be able to put them away and because the suit is picked up as seperate parts (helmet, vest, ect...). Is it possible to script armor like this that works like the regular armors but is still scripted.
Also I am working on other special scripted gear items that activate special things in the game. I need some help with these too.
Tactical shield: my idea is that it is a solid pawn that snaps to the players skeleton when its picked up (with the use key), its solid so bullets that hit the shield don't hit the player at all. the problem is that I need it to change the animations the player uses (like the weapon overide 3rd person animations) and when you has it active (in hand) can only select certain weapon slots (pistols, smgs, knives, ect...). Also when its innactive but the player still has it i want it to snap to the players back (seperate model for innactive shield?).
Radio: the radio is just a scripted pawn that snaps to the players shoulder and when it gets within range of another specific pawn and it is on (turn on and off to save batteries) it goes to specific orders to play sounds. All I really need help with here is getting it to display on the players body when picked up (with the use key).
Night Vision Goggles: this is a hard one. Besides having an on and off state and being snaped to the player, it must also make the area around you visible without creating light... Is there a way to set the gamma higher and display a graphic infront of the players view so that it can be changed on and off?
If anyone can help me with any of this stuff that would be great.
First off I have different sets of helmets, kevlar body vests, scuba gear, and gasmask prefab sets for army, navy, police, swat, and black ops characters.
what I need to know is how to get the item to display on the character when active in the inventory and dissapear when used up. I don't know how to do this.
Seccondly I have special armors that when picked up automaticly snap to the character. the player throughout the last sections of the regular game collects the parts of a special "power suit" that gives added protection and functions, these parts need to be scripted because I don't want you to be able to put them away and because the suit is picked up as seperate parts (helmet, vest, ect...). Is it possible to script armor like this that works like the regular armors but is still scripted.
Also I am working on other special scripted gear items that activate special things in the game. I need some help with these too.
Tactical shield: my idea is that it is a solid pawn that snaps to the players skeleton when its picked up (with the use key), its solid so bullets that hit the shield don't hit the player at all. the problem is that I need it to change the animations the player uses (like the weapon overide 3rd person animations) and when you has it active (in hand) can only select certain weapon slots (pistols, smgs, knives, ect...). Also when its innactive but the player still has it i want it to snap to the players back (seperate model for innactive shield?).
Radio: the radio is just a scripted pawn that snaps to the players shoulder and when it gets within range of another specific pawn and it is on (turn on and off to save batteries) it goes to specific orders to play sounds. All I really need help with here is getting it to display on the players body when picked up (with the use key).
Night Vision Goggles: this is a hard one. Besides having an on and off state and being snaped to the player, it must also make the area around you visible without creating light... Is there a way to set the gamma higher and display a graphic infront of the players view so that it can be changed on and off?
If anyone can help me with any of this stuff that would be great.