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I'm newbie

Post by LtForce »

1.Can I create my own weapons with Reality Factory.And if so how?

2.Where could I get more textures?

3.What is the easiest way to create actors?

4.Is it possible to create NPC?And if so, can I make them give quests or missions. And is there way to make enemies?

Sorry I got this program yesterday.
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Post by AndyCR »

1. Yes, http://dhost.info/realityfactory/online ... eapons.htm
http://dhost.info/realityfactory/online ... ectile.htm

2. Just google Free Textures, some should come up. You can also get a ton with the RF resource pack.

4. Yes, and yes. Check the various sections on "Pawns" in the docs.

Docs link: http://dhost.info/realityfactory/onlinehelp/index.htm

Welcome to the forums! :D
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Post by LtForce »

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Post by LtForce »

And when I download more textures where do I put them?
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Post by AndyCR »

you open rfpack.exe, drag your textures into the list there, then save the file. in rfeditpro, you open project->level options and change the .txl to the one you just saved.
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Post by LtForce »

Hooorey, I've created my first room 8) , but there are black lines all over it :oops: . What should I do?
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Post by LtForce »

How do I add .rar file to this forum? It's only 180 Kb, but it says that it's too big(256 is max right?)
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

The total filesize for the forum was reached, try again...
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Post by LtForce »

Ok I'm trying again... this is screenshot. If anyone could help I will add .MAP and textures I use
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Post by ardentcrest »

It could be down to your computer speed,
or your graphics card,
but check your textures, Make sure they are the right size,
they should be X2 ie, 2X2 4X4 8X8 16X16, I use 64X64 and 128X128.

You may also have a border around you textures, some art programs can leave them there,
But most of all make sure your room is not too big,
this sometimes hapens to me, not only lines but my textures go funny.

It take a lot of work just to get a basic level working.

But most of all DON'T DOUBLE POST, keep posting to the one you started.
After a while someone will come a long and help. Stay in the forum your post should be in. Do it to often and you maybe banned from the site. (NO ONE HAS YET> I THINK?)

Also If you make a zip file of the level and your textures ie. a demo of what you have done,post it here, and we could see whats wrong and try to help quicker.

But most of all don't give up on us slow posters

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Post by LtForce »

Any other ideas? Because my computer is kinda good: 1024 DDR, GeForce 6600 with 256 RAM, 3 Ghz. And will it work if I only post here .MAP file, because my .txl is ~3 MB
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Post by AndyCR »

I get these kind of artifacts when I run RF in OpenGL mode.
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Post by LtForce »

Hooooorey, no black lines anymore, but I still don't know why :oops: . So, now I has other problem: I made a chair using MilkShape 1.7.0 and I exported it as a .map file. And then how to import it to RF?
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Post by scott »

i had the first thing, when i first started i done exactly the same, but then i asked for help, and just like im doing now, i got help :D, and so, some where in these forums, probably under modeling, is the post i made with a detaild exlonation, but for a breif explonation.

you need to export your model to a .bdy file (genisis) and then in the directory you installed RF to is a folder called tools, in this folder there is a prgram called astudio, this converts the .bdy file into a usable .act file, and use one of the static mesh entity or the other one (cant rmember something like a static proxy entity or something to early in the morning to think, lol)

well i hope that helps and dont forget to check the forum for past posts as there is alot of help in them.
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