Taking damage while shooting down.
- Posts: 320
- Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:41 pm
Taking damage while shooting down.
When I shoot from a high vantage piont down to the ground I take damage if I fire to fast, Like a machine gun. It doent happen when I shoot up though.
Patience and tolerance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. Even those that are the most knowledgeable started with many questions.
is there any splash damage set?
RF2 site: http://realityfactory2.sourceforge.net/
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
- Posts: 320
- Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:41 pm
Here is the ini for the ammo for the gun. As you can see the BulletExplosions are commented out and the explosiondamage and the explosiondamage are set to 0.
type = projectile
actor = Weapons/Projectile.act
rotation = 0 0 0
scale = 0.1
gravity = false
bounce = false
speed = 5000
lifetime = 6
boundingbox = 1
;explosion = BulletExplosion
;actorexplosion = BulletExplosion
showboth = false
attachactor = false
bonelevel = true
damage = 50
altdamage = 0
explosionradius = 0
explosiondamage = 0
decal = 0
movesound = footsteps/footstep.wav
impactsound = Weapons/Impact.wav
I found the command for the bounding box.
; width and depth of player bounding box
boxsize = 22
Perhaps it could be that the BoundingBox for the player is to wide and I am shooting it ftom the inside because of the angle. Is there a way to set width and height seperately instead of both in one command in the ? That way I could set the box to be thinner but the same hieght. However this doesnt seem to happen with the exploding ammo just the regular ammo.
Just a thought.
7:29 PM 6/27/2006:
It seems as though if the fire rate of the weapon is less then 1.0 the above behavior is the result. I am going to play with the projectile speed to see if I can compensate.
10:41 PM 6/27/2006:
The exploding ammo has the same issue if I fire the weapon at the same time that the last round fired is exploding. It happens regardless of fire rate or projectile speed for either of the 2 weapons. Only firing down within a certain angle range. I can shoot straight down and out and down farther out from the player. It seems to be just in between a certain range.
Any ideas?
12:00 PM 6/28/2006
Here is the playersetup. Maybe there is something there taht can help.
; PlayerSetup.ini
; information used to setup the player
; 3rd person animation names
; default animations
; these can be overridden by the weapon animations
idle = Idle
walk = Walk
run = Run
jump = Jump
starttojump = JumpStart
fall = Fall
land = Land
climbidle = Climb_Idle
climbdown = ClimbDown
climbup = ClimbUp
slidetoleft = StrafeLeft
slideruntoleft = StrafeRLeft
slidetoright = StrafeRight
slideruntoright = StrafeRRight
crawl = Crawl
crouchidle = C_Idle
crouchstarttojump = C_JumpStart
crouchland = C_Land
crawlslidetoleft = StrafeCLeft
crawlslidetoright = StrafeCRight
shootup = Shoot2
shootdwn = Shoot1
aimup = Aim2
aimdwn = Aim1
walkshootup = WalkShoot2
walkshootdwn = WalkShoot1
runshootup = RunShoot2
runshootdwn = RunShoot1
slidetoleftshootup = SStrafeLeft2
slidetoleftshootdwn = SStrafeLeft1
slideruntoleftshootup = SStrafeRLeft2
slideruntoleftshootdwn = SStrafeRLeft1
slidetorightshootup = SStrafeRight2
slidetorightshootdwn = SStrafeRight1
slideruntorightshootup = SStrafeRRight2
slideruntorightshootdwn = SStrafeRRight1
jumpshootup = JumpShoot2
jumpshootdwn = JumpShoot1
fallshootup = FallShoot2
fallshootdwn = FallShoot1
crouchaimup = CAim2
crouchaimdwn = CAim1
crouchshootup = CShoot2
crouchshootdwn = CShoot1
crawlshootup = CrawlShoot2
crawlshootdwn = CrawlShoot1
crawlslidetoleftshootup = StrafeCLeftShoot2
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn = StrafeCLeftShoot1
crawlslidetorightshootup = StrafeCRightShoot2
crawlslidetorightshootdwn = StrafeCRightShoot1
walkback = WalkBack
runback = RunBack
crawlback = CrawlBack
walkshootupback = WalkBackShoot2
walkshootdwnback = WalkBackShoot1
runshootupback = RunBackShoot2
runshootdwnback = RunBackShoot1
crawlshootupback = CrawlBackShoot2
crawlshootdwnback = CrawlBackShoot1
swimback = SwimBack
swim = Swim
treadwater = TreadWater
; A maximum of 5 animation names per action
; seperated by a space
die = Die Die1
injury = Injury
; number of seconds in each transition animation
; default is 1 seconds if undefined
idletowalktime = 0.1
idletoruntime = 0.1
walktoidletime = 0.5
runtoidletime = 0.5
crawltoidletime = 0.5
idletocrouchtime = 1
crouchtoidletime = 1
swimtotreadtime = 1
treadtoswimtime = 1
idletotreadtime = 1
treadtoidletime = 1
swimtowalktime = 0.2
walktoswimtime = 1
jumptofalltime = 0.2
jumptotreadtime = 1
falltotreadtime = 1
slidetocrouchtime = 0.5
slidetoidletime = 0.5
falltocrawltime = 0.2
falltojumptime = 0.2
falltowalktime = 0.2
walktojumptime = 0.2
walktocrawltime = 0.2
crawltowalktime = 0.2
idletocrawltime = 0.1
; flashlight information
; range of 0 to 1 (maximum brightness)
intensity = 1
; light radius is randomly changed between minimum and maximum values
minimumradius = 250
maximumradius = 250
; light color is randomly changed between minimum and maximum values
minimumcolor = 255 0 0
maximumcolor = 255 0 0
; number of seconds light will operate
lifetime = 160
; number seconds light takes to fade out after lifetime is reached
decaytime = 4
; name of bone in player to attach light to
attachtobone = Bone05
; use a spotlight effect
spotlight = true
; angle of the lightcone
arc = 30
; offset direction
;offsetangles = 0 180 5
offsetangles = 360 360 360
; falloff style 0=normal, 1=soft, 2=hard
style = 0
; misc information
; name of attribute designated auto increase
attributename = LightValue
; number of seconds before attribute increases by 1
recoverytime = 3
; minimum distance player must fall to sustain damage
minimumfalldistance = 100
; distance after which player sustains maximum damage
maximumfalldistance = 50
; maximum damage from a fall
falldamage = 2
; fall damage attribute
falldamageattribute = health
; color and brightness of actor
fillcolor = 0 0 0
ambientcolor = 0 0 0
; distance inside which use key operates
userange = 175
; width and depth of player bounding box
boxsize = 22
; flag to set to always run
alwaysrun = true
; flag to disable crouch jumping
allowcrouchjump = true
; jump on damage
jumpondamage = 10
minimumjumpondistance = 30
maximumjumpondistance = 40
jumpondamageattribute = health
restartafterdeath = true
; player action sounds
; maximum of 5 sounds per action
die = die1.wav
injury = injury1.wav
land = injury.wav
type = projectile
actor = Weapons/Projectile.act
rotation = 0 0 0
scale = 0.1
gravity = false
bounce = false
speed = 5000
lifetime = 6
boundingbox = 1
;explosion = BulletExplosion
;actorexplosion = BulletExplosion
showboth = false
attachactor = false
bonelevel = true
damage = 50
altdamage = 0
explosionradius = 0
explosiondamage = 0
decal = 0
movesound = footsteps/footstep.wav
impactsound = Weapons/Impact.wav
I found the command for the bounding box.
; width and depth of player bounding box
boxsize = 22
Perhaps it could be that the BoundingBox for the player is to wide and I am shooting it ftom the inside because of the angle. Is there a way to set width and height seperately instead of both in one command in the ? That way I could set the box to be thinner but the same hieght. However this doesnt seem to happen with the exploding ammo just the regular ammo.
Just a thought.
7:29 PM 6/27/2006:
It seems as though if the fire rate of the weapon is less then 1.0 the above behavior is the result. I am going to play with the projectile speed to see if I can compensate.
10:41 PM 6/27/2006:
The exploding ammo has the same issue if I fire the weapon at the same time that the last round fired is exploding. It happens regardless of fire rate or projectile speed for either of the 2 weapons. Only firing down within a certain angle range. I can shoot straight down and out and down farther out from the player. It seems to be just in between a certain range.
Any ideas?
12:00 PM 6/28/2006
Here is the playersetup. Maybe there is something there taht can help.
; PlayerSetup.ini
; information used to setup the player
; 3rd person animation names
; default animations
; these can be overridden by the weapon animations
idle = Idle
walk = Walk
run = Run
jump = Jump
starttojump = JumpStart
fall = Fall
land = Land
climbidle = Climb_Idle
climbdown = ClimbDown
climbup = ClimbUp
slidetoleft = StrafeLeft
slideruntoleft = StrafeRLeft
slidetoright = StrafeRight
slideruntoright = StrafeRRight
crawl = Crawl
crouchidle = C_Idle
crouchstarttojump = C_JumpStart
crouchland = C_Land
crawlslidetoleft = StrafeCLeft
crawlslidetoright = StrafeCRight
shootup = Shoot2
shootdwn = Shoot1
aimup = Aim2
aimdwn = Aim1
walkshootup = WalkShoot2
walkshootdwn = WalkShoot1
runshootup = RunShoot2
runshootdwn = RunShoot1
slidetoleftshootup = SStrafeLeft2
slidetoleftshootdwn = SStrafeLeft1
slideruntoleftshootup = SStrafeRLeft2
slideruntoleftshootdwn = SStrafeRLeft1
slidetorightshootup = SStrafeRight2
slidetorightshootdwn = SStrafeRight1
slideruntorightshootup = SStrafeRRight2
slideruntorightshootdwn = SStrafeRRight1
jumpshootup = JumpShoot2
jumpshootdwn = JumpShoot1
fallshootup = FallShoot2
fallshootdwn = FallShoot1
crouchaimup = CAim2
crouchaimdwn = CAim1
crouchshootup = CShoot2
crouchshootdwn = CShoot1
crawlshootup = CrawlShoot2
crawlshootdwn = CrawlShoot1
crawlslidetoleftshootup = StrafeCLeftShoot2
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn = StrafeCLeftShoot1
crawlslidetorightshootup = StrafeCRightShoot2
crawlslidetorightshootdwn = StrafeCRightShoot1
walkback = WalkBack
runback = RunBack
crawlback = CrawlBack
walkshootupback = WalkBackShoot2
walkshootdwnback = WalkBackShoot1
runshootupback = RunBackShoot2
runshootdwnback = RunBackShoot1
crawlshootupback = CrawlBackShoot2
crawlshootdwnback = CrawlBackShoot1
swimback = SwimBack
swim = Swim
treadwater = TreadWater
; A maximum of 5 animation names per action
; seperated by a space
die = Die Die1
injury = Injury
; number of seconds in each transition animation
; default is 1 seconds if undefined
idletowalktime = 0.1
idletoruntime = 0.1
walktoidletime = 0.5
runtoidletime = 0.5
crawltoidletime = 0.5
idletocrouchtime = 1
crouchtoidletime = 1
swimtotreadtime = 1
treadtoswimtime = 1
idletotreadtime = 1
treadtoidletime = 1
swimtowalktime = 0.2
walktoswimtime = 1
jumptofalltime = 0.2
jumptotreadtime = 1
falltotreadtime = 1
slidetocrouchtime = 0.5
slidetoidletime = 0.5
falltocrawltime = 0.2
falltojumptime = 0.2
falltowalktime = 0.2
walktojumptime = 0.2
walktocrawltime = 0.2
crawltowalktime = 0.2
idletocrawltime = 0.1
; flashlight information
; range of 0 to 1 (maximum brightness)
intensity = 1
; light radius is randomly changed between minimum and maximum values
minimumradius = 250
maximumradius = 250
; light color is randomly changed between minimum and maximum values
minimumcolor = 255 0 0
maximumcolor = 255 0 0
; number of seconds light will operate
lifetime = 160
; number seconds light takes to fade out after lifetime is reached
decaytime = 4
; name of bone in player to attach light to
attachtobone = Bone05
; use a spotlight effect
spotlight = true
; angle of the lightcone
arc = 30
; offset direction
;offsetangles = 0 180 5
offsetangles = 360 360 360
; falloff style 0=normal, 1=soft, 2=hard
style = 0
; misc information
; name of attribute designated auto increase
attributename = LightValue
; number of seconds before attribute increases by 1
recoverytime = 3
; minimum distance player must fall to sustain damage
minimumfalldistance = 100
; distance after which player sustains maximum damage
maximumfalldistance = 50
; maximum damage from a fall
falldamage = 2
; fall damage attribute
falldamageattribute = health
; color and brightness of actor
fillcolor = 0 0 0
ambientcolor = 0 0 0
; distance inside which use key operates
userange = 175
; width and depth of player bounding box
boxsize = 22
; flag to set to always run
alwaysrun = true
; flag to disable crouch jumping
allowcrouchjump = true
; jump on damage
jumpondamage = 10
minimumjumpondistance = 30
maximumjumpondistance = 40
jumpondamageattribute = health
restartafterdeath = true
; player action sounds
; maximum of 5 sounds per action
die = die1.wav
injury = injury1.wav
land = injury.wav
Patience and tolerance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. Even those that are the most knowledgeable started with many questions.
- Posts: 320
- Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:41 pm
I checked that. The one setting controls all weapons and it is just this weaopn that does this. I did try changing it till it stopped and I had to set it to 25 before that would stop killing me. Cant do anything at 25 that is worth much.
I did an experiment. I made the projectile big enough to see and slowed it down enough to see. I then fired the weapon. The projectile appeared in front of the weapon and then move away to the target. The projectile made impact with the target that was in the crosshairs. I did this several times at many different angles. Again it was just within an angle range that would be about 5 feet to 2 feet out in front of the player. The damage only happens when the projectile hits the target in that range. It doesnt matter how close or far the the target is. The projectile also does have an affect on the health of the target.
Can anyone varify that they also have this happening?
11:37 AM 7/3/2006:
I think that I have it narrowed dow to the viewoffset in the weapon.ini.
I have been playing with it and think that if I can get the weapon moved forward that it fix the issue. I havent been able to do that. What would be the way to do this using the settings below?
viewoffset = -5 -5 -5
I did an experiment. I made the projectile big enough to see and slowed it down enough to see. I then fired the weapon. The projectile appeared in front of the weapon and then move away to the target. The projectile made impact with the target that was in the crosshairs. I did this several times at many different angles. Again it was just within an angle range that would be about 5 feet to 2 feet out in front of the player. The damage only happens when the projectile hits the target in that range. It doesnt matter how close or far the the target is. The projectile also does have an affect on the health of the target.
Can anyone varify that they also have this happening?
11:37 AM 7/3/2006:
I think that I have it narrowed dow to the viewoffset in the weapon.ini.
I have been playing with it and think that if I can get the weapon moved forward that it fix the issue. I havent been able to do that. What would be the way to do this using the settings below?
viewoffset = -5 -5 -5
Patience and tolerance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. Even those that are the most knowledgeable started with many questions.
Well, they read x, y, z, with z being towards and away from you. Change z to positive 5 and the weapon should be further away. (if I am thinking correctly.) Don't be afraid to tweak those settings. You can always put them back where they were and tweak in a different direction. I can't confirm your problem because I am not at home, but I will try it tomorrow sometime. I have tomorrow night off for the holiday.
If Andy or QOD read this, I have a question. When I check weapon positioning to on with the ini editor, I do not get the position readouts on the screen. Was that disabled?
If Andy or QOD read this, I have a question. When I check weapon positioning to on with the ini editor, I do not get the position readouts on the screen. Was that disabled?
The font that is used to output debug data, such as weapon positioning, is not enabled by default. I forgot which one it is, but it should be a simple INI tweak in menu.ini to get it working. QOD, if you're there, do you remember which one it is?
RF2 site: http://realityfactory2.sourceforge.net/
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
- Posts: 320
- Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:41 pm
I found the issue!!
The end of the weapon was just outside of the player bounding box. When I looked down it brought the weapon into the box and when I fired it caused damage. I simply adjusted the weapon so that it is completely outside the box. Not taking damage at any angle now.
Was so simple. Why didnt I see that before?
I will have to be on the lookout for such things in the future.
Thanks for all the great ideas.
You people rock!!
The end of the weapon was just outside of the player bounding box. When I looked down it brought the weapon into the box and when I fired it caused damage. I simply adjusted the weapon so that it is completely outside the box. Not taking damage at any angle now.
Was so simple. Why didnt I see that before?
I will have to be on the lookout for such things in the future.
Thanks for all the great ideas.
You people rock!!
Patience and tolerance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. Even those that are the most knowledgeable started with many questions.