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The Dungeon - Screens

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:55 pm
by steven8
Here are the pistols from Hike's link. I still am not entirley happy with their position, but I'll tweak it. It's in the rotation. Also, a wall decal in use. Neat thing about wall decals is being able to set a color to mute them or just make them look like they belong on the wall that they are on.

Oh no. It says my upload quota has been reached. I'll upload elsewhere and make a link. Hold on. . .There, it's done.


I like this way best. You see the image right away.

I am going to use a multitude of entities in this little game. My son Paul is already wanting me to start on the second level, as he can get past all three bad guys easily already.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:51 pm
by AndyCR
I'm sorry to go offtopic, but are you Steven8, or Steven8's son? The 'the 2nd' makes me think your his son, the one he made Pumpkin Jones for, but then you throw me off with the 'my son' bit. Confusing person!! :lol:

Looks great! I'm so glad to see people using RF1, since RF2 is so far from completion.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:55 pm
by LtForce
AndyCR wrote:since RF2 is so far from completion.
:cry: Life is so cruel :cry:

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:27 pm
by MakerOfGames
Nice screen! Are those dual pistols?!! N64 Goldeneye style? If so, thats awsome!

EDIT:(Forgot to add)
The hands seem a bit high on screen.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:40 pm
by steven8
Yep Andy, I am Steven8, but when I clicked the button to sign up for this new forum, I accidently clicked the 'I'm under 13 and need my Parents Permission' button, so I had to come back and make a new name for myself. Hence, Steven8 the 2nd. Bummer. 8)

I am also working on Pumpkin Jones for my sons, but it's going slow. I love Dungeon style shooters and have been so out of touch with things, that I decided to just make The Dungeon to give my guys something shoot up while I work on models for Pumpkin Jones.

@MakerOfGames - I'm not sure if they are N64 Goldeneye style or not. I love them though. Go here: and find I'm glad you like the screen, and I have the same issue with the placement of the guns. Have you ever seen Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels? The guy with the curly hair who killed Hatchet Harry held his guns high like that. What a cool movie. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's the first movie by Guy Ritchie. (Madonna's (ex?) Husband Or husaband, I'm not sure.)

@Itforce - life is not cruel because Andy has a ways to go RF2. It's just wonderful that he is working on it for this community. Andy's contributions here have been fantastic, and we were all so lucky he was around at the time of the meltdown to help pick up the pieces and keep things going. Don't mope around about what isn't. Revel in what IS!! RF IS a fantastic tool for folks with a dream to see it happen. You may or may not realize just how thrilled I was the first time I walked around in my own 3D game level!! Man!, that was awesome!! And still is. Don't worry about RF2 just yet. get to work and build yourself some levels in RF1. Build your skills and knowledge.

Thanks everyone, it's very nice to be back making stuff in RF. I've been gone for a bit, fooling around with BV and Revolution3D, because I can actually code in it, as it's in VB.Net. :lol:

Andy, I'm really impressed by the progress you have made on RF2. I went to your site and scoped out your dev progress and the tutorials and stuff. Very nice. I think you have made fantastic progress. I read that Dave is helping out now. That is great. I seem to recall he did some excellent work on RF1, if I am remembering right. It's all just terrific, and this site is the best. Your repository of RF Resources and demo's is the best I can recall.

I'll post more screens as I go on. I had no idea it would be so hard to find a good picture of wall shackles for my dungeon. I've Googled, Yahoo'ed, and AOL'ed, but no good results. Crazy. I'll keep looking though, but I'll probably wind up making my own.

Thank you for everything!!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:32 am
by AndyCR
I think you might have blended Daniel(QuestOfDreams) and I into one person.
we were all so lucky he was around at the time of the meltdown to help pick up the pieces and keep things going
That was actually Daniel.
Your repository of RF Resources and demo's is the best I can recall.
I only have a few tutorials, dont know if you're referring to that?

Thanks, don't quite know what to say, other than I'm happy to do RF2, I think it's right where God wants me and that's just where I want to be.

Plus, it's fun. :P

(And wow, I've managed to derail yet another thread. Sorry!)

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:04 am
by steven8
Ah, but my key word was 'help'. It took more than just Daniel, and I believe you played a key role in keeping things together. Just keeping things moving and being positive. helping new people who popped up and letting them know that the community was still alive and well. Then taking on the awesome task of RF2. QOD is part of the fabric of RF. He is the modern day Ralph Deane. You can never take that away from him. However, he has to spend so much time doing drudgery background work, he doesn't have as much time as he'd like being out here meeting and greeting folks. That is where you came in. Your name has been a big player all along, doing the kinda-Mike sort of thing. You can't discard that!

As far as the repository of resources and such, I meant this site here. At first I hated the demos and stuff being on Filefront, but it has caused me no problems. Daniel has done a terrific job of gathering and organizing things. I love the website and the wealth of material to use for beginners is so much more than when I joined in, back in 2002.

As for derailing my thread. . .there can be no such thing. I intend for all my threads to be open forums for free thinking. I'll find all my answers as I need them, and gladly share with everyone as I do.

Nice graphic, by the way. (Despite the utter carnage of it all.)

[edit]I think it's right where God wants me and that's just where I want to be[/edit]

AMEN Brother!!

P.P.S. - And let's not forget Frederico. he has been awesome for the community as well. He brings a lot to the table!!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:57 pm
by steven8
Okay, I got the guns where I want them, and here is a shot of the stairs room with the water.



Re: The Dungeon - Screens

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:52 pm
by LtForce
steven8 the 2nd wrote: My son Paul is already wanting me to start on the second level, as he can get past all three bad guys easily already.
You guys have sons? I must be youngest RF user (only 13 :oops: )

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:05 pm
by AndyCR
Oh, I forgot to mention. My website's RF2 Progress and Blog pages are not updated, and I have no plans to update them, save for adding a note that they will not be updated.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:40 pm
by steven8
I'm sorry you won't be updating the blog, but you have made a lot of progress, Andy. Excellent!!

Itforce, I have 3 sons. Thomas - 4, Steven - 6 and Paul - 9.

I am 40 years old and have been married 17 years. I am an old guy. :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:25 am
by zany_001
D your guns fire at the same time or are they independant of each other.the goldeneye style guns fire at the same time, but halo guns can fire independantly.(i remember a post about someone trying to get that effect).

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:59 pm
by psYco
The game looks great! Are you planning on releasing it to the comunity or is it just a personal project? good work so far. Oh and where can I see your other project (with a pumpkin in?) it sounds awsome is there a old thread about it? :D