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New with conversation questions.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:46 pm
by Fallen
Okay, I've done the simple conversation tutorial on this site. And I have done the Simple Pawn tutorial on this site. I am having difficulty combining the two to get an effect.

I know how to create the Script for the conversation using the Tree program.

I can add a Pawn into my enviroment no problem.

How do I make my character interact with the Pawn which will then insue the conversation I have scripted?

First day going at this, I'm liking it so far seems simple once you know how to do it.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:37 pm
by Juutis
I assume you are using the built-in player of RF (not a pawn that acts as the main character).

First open the level editor and select the pawn you want to talk to. In the pawn properties there is a field called 'ConvScriptName'. Enter the name of your conversation script here.

Then you'll need to fill in the field 'ConvOrder'. It defines the first 'order' that is executed when the conversation starts. It's the part of the conversation that starts the whole thing, something like 'Start' or 'Greeting'.

After that you should be able to start the conversation with use key. Just go near enough, aim at him and press the use key. If it doesn't work, add this line to the spawn order of the pawn: "AllowUseKey(true);".

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you don't understand something.

Welcome to the forums! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:29 am
by steven8
Hi Fallen,

Welcome to the community. RF is a wonderful set of tools and a great place to learn game making.

I would follow Juutis' advice, as it sounds correct. I have never used the conversation part of RF, but many people have. Here is a link to Hike1's asylum demo, and I know he uses conversations. ... einfo.html

Best of luck and let us know how else we can help you.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:16 am
by Fallen
Thanks for the info guys.

Yes, I actually downloaded asylum and was going to use it as a refference as it boasted the use of the conversation feature. But as I played I walked up to characters and clicked every button my mouse had and ever key on my keyboard and no conversations popped up so I decided that it would not be a good refference point for me.

And other than the AllowUseKey(true); part of your statement Juutis that appears to be what I have done. I will continue to try more.

Please tell me if I am just being an idiot ... because I feel like one since I can't get a conversation going in the Asylum demo which obviously does have this capability built into it.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:42 am
by Fallen
Okay ... still can't get it to work. Here is what I am doing.


Code: Select all


Hi, how are you?

My name is Ernie.

Nice name that is.


Code: Select all

actorname = virgil.act
actorrotation = -90 180 0
actorscale = 2
fillcolor = 255 255 255
ambientcolor = 255 255 255
subjecttogravity = true
boundingboxanimation = Idle
shadowsize = 80
projectedshadows = true

Code: Select all

   Spawn[ ()
      PlayAnimation("Idle", true, "");
   } ]

Code: Select all


  Start[ ()
          case 1
          case 2
  } ]

  Second[ ()
          case 1
  } ]

Then in RFEditPro:
Create box level.
Add EviromentSetup (for good measure)
Add PlayerSetup
Add PlayerStart
Add Pawn
Define Pawn Attributes:

Code: Select all

Angle - 0 0 0
Change Materia - 
ConvOrder - Start
ConvScriptName - tut.s
HidFromRadar - False
origin - 127-224-114
PawnType - Idler
ScriptName - idler
SpawnOrder - Spawn
Spawn Point -
Spawn Trigger -
szEntityName -
The level loads, my player works fine, the pawn shows up as expected, but no interactivity is present.

I was assuming the "Use" button was the right mouse button. I tried about everything but if I could get that cleared up that would speed up my testing quite a bit.

Does anyone see something wrong with the above setup?

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:04 pm
by Juutis
In the pawn attributes: "ScriptName - idler", you are missing the .s extension. So change it to "idler.s" and it should work.

You can check your use key in the game. Start RF and go to Options->Controls. All controls should be there.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:50 pm
by Fallen
That didn't seem to make a difference. The Pawn acts the same with or without the .s at the end of the name. Just stands there breathing. Still can't open a conversation.

I noticed in the Asylum source that he has a Conversation pawn set up in the .ini file. So I am thinking I have to create and enter a Conversation pawn for the conversations to work? I can copy his pawn.ini info, but I still do not know how to set up the actual pawn in RFEditorPro ... I am going to look at the manual ... and other help would be great apprecaited.

Actually that just defines how the conversation window looks ... according to the documentation assigning a script to a pawn should work ... hmm what am I missing.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:34 am
by steven8
I've never done a conversation, either. I started trying to make one today, so I can help you out, but have had no success yet, either. People do it, so it can be done. We just have to find that one thing we are missing. It's usually something small. I'll keep posting as I go.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:33 pm
by Fallen
I apprecaite you help as I am still clueless.

I've tried quite a bit of stupid ideas and they proved to be just that stupid ideas.

Oh well, I'll get it eventually. I got alot more to learn about this app besides just the conversations anyhow :P

But please keep trying ^_^.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:19 pm
by QuestOfDreams
I noticed in the Asylum source that he has a Conversation pawn set up in the .ini file. So I am thinking I have to create and enter a Conversation pawn for the conversations to work? I can copy his pawn.ini info, but I still do not know how to set up the actual pawn in RFEditorPro ... I am going to look at the manual ... and other help would be great apprecaited.

Yes, you need the section [Conversation] in the pawn.ini file. This is not a 'real' pawn (in other words: you don't have to add a pawn entity to the level for it) but defines the bitmaps and fonts used in conversations with pawns.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:52 pm
by hike1
But as I played I walked up to characters and clicked every button my mouse had and ever key on my keyboard and no conversations popped up so I decided that it would not be a good refference point for me.
I think it's the 'U' key (Use), check the Menu/options/controls to
see if your Use key is U, should be a readme file, I'll dig it up
and check when I get a chance.