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Post by Anonymu$ »

i have created a map , actors , and how to make them to be game ? and if i just place weapon on the floor my actor will know how to wield it?
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Post by steven8 »

Hello Anonymu$,

Welcome to Reality Factory. Boy, we've had a LOT of new recruits lately. This is just great!!

I will direct you to the online help:

This will give you the basics of RF and weapons, etc.

I will direct you here for tutorials on RFEdit, the world editro among other things. Such as a FREE e-book on how to make 3D Games with Reality Factory. That's pretty cool, eh? :D

That ought to be enough to whet your appetite, but please post your needs in one thread at a time. You have two here in Genral Discussions for the same thing.
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
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