Next version of Windows == Vista??

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Next version of Windows == Vista??

Post by gekido »

I'm sure you've probably heard this already, but the next version of windows 'aka longhorn' is now called 'Vista'.

Such a strange, bland name...

Here are some possible slogans and tag lines for 'Hasta la Vista Windows'

A few of them:

* Nothing You Want. Everything You Don't Want
* Move Along. Nothing to See Here
* Have it Our Way
* Good for Microsoft. Bad for You

And, incidentally, Microsoft denies reports that VISTA is an acronym for Viruses, Infections, Spam, Trojans, and Adware.
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Post by AndyCR »

im sorry if this offends any windows supporters, but ive been using windows through various versions for awhile now, and i honestly would switch to linux if it werent for the software compatibility and a few mostly unrelated issues... i honestly wish they would take windows, scrap it, and rewrite it from the ground up; take all thier programming genius and write the most optimized os ever created; i dont want an os that can be my cd player, tv, game console, and can opener as much as i want an os im not forced to reformat every 6 months... i like they aforementioned stuff, but if having a house means i need to build it on a shaky foundation, no thanks... they HAVE to hear us crying out for it. i just hope they will listen, for thier sake and ours...

anyway... i agree, strange name for an operating system, i can see "windows experience" and "windows multimedia" and "windows business" but "windows vista"?
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Post by gekido »

i agree completely...

when microsoft thinks that we need to upgrade the entire OS on your computer just to get an updated Media Player (as is the case with WiMP 9 & 10) or updated web browser (as will be the case with IE 7), you know there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with their software development process.

All upgrading windows does is feed the monopoly with forced upgrades, which in turn feeds the never-ending hardware upgrades...

Now suddenly that computer that you've had for 5 years is suddenly antique simply because you want a new media player that does the same thing that the OLD one did perfectly fine? or you want the new web browser, when there are much better options (nudge nudge FireFox wink wink) that have for years now have done the same thing as the new version of IE?

It's ridiculous....but with that said, most people simply don't know enough about computers, so when they buy that new Dell PC and it forces Vista onto them (not to mention all the other crap that Dell installs on a default PC), they don't have any choice but to accept it.

Dell is possibly the worst of the bunch - we bought a new Dell laptop a few weeks ago and the amount of crap that they had installed & running in the background on their 'default install' was just wonder people think they need a new machine if this is the amount of crap that is typically set to run on startup...

just boggles the mind.
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Post by scott »

i had a dell aswell, lots of crapy rubish programs, never even came with a modem (thats my moms fault though she forgot to ask, but instead got a loacl area network card now why do i want one of them?) any way i am not too bad with computers so i formated the HDD and reinstalled only what i wanted, and its fine now so dell isnt that bad (apart from the trial software that runs out after 60 days, takes up your hard drive space when you are never going to regester the product) but apart from that im ok, apart from my mouse playing up in the last few days.

any way all windows xp was partial upgrade of the OS (wich i didnt notice any difference) and added every existing OS into one, but some of the features from XP are useful, but i still think that WIN 98 SE was the best (and didnt take as much CPU) its all that compatilbility with win xp only stuff like u lot have already mentiond.
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