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[WONTADD] Will RF support C#?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:40 pm
by leolios
I think it will be a great feature of RF to support high-level script programmed in C#. For the things I know, this is the best language for the .NET Framework. I will like to know if RF can be powered up with this language mostly on the AI and physics because the performance isnĀ“t as fast as C++ but it will be easier than Simkin and the free tools are very good.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:29 pm
by Jay
I am not sure if this will change anything of the game mechanics or if it can power up AI, but i am very sure that this is a big Big BIG project.

I think Smkin is not too bad. It's a C-style scripting lnaguage, and it's also easy to learn i think.

I am not sure what you mean by 'it will not be as fast as C++', because from my point of view it doesn't make much difference which language it is as long as it's a script which means that, because nothing is compiled, it is read on the fly or cached before.
Scripts can never be as fast as things that are hardcoded into the engine.
Or is it this what you mean? What do you mean, explain a bit more, please.

I've always used C++. What are the differences between C++ and C#? I mean what is possible in C# that isn't in C++ and the other way around?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:23 am
by QuestOfDreams
There are no plans to add C# to RF and I don't see this happen at alll since we already have simkin as a scripting language.


Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:10 pm
by ititrx
C# has a more intuitive IDE than C++, is more visual, with more prebuilt code/functions/classes.

You can get your project done much faster in C# than in C++. C# is 'just in time' and can be used for any games that don't require the fiercest lightning fast fighters.

You can get C# express free and it works with XNA for game coding.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:55 pm
by Jay
That may be true but C++ is just plain faster than C#.

Bryce5FreeVErsion for example is WAY faster than Nems3dTerrainGenerator. I remember having 128K polys on screen and Bryce was still running smoth while Nems stuttered at 16K. That is a difference.

I think it is because in C# you always have a bottleneck and the bottleneck are the runtimes that always stand inbetween the program and DirectX. Because of this the CPU has to do 'communicator' between the Program and the Graphics card knocking out the advantages of the mainboard chip. The VIA4in1 drivers for example are helpless here. (At least that is how i understand how C# works, if i am mislead here, please correct me; as an addition it is amazing what it does if you have the drivers installed or not, if you don't have them installed don't you ever even think of starting a 3d game;))

Therefore, I would not recommend C# as a language to write an engine in.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:48 pm
by paradoxnj
C# is a fully compiled language. It supports JIT, but does not rely on it. There are many engines (including professional ones) and tools written in C#. It probably would benefit RF if someone knew Managed C++ and converted the classes in the game shell to use it. It's not that hard. You would then have RF.NET. ;) Irrlicht did this and is reaping the benefits in new tools. IrrEdit is a .NET application written using Irrlicht.NET.

I agree that C# as a scripting language is useless though. If RF's scripting language were to change, I would pick either LUA, EOSScript or AngelScript.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:23 pm
by Jay
Ah ok i didn't know that. Thanks for the explanation. :)