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Online dev team... Juutis can I take you up on that help?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:37 am
by psYco
:D Hello fellow devs I am embarking on a project, a project so ambitious I dont believe it would be wise to go it alone, I believe that if done rite this game could mark a new era in the world of indie game dev! I will now explain the games premise please read thsi before you dismiss it!

The following image is simply an alpha test of the games dynamic and will give you an idea of how the game could look (please ignore the AK47 it is just a model I have made, the weapons in this game will be much more creative!) Also the hud is from another project. (and postal 2) please expand the image as the thumbnail does not do it justice.


:idea: This is the games premise,

There is a world were every one is alike and no one is unique, there is a giant wherehouse where you and thousands of others stand all day every day in front of a small metal panel on a metal pole, with a red button int he centre and evry three seconds everyone presses the button... This is the way of things you can remember nothing else until one day you decide you dont want to pree the button any more so you stop. No one notices you, but a metal door behind you slides open and two people walk out the same as any one eles but mabey just a bit taller.

They walk up to you and grab you, you dont see a reason to DO anything so you let them and put up no protest as they drag you into the room behind. There you are stood on a red X on the ground underneath many large sharp objects the men walk into the corner and press a red button suddenly the sharp objects start to lower towards you. And something in you tells you you NEED to get out of this room, so for no apparent reason you dive out of a glass window and for the first time discover the beautiful experience of pain! When you hit the cold concrete ground of the 'outdoors' you realise there are going to be a lot of things to discover for the first time...

And so the adventure of a life time begins. :D

I am not looking for people to help out although they are wealcome to, I am looking for any one with experience in RF, scripting, programming, modelling or animation, to join an online dev team, any one with any level of experience is welcome and no matter howmuch time you commit. This project will be as much any one who joins' as it is mine!

There will be no pay but if we do this rite and if this game goes commercial, all who have devoted their time to this project will be entitled to a fair share! :D

Any one interisted please feel free to contact me at

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:46 am
by Juutis
Sounds interesting. What kind of game is this going to be? The story sounds like a sci-fi FPS. :)

Well, anyway. I don't commint to anything, but if you run into problems in scripting, I'm here for you. I can also write some little scripts and give advice.

Oh, and wouldn't it be better for everyone to contact you here in the forums?
So everybody knows who they are working with.


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:03 pm
by psYco
Yeah mabey keepin it in the forum is better but I thought that would be tricky but I just was looking at that newbie team thread and I see it can work well!

Any way it would be an FPS and it would be Sci-Fi but Its going to be different not like star track, its going to be meaningful and random, simple and chaotic, and most of all spongebobsquarepantsidly twisted! :twisted: oh and did i mention I want it to be ludicriously satire?

Any way thanks for the help! Any thing would be helpfull! :D

i C!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:15 am
by allen5924
the game sounds AMAZING… and I dunno if its coincidence or something but… the game actually has connotations with the song “THE ADVENTURE by Angels And Airwaves” it’s so alike that I thawt u got the idea from there… u can listen to it if u download it.. or u can visit

and u can listen to their uploaded music… it’s RAD… u must.. coz it’s actually nearly exactly the same as the plot of ur next game...

I c u try to overcome the rendering issue by using the same models… remember always resize ur textures.. not 1600X1200 hahaha…


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:31 pm
by psYco
mainly @ Juutis: I feel bad to ask :oops: but could you pls could you look over at my thread in RF Scripting ''Can I posses the enemys'' Cause I realy want these ideas to work, and I just need a bit of help in the scripting :)

Thank you soooooooo much, but if your busy or just think its too much hassel dont wory Im sure Ill find a way, (jsut I realy need a little help.)

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:18 pm
by GD1
Your game sounds interesting, i can't wait to play it!

Angels and Airwaves are awesome! does anybody here listen to Silverstein?