short cut keys
short cut keys
is it possible to assign keys to different functions within RF such as select is the 's's key and move is the 'm' key and so on, as i am finding it hard to use FR after using milkshape for so long, im always going and pressing the wrong buttons.
rf edit pro, its just that i have used milkshape for so long and so little of RFedit pro i keep pressing keys such as F1 for selection and brings up the help and all other short cut keys and also i noticed when i first begun to use RFedit pro that if you press a button at the top, it does that action in the last screen the mouse was, so if it was the bottom left you wanted to alter something, you would have to go to the side and go all around the other view points, couldnt this be changed to a click to chosse viewpoint like milkshape does. not saying i want RF to become milkshape just that i have a rubbish infra-red mouse that is realy picky at times and likes to jump alot grrr.