Ok, I now have some time to explain how it can be achived.
paradoxnj wrote:To do 3D in 2D with Genesis you would have to do the following:
1. Model your world and take screenshots at the camera positions that you want.
2. Compile the world into a BSP
3. Load the world using Genesis3D, but DO NOT add it to the engine.
4. Load all your screenshots
5. Render the screenshots as your background
6. Load your models and place them a NULL world and add that to the engine.
7. Check for collisions using the data from the world you DID NOT add to the engine.
This is a quick list of steps and is just theory. We can build on this though.
Well that is one way you could do it. Or you could make it like the old nintendo 64 game Kirby 64 and the crystal Shards. This game was fully 3d but kept kirby on a 2d course. Now the camera is different from what I undersatnd you want Anonymu$. Because a screen looks like this:
Note that the path of tree bark color is the path kirby walks on. Other movment is resrticted.
Now a way to do this but get a nice side scrolling action is achived in the latest game for the nintendo DS, New Super Mario Brothers. This game uses the DS's power of rendering 3D in a 2D environment. See the picture below:
Now here mario and bowser are 3D models which I am pretty sure are realtime rendered because otherwise they would be much more smooth clean and cartoony like the rest of the graphics.
I assume that you want that style game correct? If so then only the camera needs adjusted from the Kirby style game.
Only thing is, that with this style game, I think you will require a scripted player.
For the kirby style game you will make everything as if it were a game without movement rescrtictions. Then once your levels are modeled out you will have to place points around the level to have the player rotate and face. These will be the defining sections when the player turns corners etc. You will be making a dot to dot movement pattern for the player to face and move. Then you will have to eliminate the gamers ability for turning and strifing. Once that is achived the player can only jump, and move forward and backward towrds the invisable dot to dot pattern.
Now to achive the 2D effect is quite simple. Basically you will have to create the 3D world designed in mind with the "2D" camera. *no large rooms, only large hallway like areas. Now, the camera will have to attach itself to a seperate entity from the player. Making the camera move properly is the interesting part and will be very hard to explain.
So think of any 2D game. Notice how the camera is not locked onto the player? This is the hard part to convey in words and no pictures, sorry I dont have any moch ups. Now the camera does that in a 2D game because the player has reached a certain ammount of pixels from the edge of the screen. When the player reaches too far to the right or left or up or down, the camera is told to move untill the player is back so many pixels from the edge of the screen they are moving twords. Ok, now to get this effect into the 3D world.
To get the camera to work as stated above you will need four "walls" that will be spaced away from the player and box him in. One on top, right, bottom and left. These objects will all be attached to eachother. Now, when the player hits one it will move all of them and the camera properly. So the player runs forward into the first invisable wall. The wall moves and so does the camera and the other 3 walls. The player falls down a pit? Then they hit the lower bounding wall and everything moves down.
Is that understandable? Please let me know if not, and I will see how I can explain it better.
Note on the mario screen:
You notice how you can see the edges of everything? Well you can get the same effect by having a flat "wall" be what the player runs on. custom textures might be required for certain effects, but seeing under the grass the player is running on is very easy as well, think of Super Smash Brothers:
Basically that is the screen that expalins everything I stated above about 2d except that the camera is not in the right spot. So you make a 3D world with edges like in that Smash Brothers screen and then you adjust the camera to make it look 2D. I hope that clears everything up.