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Tutorial For Create DYNAMIC and ANIMATE MENU for RF GAMES

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:09 am
by o0.MATIAS.0o

Hello to all, in this brief and humble tutorial I try to teach to them to make a menu for ALL VERSIONS of - Reality Factory - -3d with the SwishMax program.

SwishMax is a software that allows us to create animations and programs with technology flash but of much more simple way since it has many predetermined and ready effects to use.

Ok we are going to begin with our menu…

First we opened our SwishMax and by all means we give him to “Cases out/New” to create a new project.

Soon, we are going to establish the dimesiones of our menu, for it we will go first a the eyelash “Movie” and wrote the dimesiones that we like more, for our example we will choose a menu of 500x400…


Also we can choose the bottom color, among other characteristics.

Our following step is to select an image of bottom for our menu, for this tendremo that to go to “Insert/Image”:


And immediately it gives us to choose that image we want to insert in ours menù, we selected it and we give him to accept. Surely habras given account to you that the dimensions of the image are not equal to those of the menu (or but great or but small), then will be called on to fit the size to us of the image to the one of the menu, for that we will have to fit it with mouse dragging the edges so that it is on a par of the menu (quite simple).

Well now we are going to insert an image and we will give an effect him soon to work it like a “Sprite”.

For it we repeated the previous sequence (Insert/Image) and selected an image that we want to show in our presentation, I I have chosen the logo of ALL VERSIONS OF -Reality Factory-:


As sides also you can fit its size. Or once we have our image, which we are going to do now is to turn it a “Sprite” (that is like a mini animation or mini film within another film):

The steps to follow are:

We selected the image.

Soon we do click with right button of mouse and looked for the option “Convert”, soon we go away to “Convert to sprite”:


We will notice that in the panel of the left the image now this within sprite:


What it will allow this us is to be able to give effects independently to the image of which this happening in the rest of the film. For example the image can take a walk by the menu, independently of which frame of the film this executing itself then in the menu. As I said is an animation within another one. Then from now on when querramos to work with this in image in individual first we must clickear in the sign “+” that this next to “Sprite”.

Good now that more or less we have an idea of which he is sprite, we are going to give him to an effect to the logo of ALL VERSIONS OF -Reality Factory-. For that we are going to clickear in + of sprite and will select the image of the logo (imagen.bmp):


We will see that also it is selected in the screen of the animation (we can select indifferently in the panel of the left or the menu, but most of the times he is more comfortable to select in the left panel).

We straight do click on the image or the name of the image in the panel izq. and selected “Effect”, will open a submenu to us with many options, the one that interests to us in this case is an effect of “appearance in scene”, that is to say, an effect that it gives by result that the image of the logo appears in the animation; then we selected “to Appear into position”.

Another aparecera submenu with all the effects available, you can choose the one that you want, I in individual I am going to choose “3d spin in and grow”. We will see that in the superior panel where is each of frames (or photograms) of the animation (in this case frames of sprite), the selected effect is loaded to us 20 and occupies frames (this can be moficar making the effect but slow if you extend the amount of frames or but fast if you shorten), to modify single you must drag the left or right edge of the effect with mouse (like haciamos with the bottom image).

Well, now which we have loaded east effect of appearance, tendriamos that to load one to him of disappearance (so that all the cycle is repeated time and time again: it appears, it disappears, it appears, it disappears, etc). Then again with click straight of mouse on the image, we go away to “Effect” and this time we selected “to Disappear from position” and chose the effect that but we like I I will choose “20 Explode down” that also has frames:
It can happen that the program asks to you if you want to replace frames of the new effect by those of the old one, we say to him that no, and we will see like the effect is loaded to us immediately after the previous effect:


Now that we have an effect of appearance and another one of disappearance we would need to say to him to the program that repeats that process time and time again. For that we in the last positioned with mouse frame of sprite (just in the last that occupies the second effect), but no longer in the row corresponding to the image, but to sprite, and we give click him with the right of mouse.

A menu will appear to us and we will go away to where it says “to Movie Control”, soon to “GotoandPlay” and finally to “GotoandPlay (Frame)”:


We will see that when we give click him gotoandplay (frame) it opens the eyelash “Script” in where teniamos our menu, in this eyelash they will be kept all script or pieces from feasible code that we are agragando to the objects that we put in our animation:


What we finished doing is to say to ours sprite to him that when arrives at I complete frame of the disappearance effect, returns to first frame of he himself, repeating itself successively. (It remembers to keep your work as much each).

If you have already kept correctly, serious good for proving our menu to see as it is being. Then what I recommend to you it is that you go to “Cases out/Test/In Player”. Then I will be able to see our menu directly in the flash player, to my has had left a thing thus:

The following animation can delay minutes in loading (550k):


, If we are in agreement with our work, we will follow well ahead, this time we will make a simple button of example

For that we will create a box in our menu, with to create boxes, emphasized the tool with green in the image:


It is important that before making this step, you verify that you are not working within sprite that habiamos created previously. For it in the panel of the left it selects the complete scene, otherwise estarias agragando the box to sprite and it is not for anything advisable.

Well now that we have our box, we are going to put a text to him as usually they have almost all the bellboys, for that we go to “Insert/Text”:


We will see that in our menu the word “Text” has been added and in panel of the right the eyelash “Text” has been opened to us:


In this eyelash we have all the necessary one to publish the text (type, size and color of the source and other things more than surely you will be discovering with the practice), we see that also there is a text picture that says “Text exactly”, which we write there is what will show the text that we have added in the menu, we we will write “To execute Game”.


Well now we will take the text and we will put it upon the box to follow with the button:


Until it seems a button and everything:)

What we will do now is “To group” the text and the box like a button, for that we will select to the text and the box having pressed the key “Control” or “Shift” and doing click in them (in the panel or the menu, as you prefer).

Once we have selected them jointly, we will straight do click on them (in the panel, prefentemente), and in the menu that appear we go away to “Grouping” and soon to “Group ace Button”:


You will notice that where decia shape (the box) and to execute game (the text) now has appeared a button:


Well, now we will select it and in the panel of the right in the eyelash “Button” we will mark the following options:


And finally we will do click in “+” of the button and will see that everything unfolds to us what has:


They are all the possible states for the button, for example “Over state” is the state for when the cursor of mouse this over the button. The important thing of this is that we can change the properties of the components of the button (to even give effects them) for each possible circumstance of the button. For example we in our example will do that when positioning itself the leader of mouse on the button the box happens of red to blue, and the text happens of target to celestial.

For that we will go to “Over state” and will select “shape” that this inside:


We will see that when to select it, in panel of right us to activated eyelash “Shape” in that we will be able to change the properties of the box (but single for when mouse stops by above), then camiamos of red to blue, like queriamos:


We do the same for the text within Over State:


To this height of the party habras given account to you of which not only changes can be done of color, but that also changes of font and many things more, everything will be question to experiment in the future…

Well, it would be good for keeping all the work and to see since it has been, to my I remain this (fijate that happens when you go away with mouse to the button):

The following animation can delay minutes in loading (550k):


Good now we are going to begin with most interesting of this tutorial, and you will see that he is not nothing difficult: What we will do is to linkear the button that we have created to our game done with ALL VERSIONS OF -Reality Factory-.

In order to begin we must select the button. Soon clickeamos with the right button of mouse and we moved until “Script”, soon to “Events”, later to “Button” and finally to “on (press)”:


We will see that the eyelash “Script” activates to us and see that appeared the event that habiamos selected. What we put after that event, is what hara the animation whenever we do click in the button (for that reason press is “on”). We see down are options in addition to press: Each one has a different function, for example on roll to over executed the actions whenever the leader of mouse happens through the button. But now we prepilfered that when we press the button, lanze the file corresponding to the game.


Now we are going to agragar the clickeamos tasks to him that we want that it executes the animation whenever the button. For that we go away to the menu “Add Script”, soon to “Browser/Network” and finally to “fscommand (...)”:


Us view something thus:


Now we go away to the stand for casks of down labeled “Command” and chose the option “Exec” that is exactly the one that is used to execute external programs to the animation:


And in the text picture labeled like “Argument”, you write the file that you want to send (it can be .bat of your map, or directly the RealityFactory.exe, as you prefer).


We will see that script thus we have left something:


He would be advisable which at the same time that sends the game, we close the menu so that it does not occupy memory, for it we positioned ourselves in the line of fscommand (like this in the previous figure, selected), and we go again to “Add Script”, soon to “fscommand”, and in Command instead of choosing “Exec”, we selected “Quit”, and in “Argument” we put “True”, us tendria that to be thus:


Also you can make a button separate to leave using he himself fscommand.

S.A. to prove it does not send the file to you which you have put like argument, you disappointments this does not only work when you export the menu to exe, and you place bat in a called folder fscommand.

Very well, now we are going to export it to exe, for that first we kept our work, and later we go away to “Cases out”, soon to “Export” and finally to “Exe (projector)”:


We kept it and already we have ours exe.

Now, we make the distribution of our game. (If or you know since to do it or or you have done it, you can salearte this step).

We go to folder where we have installed the ALL VERSIONS OF -Reality Factory- (generally C:\RealityFactory), and we do click in file “distribucion.bat”, this created us folder “distribution” with content of our game (in her this bat which we called from the menu), then we copied it and we created a new folder and we stuck it inside. Also we stuck within the new folder exe that there are creed with the Swishmax:


Now so that everything works correctly you must rename the folder distribution and put “fscommand to him”:


Ready, it executes the menu and sides that when doing click in the button “To execute Game” executes the file that we put to him of argument. (as long as, of course, this file has been left in the folder fscommand).

If you want that the menu is seen in complete screen, in first frame of the menu, him DAS to the right of mouse and you go away towards “fscommand” (in the same way that we did so that the button executes the file).

In “Command” and “Argument” you put:


If you want to change the icon of exe, you can use a called program “Resource Hacker”, who has the option to change the icon of any application, although if it beams, are under your own responsibility since I am not very safe that he is legal.

Sorry For ERRORS, i speak spanish :P!!!

Tanks, and bye............

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:59 am
by AndyCR
So it creates a program that you can use to launch your game? Good idea! You could also make a program to modify INI files and have options to change resolution etc. in your launcher.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:53 pm
by shadow
Nice detailed tutorial.

But you should include a link to the site of Swishmax

And also state the program costs $99 to buy or downlod a free 15 day trial .

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:12 pm
by Spyrewolf
downlod a free 15 day trial

:D Plenty of time to package up a couple of games just make sure ready to do it before you download it. did the same thing wiht milkshape for a month so i could not out some models before time ran get round to re-registering.

Re: Tutorial For Create DYNAMIC and ANIMATE MENU for RF GAME

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:27 pm
by Edward7
Great tutorial, thanks a lot! This seems so easy, I don't know why this idea hasn't occurred into my mind before!

Re: Tutorial For Create DYNAMIC and ANIMATE MENU for RF GAME

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:34 pm
by Nighthawk0973
Please read the timestamps. Last post was in 2006. The person who made this probably doesn't use this forum, or RF, anymore.

Re: Tutorial For Create DYNAMIC and ANIMATE MENU for RF GAME

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm
by jamieo01
It doesn't harm to say thanks.

Re: Tutorial For Create DYNAMIC and ANIMATE MENU for RF GAME

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:05 pm
by Nighthawk0973
True. But reviving ancient threads isn't a practice one should study :)