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I'm challenging you!
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:10 pm
by winkiller0
Maybe i shoul telll about myself at firs before anything. I've played games over 14 years I started wit Apple II with POP (prince of persia you teen agers) and after that I started my PC time and C&C. It has been my dream to make my own game about 5 years, but years wen't and there is no possible anymore that you can make a game on your own.
And now my challenge. As someone maybe know I've been using RF for 3 years (and haven't made anyhting else than pictures on to my paper). Now I have to say something what I've realised: Why the **** don't you guys use all the abilities what RF does offer you. Of course you allweays try to make everything with rf tools but it doesn't go that way. YOU HAVE TO HAVE AN IDEA FIRST AND GOOD 3d programs. This is familiar with me. I started to make my own game 3 years before this was the idea: Big city with 20 rival gangs and country under military law. You can make anthing on that city and there was a rpg styled skill system. Sounds poo? Yes it is poo cos I made everything wrong as 80% from you do also. You mak and make until RF does not anymore offer anythingg!
But afterall this si only beginning for RF, I hope when RF2 comes, you guys know what you're doing. Download nethack 3.11 and then create you game. as some game company says: Use your imagination
FOR ADMINS: I'm sorry that I used bad language but I'm pissed off now. Please post your opinion about this. And my challenge is thta YOU create that kind a game where is at least 7 users involved and proof that I'm wrong, I give you 2 months from 1.10.2006 to 15.12.2006.
regards: Game doctor
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:33 pm
by Juutis
And my challenge is thta YOU create that kind a game where is at least 7 users involved and proof that I'm wrong
You mean 7 developers making the game? Or 7 users playing it?
I'm sorry, but I don't see the point of this post.
For me personally, making games, modeling and all kinds of playing around with RF is a hobby. Nothing near serious game development. I'm doing it just for fun, and I do it when I have nothing better to do.
I'm hoping that I could one day release a short demo game or even a full game, but it's not the goal of my work. I do it to entertain myself.
Oh, and what is a good 3d program? Is Milkshape good enough?
But still, if I got you right, you're saying that it's impossible to make a decent game alone? Correct me if I'm wrong...
I just have to disagree. I believe that with dedication, skills and hard work you can produce a nice looking game that has great gameplay and an interesting story.
Oh, yes. Almost forgot!!!
Welcome to the forums!!
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:00 pm
by steven8
Hi winkiller0. I'm not sure anyone would know that you have been using RF for 3 years, since this is your first post on the forum and I have never seen your user name on past versions of the forum.
I'm not sure why you are upset, or even what your challenge is. Please state it more clearly. Do you wish for seven developers to get together and make a game, or for a developer to make a game that can have seven players at one time?
Seven people can work together, but RF can not do multiplayer. Now, control yourself a bit and explain yourself more clearly. No reason to come in here cussing at everyone when they don't even know what you are mad about.
I'll delete this thread if you continue like this.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:26 pm
by LtForce
I think this thread is not about his challenge, he just wanted to say that he tried to make a game with RF and he wasn't able to and now RF is worst program of them all. And I don't use RF to make big comercial games, RF is like hobby and if you want to make something seriuos you have to invest big money to buy a graphical engine or to create one
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:39 pm
by GD1
the reason people make things 80% wrong as you put it is that most of us have no prior experience in gamedev, and the ones that do get experience go on to bigger things. RF can be used to make good games, but game development is one of the most complicated proffessions in the world. I've been using RF for 4 or 5 years, and I've worked on about 5 projects. Now I'm using the experience I got with RF on another project that is likely to be published (I hope).
The thing with making games is that you learn from your past mistakes, you make 10 crap games that no one plays, then you get back up and do it right.
If your last game failed, then learn from your mistakes and make something different.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:43 pm
by psYco
yeah i agree this guy is just sore and wanting to let off sum steam... Oh and why should we get a 7man team to make a game in 2 monthes, your highness???
Well hey i am making a commercial quality game whicth i hope to use to get a caree in the industry with RF, but im w8ing for RF2 to get out before i release it since i still have loads of concepting and character historying to do...
Well as for your challenge as far as im concerned you can shove it...
Although your game sounds cool just illogical for this engien
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:36 pm
by MakerOfGames
winkiller0, I do not see your reason to criticize all RF users. Now, I do realize that you were not in the best of moods when you posted. Now, I must inform you of the following:
We, the members of the RF community, are not professional game makers. Most of us here have never tried to make a game before and since you must have forgotten yourself in your anger, I must remind you about making games. Making a good 3D game takes alot of skill, experiance, and knowledge not to mention time and effort. Us RF users are using RF because it is enabling us to learn about making a game with what little time we can dedicate to our endevours. We all have to start somewhere. Now, would you go into a beginners art class and tell them that they need to make full use of painting tools and make work comparable to michelangello? I know that I would not, but that is the way I feel that you have come across. Please don't ever tell all of us how we need to work. I personally will not stand for that and I don't care how much of a rage you are or aren't in.
RF is not designed for making professional quality games. It uses a 10 year old game engine that does not make use of graphics cards. There is no possible way we could use "all of RF's feautres". That would just give you 1 frame per second or less.
winkiller0 wrote:
But afterall this si only beginning for RF, I hope when RF2 comes, you guys know what you're doing. Download nethack 3.11 and then create you game. as some game company says: Use your imagination
That is a very offensive comment. I hope you dont mean it. I havent foud one game that isnt imaginative. Please repost ONLY after your rage has passed. When you are in sound mind let us know how much of your original post you hold on to.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:45 pm
by steven8
Wait a minute. I am so slow. Can anyone say. . .troll?
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:50 pm
by psYco
Ok now im being an idiot but whats a troll??
I have herd of them (well seen people be like no trolls on the forum) but what is a troll? I know its bad but I just have never seen one? Is it just sum1 who goes and blows off steam on forums?
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:24 pm
by MakerOfGames
(I didn't know what it was either until I looked it up on wikipedia after Steven8's post)
A troll is a person that goes to well maintained online communities and tries to create chaos in it by posting vulgur, offensive and/or hateful comments mainly about the users of the community.
Theres one thing though, I can't even see what type of enjoyment a person could get out doing that.
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:59 am
by steven8
Possibly the same enjoyment folks get out of making viruses that wipe out hard drives?
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:56 am
by LtForce
I guess winkiller0 hasn't got anything to say now... Shame on you!
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:37 am
by psYco
Okay now thats just delfish and stupid! Well I hate virus makers and h4xaurs but I must say I ''get'' them its like they work hard and they stuff with other people and it makes them happy (its wrong but I can see the logic) but trolls they dont really do anything they just start **** amounst the users of a forum ''wooohooo big achievement well done'' thats just lazy and stupid but hay we gotta learn to live with these people the worlds full of them unfortunately
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:05 pm
by winkiller0
First of all I want to say: I'm sorry i was a little bit drunk yesterday.
1 question. Yes I've use this program about 3 years as you may see I used game-doctor then, and yes I got teird to make my own game cos noone wanted to help me, and now I have took that project again on to my desktop.
2 question. I meant that 7 people do that game or be part of it.
But this is what I wanted really, taht there would be other kind a conversations than is my story good etc.Adn I'm not newbie on these forums you know?
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:48 pm
by psYco
So your not a troll eh?
Well I also asked for people to help out wiht my game, ''the red button story'' but ive realised in a place like this people are more than happy to help out a bit here and there but were all here to do our own thing! And why should every one get to gether to make ''YOUR'' game or ''MY'' game, I think that this forum is great for help but I just dont see any dev teams forming in the near future...
And even though that would be cool, (the dev teams I mean) if it happens yay but people just dont always agree on the kinda games that they want to make. (like my game for example its a bit of a weird 'un and so i didnt expect for every one to see its potential like me!) :EDIT: (also the other reason possibly not every body nessisarily jumped on board of my project, is that my ideas are whacked and in general im not always the most sane/nice person in the world) :EDIT:
Also finally I think you should take back the insults you have thrown randomly into the community!