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Reality Factory Resources

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:00 am
by wiseman2
Over the last several months there have been many changes in the RF communiyt and the managemnt for the project....

I have during the last couple of years acquired around 600 megs of downloads and other resources usefull for RF developement and other games too.

Anyway.... I've been reading and noticed a need for an archive.... I know that alot of stuff is still available at , but I might have some things that can't be found there...
So I'm currently uploading the lot to my website.... this might take a few days, and not all downloads will be complete at first...

hope it's usefull....

the lot can be found at
or individual downloads I'll be posting at my forum... in the downloads section under REality factory...

Recently I've also added a few other things to my site... I'm trying to put togeather a community based game creation site..(for use with any game engine/ system) If you have a project hat you are working on and need a site to work with others on it... check out the site... I've added webslave project organization software, and have my own project being run there....

If you don't currently have aproject , but want to work on on maybe soon (after we get some people posting projects) you can find one to contribute on...
everyone is welcome ... and there is room to upload files and I will create private forums for different game projects....

Please don't think of this as spam... I've posted many many times to this forum in the past, but have been away for awhile...

I just want to give back to the community... I would have probably given up on game design along time ago, if not for the help I recieved here...

I don't allways program with RF anymore (my main RF project is on hold ccurrently).... and so I'm trying to make this site viable for all independent game creators... we all face the same; programming, scripting, models/ sprites, music, sounds, and game design... we just use different engines... I'm trying to become familiar with many right now, and also am learning c++....

anyway just trying to make it easier for everyone....

games mirror

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:56 am
by gekido
i'll check the site out - i have all of the games that have been made & posted with genesis & rf and they could use a new home for people to download them

i also have thousands of different models & resources and scripts and tutorials etc - could use a place for them as well

so much useful stuff i don't want to just disappear...

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:34 am
by Guest
glad it's appreciated...

it'll take me a few days to get up all of em, then after that is when I'll start individually cataloging them at my site in the downloads section.... but I allready have around a hundred up at the first link... (it's just an index of em all..(but they can be downloaded there) there's no descriptions until I catalog them...

feel free to join my forum so that you can add yours there....
(after the submission page on my site , it's sometimes blank..don't know why yet.... just let it sit like that for a couple if it does that.... usually works.... if you have problems let me know... or just attach it to a post...

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:38 am
by wiseman2
sorry, didn't realize I got logged off on that post...

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:58 pm
by hike1
Thanks, but some of those file sizes on my stuff look really small, are they correct?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:04 am
by Guest
no... they aren't... that's why I sid it might take a few days on some of the stuff....

my ftp prog when it transfers does't allways get the whole thing at once.... then when I send it back in it gets a little more and so on....
they should all be complete in the next couple of days....

I don't know why it does that... it's like it times out while uploading, but for some reason can go ahead to the next file and get part of it....

I'll let you know when their all up.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:06 am
by wiseman2
did it again... got to make sure I'm logged in first....

got too used to the old ite... was logged in everytime for over a year....

thought I checked that option here too.....

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:33 am
by wiseman2
I now have almost all of the files I have up...
I have a list of the incomplete files on my forum and can be viewed here; ... rumpost221

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:49 am
by Spyrewolf
Woah thanks!!!

there's heaps of stuff in there! that's cool

is this going to be a permanant resource section or is it temporary?
if temporary i'll download what i can....

I see you have included the virgil_new control file the federico put up i've been after that for a while

thanks again dude this is well worth keeping!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:11 am
by wiseman2
Glad you like it...

Its pretty much a permanent thing....

The only thing is that I'll catalog everything into the download section of my website.... so everyone can tell what's what.... then I'll close the list page up...(I need to keep stuff organized, and know what's going on at my server))

I also found a few more files that I'll get up soon.... I think I'm down to only 2 files in the list not being complete...

operation spyerwolf

once those are up I'll get the new finds up, and start cataloging...

I've been running this website for three years... first as a gaming site, then as a game developement site and now as a community game dev site... so, it's not going anywhere... I've got unlimited webspace, and 5 gigs of transfer.... so no worries

anyting you don't see, and want to contribute, just send me a link for, or join up...and post it to my downloads section...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:57 pm
by Lone Warrior!
Although I may want to improve their appearance for my own game (no offense meant to the creator, but generic objects need to be changed in order to make the game more unique), these resources will help a LOT.

Thanks for posting.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:44 am
by wiseman2
No problem,

I'm almost done uploading.... their are actually still 9 uploads that aren't complete....


I knkow I had said earlier that I was down to 2, but I found a bunch more, and had to add them.... they should all be done soon.... you can download anything else though without a problem, theese are the only files that aren't complete out of about 175 files that are RF related, or are useful tools for RF.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:24 am
by wiseman2
ok just newweapons, and rf resources aren't done...

it may be a while on theese two.... between them they are over 100 megs!

but anyway I've sterted to catalog the rest of the files and they can be found in catagories at ... /index.php

they'll be listed and cataloged under Reality Factory, and Independent game tools.

The other link at will still be good until I'm done...


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:03 am
by wiseman2
they're all complete now... I thinnk it came out to 173 or 174 files... hope they help....

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:25 pm
by hike1
Thanks, now we need a 'readme1st.txt to tell them what
everything is, here's a start-

Contents of the Demos

Note: Pre-061 demo .3dt's must have convto061.exe
run on them, comes with standard RF download,
also delete and replace the player
start if you start out at floor level. Some of
the demos have obsolete entities and may
not run.


triggering a light
model state modifier
moving platforms
particle system proxies
static entity proxies
wall decal


This is a demo of triggering moving turrets by walking across an
invisible model which is tied to a trigger, which in turn is tied
to a turret/moving platform


Proximity Mines
Spawing Items on Enemy Death
Two-Way Elevators

Demo 063
1. You need the office key
2. Liquid
3. Timer, adding a HUD element
4. Moving Electric Bolts
5. Fire Enemies- Note 1/29/2003-with the changes to
the transparency of actors, it should be possible to
make an invisible proj.act now.
6. Diagonal Jump Pads

Demo 064

Damaging Flame Entity Flames
Generic Conversation Scripts
Storekeeper Script
Static Entity Proxy
Pawn Spawns Gold


Change Material
Pawn Patrol
Toxic Gas Area
Electric Bolts Notes
Lights in a Row
Lost Cat Script (148K) Nedi's (Stace to you real people)
demo of changing a level by falling into a hole, like Alice in
Wonderland. (364K) Stace's tut on how to get a turret
actor to detect and shoot at you, it rotates with you,
using pawn scripting. (6K)- Veleran's example of sheet brushes. (2K)-Now the jailkey doesn't exist
until the player agrees to find it. (305K) The Textural Procedurals
entities demonstrated, as revised by Questof Dreams. -(127K) Demos the Echaos entity on an
actor (Io, a moon of Jupiter), and the Em_Morph
entity, which fades one texture to another, on a brush.
The fractal1.bmp and fractal2.bmp must go in

c:/realityfactory/media/bitmaps for it to work. -A cave made with Nem's

Terrain Generator (379K)- Some terrain made with Nem's
Generator. Flatten the 'floors' if you don't want your
NPC's to collect in the shallow 'drains'.