I ran into trouble though.
These shots are of the downstairs area. (Evil basment style)
The whole things is 1900 polys and runs really fast. BUT!
Now to make this thing faster I read that only using texture 256 size is better. So these models are matrixed out and made of textures that are all 256*256
Now at first it ran horrid and I messed with the video config tool (Awsome too) Any way I checked advanced and hit compress textures. Now it runs at 80 fps wich rocks but when any set of textures is seen for the first time (Turning you head or view to look around,) it is slow as hell. Then after you have seen everything once it runs at the afore mentioned 80 fps. Any fix for this? I would prefer if it loaded this stuff before the game starts and then just runs well to (I think its loading or compressing or something wile I look around as needed) Doing what I just said in (). Any body know?

P.S. I was going to go to beyond vitual but I cant handle the workflow of everything being in text files. Drives me nuts. I much prefer RF.