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Compiling Problems

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:29 pm
by gamer
when I compile and preview my level the reality factory symbol appears and then it goes back to the comsole.Please help

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:13 pm
by QuestOfDreams

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:40 am
by gamer
I am using version 0.75A of reality Factory.
My PC Specs are 1gb of ram,128 PCI ATI Raedeon graphics card.
When I go to preview my game All that pops up is The Reality factory symbol and the web adress and then returns to the console.
Can you plese help me

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:39 am
by steven8
Howdy, gamer,

Please Include the RealityFactory.log file contents. This file is found in the root installation folder for RF. IE: C:\Reality Factory\

Cut and paste the text of that file into this post so folks can see what's happening when the program crashes. Thanks!!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:57 pm
by gamer
Thank You! Every body is always saying POST THE LOG FILE but nobody ever says where to find it.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:01 pm
by gamer
is this it???

Searching for fullscreen driver

Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 080 test build ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis 3d Initialized

Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Initializing Menu
File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\savedgames.rgf'

Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Creating Camera
Entering ProcessMenu...
CRFMenu::ProcessMenu Entered
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Initializing Level: rftechv1.bsp

Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Set LevelViewpoint
Set Initial Player Actor Scale, Rotation, Shadow and Lighting
Set Player Bounding Box
Setting Projected Shadows for Player = False
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Setting Projected Shadows for patrol1bot
Projected Shadows : false
Setting Projected Shadows for patrol2bot
Projected Shadows : false
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Preparing to Launch Game...
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
DSpotLight light added
DSpotLight light added
DSpotLight light added
DSpotLight light added

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:58 pm
by steven8
Yep, that is the log file.

2 things catch my eye.

1) Reality Factory 080 test build? I'm not sure where that came from? Have I missed a build? :cry: What version of RF do you have?

2) The other is the endless stream of dspotlight lights being added. In the rftechv1 file I have, there is only 1 dspotlight in the whole thing. It's as though it is stuck on that entity, or you have add about a hundred more dspotlights?? It looks like it's being overwhelmed by that entity and just crashing.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:47 pm
by jonas
WOW that's a lot of Dspotlights!!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:12 pm
by Jay
I think he has just a couple of DSpotLights, because i noticed RF does say every frame that it added a to me it looks like it's running, but at the same time it's crashing...very strange. Maybe it crashes but then works in the background.

I saw the RealityFactory080 TestBuild thingie a while ago, too. I wonder why everyone but me seems to have RF080 and then when you ask they have 072...

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:04 pm
by QuestOfDreams
If the log file you posted is from your current installation of RF you definitly have an older version (test build 0.80 was RF072 or RF072A if I remember correctly).
I suggest you download the latest full installer (RF075A) and patch it with RF075B. Try running one of the demo levels first. If the problem still occurs please post again.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:13 am
by steven8
Oh, so the one labeled 080 was actually 072 or 072A? Whew. I was sure I'd missed something.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:57 pm
by gamer
thenk you soooooo much. that will help ALOT :D