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Request: looking for skilled people

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:54 am
hi im from BLACK PHOENIX MEDIA and im looking for people to join our team. we are creating games for the next generation of gaming. i have seen all the work u guys can do and i would like 2 propose a request. i was impressed with steven8 and the whole team for making such a wonderful game and i want to ask stsven and his team to be a part of a game we are creating. we have only 2 programers and we really would like some experienced people for the job. if anyone is interested please let me know.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:59 am
by steven8
Hi, Black Phoenix. I moved your thread to the jobs section, since it is more or less a job posting. I thank you for the compliments, but I do not have the time to be involved in a project and do it any good. My friend, I love to make games, but my life is too crammed up to commit to anything. I'll watch the forums and aid you wherever I can if you get stuck.

Best of luck!!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:07 pm
by GD1
I'd love to help, but I'm afraid i'm rather busy as well with my other 3 projects. If you have any questions or would like some advice just let me know.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:23 am
thank you steven and gd1 for replying. i have quite a few questions:

1. is it possible to make a 3rd person online MMORPG game using rf.
2. how are mmorpg games structured in code (c++)

if you cant help me to make the game then you can give me ideas.
here are some concepts for this game:

these were made using maya ( 3D APPLICATION )

for more info visit

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:57 am
by steven8
Those are some mighty impressive renderings, Black Phoenix. Beautiful work.

In it's present state, RF is not capable of online multiplayer games. There is currently an effort going on right now to make RF multiplayer capable. You can track it's progress or even pitch in to help out right here:


I am not a C++ programmer, but am more of an art guy myself.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:57 pm
by Jay
Whoah. :shock: Firstly, i just wanted to say that this is really good artwork. :)

Secondly, i think that it is very difficult to write a MMORPG, because you have to write your own multithread-thingie, i mean those things normally windows does for you, so that you can serve say 100 players at one time.

Maybe you could also write the server code for linux because linux can work without a graphical shell - and be quite fast without it. But, in either case, you have to write the multithreadthingie on your own.

Also you have to make several servers for different areas, because otherwise you'll get lags when many players are on the server playing the game. So you just get lags when many players are in some area like Ironforge in WoW.

One of the main problem is that EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING has to be dynamical, because otherwise poeple get the idea of a static world. A timer for this, another for this, and then also another for this...

Then, the server and the clients need different programs, so that you have to have one team working on the server-program, and another on the

And if you just have ONE memory leak, it's your death.

I have some pseudo code for the server program, can be wrong though i am no expert in this area:

Code: Select all

#define MAX_PLAYERS 1000 /*This is essential. Otherwise when one player joins then everything has to be copied and resetted.*/
Player Players[MAX_PLAYERS];
NPC NPCS[NumTotalNPCs]; /*NumTotalNPCs is the total number of ALL NPCs */
int i = 0;
//Main Loop
  //Do only those NPCS which are in Player-Range
  for(i=0; i<numTotalNPCs; i++)
  for(i=0; i<numPlayers; i++)
    Players[i].GetInputFile(); /*The Client has to write a file for the input he does onto the server so that the server knows what the client is doing, if i do it otherwise i have no clue where to put the point wherer i get the input because every client could input at any time given...*/
  //Look if NPCs need to be done next time
  for(i=0; i<numTotalNPCs; i++)
   //Look if new player wants to join.
   Player* newPlayer = GetNewPlayersList(); /*GetNewPlayer creates a dynamical Player object that has to be deletetd afterwards*/
     delete newPlayer; /*otherwise memory leak, and we know memory leaks are BAD.*/
} //End Main Loop
boah. big headache now.

I don't want to be discouraging but it's a monster of a program. But i think you have thought about this before you started working :wink:
I wish you my best of luck :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:19 am
theres been a change in plans

the game is an fps. it will not be an mmo.
basically weve changed the whole game.

as im the project leader, ive decided to create a sort of cartoon fps game.
im looking for somethig that has the cartoon style of the incredibles with the excitement of an fps game.

im looking to make lan and 8 player available somewhere in the future of this game. The Graphics are the most important. Im aiming for next generation graphics and mainly targeting players with a powerfull computer, due to the fact that the project might take 1 year. currently i plan to make the game free to play, so the job is like a voluntery thing.

Im looking for people who can do programming, artwork, audio, graphics or testing. (any job would be great).

I am familiar with Maya(3d modelling app) and i am a musician and i know a bit of c++.

so anyone wanting to know something, you know who to ask.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:11 pm
by Juutis
Just a little note...
The Graphics are the most important. Im aiming for next generation graphics and mainly targeting players with a powerfull computer --
Not gonna happen. At least not with RF. Next generation graphics simply can't be done with RF, even if you had a veryveryvery powerful computer.

RF can't really offer great graphical quality. Instead, you should concentrate on good gameplay and interesting story.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:19 pm
by GD1
you can have good graphics, you just have to know how. It certainly won't be next-gen Gears of War graphics, but you can certainly get a Pixar style scheme going not too difficultly.

The key would be in the textures and the effects you use. Look at the actor reflection tutorial that Federico posted. Use this method to give the correct shine to the models to achieve that plastic-ey look. But, you must pay close attention to polygon counts, and use LOD as much as possible. Try to design as many of your environments as possible to be indoors. If you need an outdoors envirnoment make sure that it is closed off well, like the small outdoor areas in Half-Life1.

Play Half-Life1 a lot, this will give you a really good idea of how to design your levels in RF. But remember that when you finish your game it will most likely look like something on the level of newer Quake 3 engine graphics, so don't worry if you get to thinking that HL1 looks like crap.

Your framerate will depend entirely on system memory and the CPU. Graphics cards are not utilized by RF at this point. Faster processor means more polygons and entities that you can use, and more RAM means larger textures. But it is still best to try to keep everything as low as possible while looking good.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:21 pm
by Jay
Just a slight correction: The textures are stored in the Memory of the Graphics card not on the system memory.
Other than that everything was right. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:16 pm
by GD1
huh, are you sure? :shock:

Now that I think about you are right about that. Thanks for pointing it out :)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:28 pm
by paradoxnj
Actually, you are both correct. Direct3D can store them in either system memory or video ram.

A couple of more things to point out:

Pixar quality is actually better than Unreal Engine 3. Renderman is probably the best rendering engine out there right now. It's not used for games much anymore, but for movies, it's bar none.

To achieve either quality, you need shaders. To get shaders into RF, you would have to upgrade the DirectX driver to v9 and/or the OpenGL driver to support the shader extensions. I would highly suggest Cg as it is a consistent language for both APIs.

Good texturing can fake the look, but not fully achieve it.

Framerate PARTIALLY depends on system specs. It mostly depends on how the program is written. In the case of a game engine, it would be if the engine could adapt to the lower end hardware by shutting off certain features and/or doing them in software. Graphics cards are utilized by RF, just not to their fullest capacity. Without a graphics card, there is no polygons.

Faster processor does not mean more polygons. A faster GPU with more video RAM would mean more polygons if the engine was able to adapt to it. Better rendering algorithms would mean more polys as would converting to hardware transformations and lighting. Using normal mapping can simulate high poly models. Those Gears of War models are no more than 2500 polys. They just seem more detailed because of the normal mapping.

BLACK_PHOENIX, those screenshots are wonderful, but no engine could render those in realtime. There are too many polygons. Throw in animation and even the best video card may cry. You'll have to tone down the polygon count or generate normal maps to simulate that detail. Normal mapping is done by making a model with a large amount of polys, generating the map, then bringing down the level of detail for the actual game. Game models are usually around 2000-3000 polys nowadays. Genesis can't handle more than 2000 efficiently.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:20 am

who said i was giong to use THIS RF for this game.
the premade RF would be an easy and quick option, but as many of you said the graphics would not turn out how i want.

i was wondering if i cuold keep the RF core but put a much more powerful engine in it. im looking at gamebryo,torque,renderman and anything better.

I think that RF is very good in the way where non-programmers can make a game. You see, im not a non-programmer. and i plan to develop RF further.
even with rf2 coming i think the 4 year release is a bit too long.

The first thing i want to do is to replace the engine.
Then i want to redesign the menu system and make it 3d.
Another thing is the media format. i dont like the .act format as it is too complicated to succesfully import a textured .mb(maya) or an obj file.
So i would like to change all the 3d model file formats.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:41 pm
by GD1
It would actually be quite a bit of work, which is why none of us have done it yet. The problem is that Genesis3D was written with a left-handed axis system, while most engines use a right-handed system. Or something like that, I'm not a programmer so I probably said something wrong there. But from what I was told, except for the basics, it would almost require a complete re-write in order to change engines.

But, if you plan on doing this, talk to AndyCR. He probably knows more about this than anyone else, since he is in the process of doing it.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:34 am
but would andycr be commited into making a whole new thing.

ive finished my rf project. now i want to take on the big fish.

as many of u said, "next gen graphics are not possible with rf".
so i want to take on the challenge of creating a much more powerful game core.

i want to make something similar to rf but with a much more beefier core.
rf is based on making games with out programming. what i want is a game which does need programming but i want it with better graphics,core design
and mostly how the game can be made.

in rf u change an ini file to make the game. im sorry to say but i think thats rubbish. the core of RF is not good enough.

anyway. i dont know if i should use a commercial engine or a free one.
as i said i want this game to be big.

i think that gamebryo is looking fantastic. i also wouldnt mind takin a look at the new white engine(final fantasy 13, PS3). i lnow it will take long, but thats why im aiming for something big.

so, im still looking for more people to help me with this massive project.
ive almost got the basic game core complete. im sticking with rpg style.
the game is a fantasy game so i want people with good imaginations.

if everything goes well i will legally register this game project with the government so that i am able to legally sell this product to the public.
i will also copywrite it so no one can steal it.

i mostly plan to make this game a series with maybe three or four games so i want to develop a very open, flexible core wich i can modify without any hassle.