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A little function to speed things up a bit

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:43 am
by paradoxnj
After running VTune against Jet3D, I noticed that Jet3D was spending a lot of time converting floats to DWORDs. As we all know, that is an evil operation and should have holy water sprayed all over it. Fear not, as I have exercised that demon. :) I wrote a small inline assembly function that converts a float to a DWORD without resetting the FPU each time. This little function gained us about 5 FPS. I noticed that Genesis has the same issue also which is why I am posting it here.

Code: Select all

inline DWORD FtoDW(float f)
	DWORD				d;

		fld			f
		lea			eax, [d]
		fistp		dword ptr[eax]

	return d;
Just replace the FtoDW() function in the drivers with this and for any float to DWORD (or integer) conversions, use it.